VideoSift Podcast Episode 2

We did it. We made another one. Click on the image above to download the MP3. You may or may not be able to find it in your favourite podcast app.

In this, the second episode of the VideoSift Podcast, here's what Lucky and I talked about:

Show Notes

A heated exchange in a John Oliver thread
That Atlas robot video (watch this one too)
A teddy bear from your nightmare
the Hack Attack
Someone else who I'm not linking to
That time VideoSift was Clarice Starling
The Loebner Prize
Cable (the time travelling guy from the next DeadPool)
Catelyn Stark is not John Snow's Mum (Duh Dag!)
HBO Now $14.99 (Not HBO GO)
Continuum on NetFlix
Life on Mars
Limitless (TV)
The Expanse (TV)
My Sassy Girl

See you in a fortnight!
Sagemind says...

Smooth, Dag, your voice would be a great Radio voice.
The both of you should consider a YouTube Channel talking about tech, tech reviews, video commendatory and so on. Just a thought.

Sagemind says...

lol - Cable is the son of Cyclops and Jean Grey's clone.
I must be a geek, but I've been waiting from the beginning of the x-men movies for Cable and Bishop. They had Bishop in the Alt universe in the last X-movie but we didn't really get to see him much. I'm hoping he comes back with Cable.

kulpims says...

Continuum season one is ok, but don't bother watching the rest cause it sucks. there's a great new sci-fi show called The Expanse and I've also been watching The Colony which is quite promising so far ... As for Life on Mars I'd recommend watching the british version. I found Limitless extremely boring and unimaginative, didn't watch it past episode two
btw -- Choggie, are you there, you reading this? I miss your cajun cooking videos on yt

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