Deano says...

Bit late to this but currently I'm using a new tool I've never been that comfy with "traditional" wiki software. This is easy to use, no markup language, you just drag and drop widgets onto pages.

What made me actually sub to it was the ability to create custom forms to collect data. I've not seen this before and it's a killer feature. I've got one page for recording my timesheets and then I can see a list of the submitted forms which in turn can be exported to Excel via CSV. You can also create reports based on submitted form data.

No idea if this is anything of use to you but I like to share stuff that I think is good.

xxovercastxx says...

If you're looking for an all-in-one online service that handles hosting and all the backend stuff, you're probably going to want to use They use MediaWiki which, as said above, is widely used and established.

If you're looking to set up and host your own wiki, I recommend While it doesn't have some of the whiz-bang of MediaWiki, DokuWiki is much easier to maintain and has a much easier syntax. If you're just looking to create documentation (it sounds like you are), it's perfect. Even if you need some of the whiz-bang of MediaWiki, most of it can be accomplished with the plugins.

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