Featured Member Comment Review

Featured Member Comment
"Un-tooned" Jessica Rabbit by Pixeloo - “Now I can feel a lot less "guilty" when I beat off to a picture of Jessica Rabbit” read more

In context, comments like these can be really funny. When they are put at the top of every page as an ad for how "enlightened" the commentary here is at Videosift, I don't think they're likely to have potential users thinking, "Oh yeah, I can't wait to read more of that - sign me up!"

I don't mean to pick on rottenseed's or anyone else's comments. The point is that the existing community finds many comments humorous or otherwise worthwhile often because of the context it's in and knowledge of the commenter. When taken alone it can look like little more than youtube style drive-by comments, except that we're apparently so proud of them, we put them at the top of every page!

A big part of what makes the commentary here so good is that it often flows like a good party conversation, whether it's serious or silly. In many cases there are a few primary commenters on a thread with several others chiming in with useful info, a good one-liner, an insightful new perspective, etc. I think that is what we want to highlight and show off.

So, I renew my suggestion that instead of having a single featured comment, we have a featured thread, changing every 4-8 hours or so. And I think we should include older posts as well. Off the top of my head, the number of comments would probably be a decent heuristic for determining thread quality, though I suspect that can be refined quite a bit. But I wouldn't want to see it limited by any measure of comment voting, as that would exclude dozens of great threads from before comment voting really started to take off.

GreatBird says...

I would never disparage rottenseeds comments at all, despite sometimes being on the receiving end of his sharp wit. I do think that you have a great point though. A single out of context comment like that might give the wrong impression. I also think the idea of a featured thread, possibly calculated by the most activity in the past 24 hours, would be a better idea. In fact, the other night I found myself spending over an hour reading a lengthy thread from a post that was over seven months old. I don't think I would ever be doing that on YouTube.

Sarzy says...

Right now the featured comment -- also from the same video -- is "GOD! I am SO tired of jerking off to this. . . . Not really." courtesy of KP. So that thread is just a treasure trove of inappropriate and vaguely disturbing comments.

blankfist says...

Right now featured at the top: " Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - “Cunt-gargling. Vagina-swilling. Extrrrrrravaganza. GAMETRADERS ROBINA. Ess ess bee bee. Honestly I don't care anymore if his reviews are valid or not, these things are hilarious.” read more by cheesemoo"

kronosposeidon says...

If I saw comments like the ones mentioned (especially my own, of course), I'd be more inclined to visit this place if I were a stranger. Of course this is just one man's opinion, but I think the majority of internet surfers aren't such delicate flowers that they'll be clutching their pearls if they see the words "cunt gargling". Also, if the community gave these comments enough votes to make it to the Featured Member Comment section, should we be ashamed of that? That's like saying you're ashamed of this community's collective taste, IMHO.

Take the Yahtzee quote attributed to cheesemoo: Right now that video is popular, like all Yahtzee reviews. That's part of the reason people come here, members and non-members alike, so the lion's share of people who click the Play button for a Yahtzee video knows full well what they're getting into. Should we be ashamed of that video too, especially when it reaches #1 like they almost always do? Some will say yes because they despise him, but the majority has clearly spoken strongly in favor of Yahtzee.

I think the new Featured Member Comment section is awesome. It gives this place more personality, even if that personality is occasionally raunchy, because most of us get a little raunchy on occasion. It humanizes the place more. Also it beats the hell out of trying to think of a catchy new slogan to pin to the top of the page.

Now if this comment gets enough votes to make it to the Featured section, I'll edit the first sentence to include "poop" and "vagina". Give the people what they want, I say.

kronosposeidon says...

And here's an idea about NSFW comments: Make a checkbox at the bottom of each comment box for NSFW that the individual user can check, and then filter them out for those who prefer to block out NSFW material. That way they can also be screened out of the Featured Comment Section. I hope that wouldn't be too much work. If it isn't, then also give Gold members and above the ability to flag someone else's comment as NSFW, in case the original submitter simply forgot.

Believe me, I'm not wild about comment filtering. I'm kind of addicted to free, uncensored speech. However, if the membership as a whole or the admins in particular like the idea, then I will not complain if my suggestion is embraced. If this idea does become a reality and some of you choose to filter out all NSFW material, don't complain if some comment threads don't make sense, because YOU will be the one who made the decision to block out part of the conversation, and no one else.

Farhad2000 says...

I like where Jonny is going, threads are much better. But I guess it would take alot of work since it would require something that would count amount of comments under a video, see if a majority of them score high and then present it? But how do you present a thread?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes, maybe just have a featured thread in that same space that we have the featured comment in, with just the name of the thread, and a link to it. That way at least everyone knows where the action is.

Maybe a *feature invocation? Perhaps that's the elusive silver star power ...

Farhad2000 says...

Right now I don't feel it cycles enough, can't it reload to a new random applauded comment on page refresh? I surfed around the Sift and all I kept seeing is...

"Undressing Scarlett Johansson with Photoshop - “Those boobs are totally fake.” read more by thegrimsleeper"

I saw it already, if I surfed through pages and a new comment came up I would be more interested in checking them out, but if it repeats too much am too willing to skip over them entirely eventually because its like an AD you can't remove.

I still think it should cull comments from ALL videos not just 12 Hour ones. We are looking for exposure of everything the sift offers.

blankfist says...

Personally, I like this implementation of rotating featured comments. I wouldn't change a thing. However, from a marketing standpoint, I can see this could be a nightmare. It's great to allow everyone a platform for their expression in your business model, but trolling for new users using arguably controversial comments repopulating on the top of your site is possibly an unfavorable decision.

I may like the idea of allowing users to flag comments with nsfw tags, though with these sort of changes arising quickly these days, at some point I fear the functionality of this site may become too overburdened with features and rules that it's simply too complicated for it's own good. Simple is better. I think the smarter solution for the rotating quotes at the top may be in the form of a bad word filter. I may be able to get my hands on one from a major site client. I made a nice PHP Array version a long while back so if you're up for that, dag, tell me and I'll see if I can locate it.

K0MMIE says...

Any way you look at it... the VS comments are a TRILLION times better than YouTube comments. I say keep it up there. At least our childish comments have good grammar.

schmawy says...

...invocation? Perhaps that's the elusive silver star power ...

I think the solution is there somewhere. Things seem to work best around here when put in the hands of trusted members.

snoozedoctor says...

A voice of conservatism here. If I see a book with a vulgar title and lewd picture on the cover, I'm not likely to buy it. (Granted, it's damn embarrassing at the checkout). However, if between the covers it gets a bit bawdy, in a funny way, I don't mind. You might say it's two-faced, but it's the same reason I wear clothes when I go outside. I have some lewd parts, but I don't want to put them on prominent display.

jonny says...

snoozedoctor - you've got my point exactly. I was even about to make a comment about going to a job interview naked.

I don't want to censor any comments anywhere on the site (except for spam), and I don't think we have anything to be ashamed of (for the most part). But, the featured comment is a first impression for a lot of passers-by. It's not that I think some of the comments there are inappropriate in any way, rather that I want to offer potential new users a more complete picture, a context in which they can see why this place is better. I don't think the current implementation does that very well at all.

I agree that implementing a featured thread box would be harder. The design I have in mind is probably way too much work. I imagined a compact scrollable (maybe auto-scrolling) box with the entire thread in it. I'd also like to see it line up with the main column, but maybe that's just a personal preference. And I'd also prefer to see it remain more automated, but only because I think it would often get stale if left to user selection.

blankfist - I think you're right about bloating the site with features, especially when some older functionality isn't working properly. But if we're going to have something like this at all, then I say we make it as useful and good looking as it can be.

kronosposeidon says...

Points well taken, everyone. I hope there's a middle-ground where we can still promote comments on the front page without being overly censorious, but if not then some other modification may be necessary.


rottenseed says...

how about: get rid of the featured comments.

I promise my life was great without it...

(even when I was living with the guilt of jacking off to a cartoon version of Jessica Rabbit)

oxdottir says...

I would like a rotating set of featured most commented threads much more. I often miss the hot topics, and find them weeks later, when no one is looking. I would appreciate that, AND, I can see what the topic is and decide if I want to go. Certain topics are more likely to get the "witty" frat-boy type comments, and if that's not my thing, I needn't go.

oxdottir says...

The current featured comment on my screen is about blankfist's cock and balls. I fail to see how having that as a featured comment does anything useful for the community.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What - you're saying that blankfist's cock and balls shouldn't be featured? Have you seen them?!?

I like the idea of the NSFW comment tag. Or maybe featuring an entire thread instead of just a comment. Expect some kind of an update soon.

oxdottir says...

Oh, I have no doubt that there are any number of ways I could enjoy learning more about said cock and balls. As part of the advertised quintessential VS comment just isn't one of them.

I'm not down on blanksift for the comment, for having the equipment, or for the humor involved in the whole combo. Just...as a featured comment. meh.

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