Everyone Re-Login By Friday

In order to migrate everyone's password over to the new site when we launch, you will want to make sure you have simply logged out and logged back in one time by Friday night. If you don't do this, your password will no longer work on the new server and you'll have to have a new one generated before you'll be able to login.

Pardon this minor inconvenience, but it is part of our making your passwords and accounts a bit more secure. Thanks!
gorgonheap says...

Finally no more pligg defects! Now we have no one to blame but ourselves!... Uh do we really want VS 3? You know seeing as how it will absolve the admins of responsibility for a failure. After all why blame yourself when you can blame others!
It's the American way!

drattus says...

Almost missed it myself. One of my dogs was killed by fireants so I haven't been around much for several days to deal with it, wasn't pleasant and I was fond of her.

Looking forward to the new server though.

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