Give the lower-ranked members some love!

Now I am not your father figure, so I'm not going to even attempt to exert excessive influence on the decision-making processes of my fellow sifters. However, I would like to use my newly-endowed diamond bully pulpit to exhort my silver-star and above colleagues to give every lower-ranking member, i.e., bronze star and below, just a little bit of your time by viewing their videos. I'm NOT asking you to auto-upvote everything in their queue; all I'm asking for is just a few minutes of your time every day by viewing their submissions. They deserve that much, and if for no other reason it's because they are the backbone of this little video haven we call home.

We all started off without a video to our names or a single vote upon which we could establish our reputations, therefore we relied on the kindness of strangers who took the time to peruse our submissions to garner the necessary votes to rise to the positions we hold today. Thus we owe it to the future generations of sifters to do the same. ANY community, real or virtual, will wither on the vine without an infusion of fresh blood (and if you've got a problem with my mixed metaphors then you can fellate me, please. And I mean it. PLEASE!) Seriously, how many of us would have cracked the Top 15 New Videos List without the support of members with "P" or bronze stars next to their screen names? My guess? Very few.

The reason I confine this specific request to silver stars and above is because once you have 25 star points or more you basically know what it takes to get a video sifted. You may not LIKE what it takes to achieve this, i.e., submitting LOLcat videos, Ron Paul videos, or using clever titles and/or tags (of which I assure you I am COMPLETELY innocent), but you basically know what it takes to rake in the votes if you decide to choose that path. Whether you choose to post videos that you think are cool or simply copy and past the links from Digg's top videos is your call after that. However that may not be the case with our lower-ranked members, who might simply be choosing videos based on how much they (GASP!) like them.

I'm only taking the time to write this because I believe it is important. Why? Because I remember when I was but a n00b there was a certain diamond member who took the time to rescue one of my videos from oblivion. It was swampgirl, and yes, she is the shiznit. She's taken many a n00b under her loving her arm (including yours truly) and ushered us into a bright, shiny future, full of precious metals and jewels.

And that, my friends, is the goal of this post. I'm not saying that every single n00b must become your pet project. All I'm asking is that you watch videos without prejudice, then cast your vote, and then maybe offer some helpful advice to the poster of the video if that person happens to be relatively new. Whether it's with helping them write better tags and titles or something as simple as telling them that they can vote for their own videos, it ALL adds up.

I was in the Navy, and therefore I went through bootcamp like every other recruit. It was tough, but I made it. Let's get our recruits out of bootcamp and on to becoming fruitful sifters. Anchors aweigh, bitchez!
kronosposeidon says...

^Thanks for making that list, my15.

>> ^MINK:

Thanks for your typical, well thought out response, MINK. Geez, you must have spent HOURS organizing your thoughts to develop such an insightful commentary. I just hope you consider the following reply to your precious nugget of wisdom to be even half as valuable as your one-word epiphany:

Fuck you, hater.

choggie says...

What IS a hater?

A Hater is a a catch-all, euphemism created by rappers and used as a invocation by people who have very little in the way of semantics or adequate verbiage to explain themselves or describe the problems they have relating to the world at large. It is a term that has no meaning in and of itself, save that implied by whatever perception-based, masturbation which precedes it. Another one of the many Neoslangs™ prevalent in modern retrograde societies whose lazy-brained inhabitants, bereft of critical thinking skills, use buzz-words and labels to activate what they think they are able to derive from teh information around them.

In other words, meaningless.

choggie says...

Don't worry Lithuania, we got yer back!

Agree with KronoP, this place has a tendency to get cliquish and static....BUT-some don't come here motivated by star-status....I am racing to 500 vids, but that's cause it's home stretch time...i could care less for mega-votes and high-ranking posts, I am storing vidoe on shelves in order to pull it off when I wish-Oh, that and lambast, rebuke, and eviscerate some of the worst dime-store, fast-food sensibilities to be seen anywhere on a planet hard-struggling to bear the weight of so many useless primates....

Ise always encouraging the new folks....and always looking for someone to pass the fekkin' torch to, once I get tired of listening to all Y'ALLS bullshit!!

I'd nominate karaidl, but he's got a real world to dish it to.....

MINK says...

listen, i am sorry to be rude, i could have written a whole 500 words on why what you said is retarded bullshit... but it would have been 500 words of more bullshit. meta bullshit, if you will. and anyway you would have disagreed, so what's the point, right?

i view videos based on title, thumbnail, category.
poster's star level hardly ever comes into it, although now the queue is FUBAR i have been checking out more members discarded lists, based on seeing one other video i like from that user. regardless of star level.

so i called bullshit because this is handwringing and not useful. IMO.

"won't somebody think of the children!!!!!!"

the biggest problem for noobs is that their first post is almost guaranteed to be discarded after 2 days, regardless of quality, because the queue is FUBAR.

btw, saying "fuck you hater" is a million times more retarded than calling bullshit.

MarineGunrock says...

1) Choggie: My hat off to you for the most easily read comment you've ever posted
2) I agree with MINK, on that I view based on title, tags, and channels. I vote based on content. I don't care who submitted it. The only time that has a role is if the video is "meh" and it has 9 votes and is about to expire.

smibbo says...

yerboth full of it; before I went gold I had vids that got tossed that would be submitted a week later by a gold+ memeber and get sifted that fucking day. It happened way more than once so don't give me that "I am unbiased, I only vote based on quality" BS

People get biased towards those they like. THat's the meaning of bias. MAYBE you don't totally ignore probies and below-silvers submissions but I betcha you have a tendancy to pass on by under-silvers more often if you are pressed for time and I KNOW people vote for diamonds without viewing the vid quite frequently because in discussion people often mention voting for somnething they were not 100% sold on just cuz they "trust" the submitter.

You guys are so full of it.

choggie says...

sure you dinna mean to say
choggie-crotchety soul who has nothing positive to contribute because there is a not-so-secret glee in being grumpy

cause hater don't mean a thing to me, and iffn people would learn from the critiques that come their way from time to time, they might just free themselves from the Rigor-mortifying of head in ass disease.....

You have to be a friend to make friends.....
Friends are like leaves on a spruce tree, they bud, they fall, they grow again, etc.....dime-a-dozen

You may only have a handful of allies your entire lifetime, friends are easy-
Acquaintances??? How many grains of sand in an hourglass???

You got me 180 degrees wrong, toots.

MarineGunrock says...

before I went gold I had vids that got tossed that would be submitted a week later by a gold+ memeber and get sifted that fucking day.

You probably sifted it during a slow part of the day. Don't think that diamonds don't know the best time to submit something.

It happened way more than once so don't give me that "I am unbiased, I only vote based on quality" BS

You don't want it? Too bad, because that's what I'm giving. I DO NOT vote OR view based on submitter's name. There's a couple people here that I do not like, yet I do not hesitate to vote on a video that like. Yes, I am more inclined to help someone out if the video is going to expire and I originally thought it was "meh", but there's still videos that I just didn't like, even from my favorite sifters. So don't call me a fucking liar.

but I betcha you have a tendancy to pass on by under-silvers more often if you are pressed for time

Why would I? I'm here to watch videos. I pass on by whatever title, tags and channels don't pique my interest. If it just so happens that a diamond has crated a better title, then it's not my fault. But if a probie or non-rate has a video with a better title, I'm more apt to watch that one.

You guys are so full of it.

Thanks, I love you too.

kronosposeidon says...

Listen, I vote on quality too, not because I feel pity for anyone. I'm simply saying that I think many newbies are overlooked because they're not a known quantity yet. I know this because recently I resubmitted several videos that I tried to do when I was new here but died in queue, but this time they made it out of queue in less than 36 hours. Why? They're the EXACT same videos, after all. I think it's because I've been around here for a while and people know my body of work by now so they're willing to view other videos of mine, whereas newbies easily get passed over. All of this is basically what smibbo said, but I think it's worth repeating.

And MINK: I think one of the many definitions of "hater" would be someone who uses the word "retarded" to describe just about anything they don't like or disagree with. Like this. And like this. And like this. And like this. And like this. My, you're just so fucking eloquent! Maybe you can grace us with writing "retarded" in French too! Sorry choggie, but your friend MINK's a hater, plain and simple. I know it, smibbo knows it, raven knows it, virtually everyone here knows it. I think most of us put it up with it because we'd rather see MINK being an asshole here than drowning kittens. Maybe that's why you thought quantummushroom got railroaded, i.e., because he's a kindred spirit, MINK. Shitstains like you are a dime a dozen at, which is probably why you're here instead: So you can be the biggest shitstain in our little video pond.

So to reiterate my previous point but with more MINKish panache: Fuck you, retarded hater.

choggie says...

I dunno man, retarded covers a lot of territory...not necessarily the developmentally disabled MINK is referring to....s

MINK, why do you get frustrated and act an asshole sometimes???
choggie, (insert same question here)?
All users of videosift (ask yourselves and answer objectively, the same question)

If you want to point a finger anywhere, try a mirror this daily for a month, and see what happens.

MINK says...

wow kronos, calling me names really shows how much of a non hater you are.

and btw, i went on a "retarded" spree for a laugh, because i'm getting roasted, and dotdude suggested people check my previous comments, so i thought i would make them an amusing self parody. but hey, i can't force you to have a sense of humour.

i suppose you think i come here to honestly portray my true personality, and that I act like this in real life. maybe you think i call myself MINK in real life. maybe you are that simplistic.

thing is, i never hated on you, or attacked your personality, i just called bullshit on your essay, which you posted in order to get attention and feedback. that i gave you.

you've since revealed that you have more hate in you than i do.

Krupo says...

>> ^smibbo:
yerboth full of it; before I went gold I had vids that got tossed that would be submitted a week later by a gold+ memeber and get sifted that fucking day. It happened way more than once so don't give me that "I am unbiased, I only vote based on quality" BS
People get biased towards those they like. THat's the meaning of bias. MAYBE you don't totally ignore probies and below-silvers submissions but I betcha you have a tendancy to pass on by under-silvers more often if you are pressed for time and I KNOW people vote for diamonds without viewing the vid quite frequently because in discussion people often mention voting for somnething they were not 100% sold on just cuz they "trust" the submitter.
You guys are so full of it.

Really? The only context where I would imagine that even making any sense is because you've watched 7 minutes of a 9 minute video and you trust that the last 2 minutes don't have something that's going to make you change your mind. I usually won't touch the vote buttons until the vid's done though, regardless of who submitted it.

BTW, no applause for the immediate spiral into ad hominem, but thank you for calling a stop to that. I'm more worried about 'retarded' stupidily angry comment wars rather than who votes on what where. Preserve the SiftCivility please - thanks.

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