
Love a good instant, random, anonymous 1v1 chat? Well, get your kicks here.

My brother just showed me this.. and there are sites with screenshots showing the funny things people have come up with. I'm sure you can find them.

Good times.
griefer_queafer says...

here is my first encounter:

Stranger: hi
You: ugh. thats so cliche
Stranger: but it says to say hi
Stranger: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: why do you always have to listen to the MAN?
Stranger: see
Stranger: what if its a woman
You: then its still the man
You: *THE man
You: its just da man
You: awww shit
You: so what you wanna talk about?
Stranger: waht?
Stranger: idk
You: waaaaaaaaaaaaaht?
Stranger: m or f
You: both
Stranger: how?
You: god. figah it out
You: what about you?
Stranger: idk what you are tho
You: thats sweet
You: you are a stranger
Stranger: so are you
You: have you ever given yourself a stranger?
You: do you know what that is?
Stranger: no
You: oh k
You: its where you sit on your hand for an hour (or so) and then jerk yourself off
You: the idea is that since your hand is numb, it feels like someone else tuggin'
Stranger: never done that
Stranger: oh
You: lol
Stranger: im a girl
You: hahahahahha
Stranger: waht?
You: im a girl too
Stranger: i kinda figured
You: say WAAAAHT?
Stranger: waaaht
You: i wonder which one of us is going to get bored of the other first?
You: im bettin its gonna be you
You: ....
You: .
You: .
You: .
Stranger: no\
You: nah
You: yah
You: so whats your favorite movie?

vairetube says...

Stranger: Hello stranger!
You: i am going to smoke a fat bowl of weed my friend
You: how about you
Stranger: I don't find the need to advertise my vices over the internet to make me look cool.
You: well i do]
You: anonymously as well
You: so tell me a secret
Stranger: Your personality doesn't need to be based soley on your drug habit.
You: it is integrated in a complex manner
Stranger: I will take your word for it.
You: sometimes i think you will
You: but you never love me for me
You: ive never judged your red name
Stranger: From my point of view, it is YOU with a red name.
You: now im scared
You: i dont know what to say
Stranger: me too hold me dick
You: heheheh
You: indeed i will
You: indeed i will.
Stranger: Have a great summer, stay CUTE.

berticus says...

You: Good evening, random stranger. Are you wearing pants?
Stranger: yes, I am
Stranger: are you
You: Of course! What kind of person do you think I am? Some pantsless psychotic freak that trawls internet chat rooms looking for deviant encounters?
Stranger: I can dream.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

kulpims says...

Stranger: hey\
You: hey back
Stranger: sup
You: absolutely nothing. got anything interesting to say?
Stranger: ooowh
Stranger: how old r ya
You: 35
Stranger: owwwh
You: u say owwwh a lot
You: where ya from?
Stranger: indonesia
You: i'm from slovenia
Stranger: yeahh
You: fuck yeah
Stranger: u m?
You: yes
You: you must be female, right?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: why?
You: i just guessed
Stranger: ooooooooh
Stranger: im only 11 though
Stranger: bye
You: ha
You: bye

pedo bear would approve

MarineGunrock says...

Stranger: horny?
You: Depends.
Stranger: m or f?
You: m
Stranger: f
You: You must be to start off like that.
Stranger: hahaha you guessed it
Stranger: you?
You: I'm a guy. ALways.
Stranger: haha thats true. what would you do if i were strapped to your bed? make me wet
You: Get a ham sandwich.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I crack myself up.

You: Hello!
Stranger: i believe spring man,and you?
You: I believe fall?
Stranger: do you know spring man?
You: I know spring woman.
You: She bake me some brownies once.
You: I eat them, and then feel funny.
Stranger: right,she is super man 's sister.
You: I think I pooped.
You have disconnected.

MarineGunrock says...

HAHAHAHAH! (This is the entire conversation)

Stranger: finland
You: That country the rest of the world hates
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hello
You: Hello
Stranger: ni shi na li ren
You: Uh, ok.
Stranger: 听的懂不. 外国狗
You: I'm not sure why you'd start in English then move to anything else.
Stranger: fuck you very very much
You: Why thank you!
You: Fuck you as well, good sir/madam!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

direpickle says...

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: asl
You: Please find something more interesting to talk about.
Stranger: ok let's talk about you show me your hole
You: What do you feel were the sociopolitical ramifications of the French civil war in the United States?
Stranger: excited
You: Do you like apples?
Stranger: i prefer windows
You: You know, sometimes it feels like we're having two different conversations.
Stranger: excited?
You: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Stranger: ok
You: How many woodchucks could a woodchuck-chucker chuck if a woodchuck-chucker could chuck woodchucks?
Stranger: chuck the fuck up
Stranger: use your tongue to lick my boobs
Stranger: boriiiiiiiiiiiiiing
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

vairetube says...

You: Do you like apples?
Stranger: i prefer windows
You: You know, sometimes it feels like we're having two different conversations. -direpickle

got a giggle out of that

moodonia says...

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Do I smell?

blankfist says...

Stranger: hi
You: Omegle!!!
Stranger: where are you from ?
You: California
You: you?
Stranger: istanbul
You: Oh, cool
Stranger: what are u doing here ?
You: talking to strangers
Stranger: really ?
Stranger: omg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

blankfist says...

Man, I could do this all day...

You: I hate Finland
Stranger: dude me to
You: Sweet!
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: totally
You: I have to throw that out at the beginning, just in case, you know, someone is from Finland...
Stranger: im deff not, from canada
You: We call that America's Attic... Oh snap
Stranger: haha thats some funny shit
You: But, I don't really hate Finland...
You: just Finnish people
Stranger: bahaha alright
You: Finnish people are racist
Stranger: mhhhm!
You: I'm from Instanbul, but was raised on American tv, so I speak like a homeboy
Stranger: hahahaha
Stranger: tight
You: hella
You: They call me Doug E. Labesh in my village
You: My MC name
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Duncan says...

Stranger: Hey,
You: good evening
Stranger: Good Morning?
You: it is clearly night
Stranger: Its morning its 12:23 a.m.
You: no, its 10:23
You: you're lying
Stranger: where are you?
You: earth
Stranger: duh,, like what state-country
You: what are these states you speak of?
Stranger: Um where do you live
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

vairetube says...

You: what does spook mean?
Stranger: idk
You: cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: what does spook mean?
Stranger: what does toilet paper mean?
Stranger: but really it means to scare
You: well.. tissue you wipe with
You: ah
You have disconnected.


You: what does spook mean?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: what does spook mean?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


You: what does spook mean?
Stranger: scare
You: ah
Stranger: what does cracker jack mean?
You: i think it refers to a navy uniform
You: and crunchy candy
Stranger: no. it's a snack.
Stranger: AH. good job.
Stranger: you get a gold star.
You: the cracker jack is the guy on the box
Stranger: no
You: sure he is
Stranger: cracker jack is the candy
You: The traditional sailor's uniform with the back flap and neckerchief is referred to as the "Cracker Jack" uniform by the United States Navy
Stranger: wtf?
You: dont try to fool me
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


inflatablevagina says...

ah.. this is fun... heres mine; (he was very persistent)

Stranger: hi babe m/f?
You: f. big chicken
Stranger: i am vegetrian m
You: does that mean you are opposed to chicken sex though?
Stranger: i oppose lesbi. chicken
You: well sure.. thats just gross
Stranger: are you lesbian?
You: im more of a chicken fucker
You: only male chickens
You: so, no?
Stranger: i just have a cock, no chicken
You: what a let down
You: i came here for hot chicken sex talk
Stranger: tell me about your big boobs
You: they have tattoos of chicken heads on them.
Stranger: and..............................
You: and sores
Stranger: i love chicken especially on the boobs
You: i thought you were a vegetarian?
Stranger: that makes some exception
You: i think that animal testing is really a terrible thing. The things they do to these poor they rip off their heads and make them run around... its so gross
Stranger: then why do you have only head on your boobs?
You: they arent real chickens, dear. They are pictures of chickens
Stranger: that means you can watch headless chicken sex on picture?
You: that doesnt even make sense.
You: i want to fuck the chickens not harm them
You: you're really weird

maatc says...

Stranger: hello
You: Hi, I am really your other you. What do you want to talk about with yourself?
Stranger: haha
Stranger: my other me?
You: no me
You: i mean you
Stranger: hahaha ok then
Stranger: whats up
You: not much, just on omegle to check out what you were up to
You: felt like you had to talk
Stranger: im deeply confused lol
You: see i knew that
You: just let it all out
You: your secret is safe with me
Stranger: alrighty then
You: not sure how to start?
Stranger: bye bye weirdo lol
You: saying bye to me
Stranger: jk but bye
You: is like saying bye to yourself
Stranger: kk bye

inflatablevagina says...

(cont'd chat... when it got interesting again)

Stranger: ya silly talk, change the topic....
You: you im lazy
You: and fat
You: so fat
Stranger: why don't you loose some of it? there are millions of chemicals in the market
You: like crack
Stranger: nice taking to you.keep up chicken sex. i'm going
You: is it because im fat?
Stranger: may be but the night is falling and i've to go home
Stranger: but if you want you can give any of your e-mailing add.
You: no thanks
Stranger: then i guess its gud bye
Stranger: gud bye
You: *good dear, good
Stranger: you don't think we japanese can have good english, do you? well let me say that only one thing that if we were to give any english test right now then i'll surely get more marks than you
You: marked wrong
Stranger: so have fun with your life
You: my life is fun
You: im not from japan
Stranger: ya big fat fun with fats and stiches
You: what?
You: oh you meant *yeah
Stranger: don't make me count your mistakes
You: oh i wasn't counting love. I was fixing
You: counting has numbers in it
Stranger: ok why don't you fix your obeseness first
You: my what?
You: oh yeah, i forgot that I am fat
Stranger: think about it
You: yes I surely will
Stranger: p.s: i'm not japanese
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

inflatablevagina says...

ok this is the last one i will post... its just too fun:

Stranger: horny girl??
You: steven is that you?
Stranger: no
You: where the fuck have you been?
You: ive been fucking blowing up your cell phone for days
Stranger: out door
You: is it Jessica again?
You: oh wait..
You: youre not steven?
Stranger: ...
Stranger: what do you have to say
You: how did you know to call me horny girl then?
Stranger: ??
Stranger: ask you
You: do you think that marriages can last
You: do you want to get married one day?
Stranger: yes or no
Stranger: no
You: explain this to me....... what's the point of cyber sex?
Stranger: do wank with webcam
You: why dont you find a real girl to press her nasty parts on yours?
You: are you really ugly or something?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

peggedbea says...

Stranger: hi
You: lets touch
Stranger: m or f?
You: both
Stranger: wow, it's serious!
You: sometimes i touch my m parts to my f parts
You: but its just the same as having someone else do it
You: id like it if you could do it
Stranger: wow
Stranger: .how?
You: you have hands right?
You: just carress the part of your chosing
You: its not gay i promies
You: *promise
Stranger: wait
Stranger: why?
You: do you want it to be gay?
You: we can do it that way too
You: as a hermaphrodite i have no sexual preference
Stranger: no
Stranger: i must go, i must eat, bye! ;-)

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