I has a question

In the past, I've fixed some dead videos by uploading replacement videos onto youtube and using that embed (when I couldn't find an embeddable source of comparable quality elsewhere). I felt a little weird, wasn't sure if that would be some sort of "self-link", since I was getting a star point for fixing somebody else's video using a video that I uploaded. But I guess it didn't feel weird enough to ask Sift Talk if something like this has been discussed before.

Anyway, now one of my own videos is dead, and I think I saved a copy of the video to my hard drive when I submitted it to the sift. This puts me in a much weirder situation. It would be very easy to just upload the video to youtube and be done with it, but then I would have a video on here that was submitted by my youtube account, even though the original video wasn't mine.

What am I to do, sift? I don't want to be all gross and self-linky.
cheesemoo says...

Ok, so sort of a gray area, but it seems that people mostly agreed it's okay to upload videos to fix a dead one (but probably not if it's your sift). Thanks for finding that, twiddles!

Arsenault185 says...

I say fix it. Your not going to get another star point for fixing your own dead video. You already got one for sifting it. I don't see anything wrong with uploading to fix it, but be sure to note in the video description or comments that you did so, in case anyone tries to peg you for self linking in the future.

MarineGunrock says...

^Hell no. There are more than enough sifters her willing to post the video to their account that you need not cross into risky territory by hosting your own video.

As far as hosting a video to fix someone else's video - go ahead.

Grimm says...

it's all rather silly if you think about it.

"You can't upload and fix your own dead link! Oh..your gonna give it to your buddy to upload for you? No problem!"

spoco2 says...

I'm with Grimm on this, as long as you have friends here then you can get around any and all self linking issues... "Oooh, I want my youtube vid to be on the sift... I'll just ask my friend to post it... bingo, done."

It's not really anything that can be policed, but it's a real case of abiding by the letter, not the spirit of the law.

Oh, and calvados, if you're going to be a grammar nazi, how can you let go the your's that should have been you're's (yes, I know you can't do two apostrophes like that, sue me)? ('Your not going to get another star point...' and 'Oh.. your gonna give it to your buddy to upload for you? '

twiddles says...

Ha, my blood pressure rises every time I see people use "your" when they mean "you are" or "their" (or god forbid "there") when they mean "they are". I wish I could remove the part of my brain that recognizes the difference, because I feel language as I know it is doomed.

spoco2 says...

Yeah, twiddles, it's about the worst of the lot for me, well, maybe on par with their/there/they're

Plus I feel like beating anyone who uses lol over the head... but that's just me :-/

doogle says...

Yeah - I paused when I saw Arsenault misuse 'your/you're' and I was actually thinking of posting something (likely sarcastic) about it. Boy am I glad I saw twiddles post (and spoco's concurrence). Instead I have to saw something sarcastic about how maybe we should form our own support group to try and get our own channel to pin any topic that has it misused in the comments.

That and how the word "definitely" keeps getting misspelt.

I'm finished. Done.

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