raven says...

Beginning Friday the 13th, the eve of the New Moon, and running until the Full Moon on the 30th, the All Night Horror Show will be presenting a non-stop freakshow of all the Monsters, Murderers and Miscreants we can hunt down and bring back here for your amusement... a veritable Fortnight of Fright!

All members (give me a hollar if yer not already!) are invited to join in the fun and encouraged to contribute to the madness. Whoever contributes the most posts to the HorrorShow within that period will be rewarded handsomely, 2 *saves and 2 *promotes from me!... to be used as designated by the winner, who will also be featured at the HorrorShow for the following two weeks after the full moon!

So start hunting down some utterly fabulous horrorshow material, the contest begins this Friday at 12 am EST!

Wild Card Bonus! I am still desperately seeking a full length version of The Mole People, starring John Agar... if this is posted during the Fortnight of Fright it will count as two... yes, count 'em... TWO posts towards a win!

karaidl says...

Like I said, I found a torrent for the Mole People, but I don't know how the hell to use Bit Torrent. It's too damn technical for me. I already tried and failed. (I was using uTorrent) If anybody else wants to give it a shot, be my guest.

raven says...

My best friend photoshop

I googled all my fav monsters, as well as 'moon+clouds' for the background... arranged them all via layers, erased their original backgrounds, got that all lookin' fine, copied+merged them into a new image, placed a layer of HorrorShow red on top, set that to 'multiply', then in yet another layer, arranged the text on top of all that.

I do love me some photoshop

raven says...

My hands are off choggie my dear, besides, I'm not sure I'm gonna be posting a whole lot for this thing... rather let you guys have at it... I'll start it off, and keep it up if it slows down, but I'd rather leave the best of the stuff for you guys to fight over!

djsunkid says...

I nominate qualm for inclusion in this contest, considering he's just posted one of the greatest horror movies, in its entirety, and it is top-15, i think that an exception should be made and it should be allowed to be added to the horror collective, even if qualm is not yet a member. If all parties are in favour, of course.

raven says...

erm, I sent qualm an invite, but, I'm not gonna bend the rules to the contest, since a large part of it was to specifically have stuff posted to the Horror Show and its too late to do that with that post... I added it to our related vids though and hopefully qualm will join us and find us some more quality viddies for the party!

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