Embeddable Playlists Anyone? (don't click - just a picture)

Playlists are almost my favorite feature- but I've been thinking it would be nice to provide an option to make them portable. You could embed it elsewhere, give it to your friends and each time you update it would be pushed out to whoever has your playlist as well.
I was also thinking that "public playlists" would be fun. This would allow Sifters to build playlists as a group.
What do you think? Any other features that would be good for something like this? Anyone want to help create the player? We pay in t-shirts.

That would be excellent to put in my big bag of internet. I'll put it right next to the lolcats and top ten lists.
Looks sweet! this would definitely be a *quality addition!
Would you be able to remotely vote them up or down in that window?
Would be cool to have one for each channel, too!
Would be a bit like Mogulus, but with the ability to watch clips non linear.
Love it!
Awarding dag with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by maatc.
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Thanks, that's a good point - it would be good to integrate voting.
I still clicked it.
And I've always wanted to be able to add things to other playlists, and I wouldn't mind if people added to mine - so long as the owner retains total control.
I liked it when we could submit videos to playlists. I do miss it so. Ill have an order of embeded playlist, to go.
Viva la VideoSift
this would totally rock. i would help with the typography if you send me .fla
these ideas rule.
I don't have time to help coding the player (nor the knowledge, actually), but I will be able to test it if you need.
Not sure you'd want to do it in Flash, however, because it looks like you want to have the whole thing be embedable, and I don't think it would be possible (or at the very least not a good idea) to try and embed a Flash player inside a Flash file like that. Could prove to be super buggy if it did work.
If you want to use Ajax, you may run into some issues with running javaScript from a restricted page, such as myspace. It's worth looking into, for sure. I've only built Flash versions of embedable players, myself.
Yes! Raven Like! Double Plus Good Oh Great and Glorious Leader!
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It is possible to embed clips like this in Flash wrappers. I've seen a few examples out there. It might be a bit beyond my Flash abilities- though I will try - unless a true Flash dev person steps up to the plate.
totally love this idea. can't help with the coding (the last time I did any coding was back in the day of COBOL) but will love to have the thing..... smibbo want!!!
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Come on smibbo - can't you write it in COBOL for us? We could run it on ATMs then.
my actionscript is out of date unfortunatley, seeing as i hate flash so much.
could use an iframe couldn't you?
heh heh... embedded video players in ATM machines... you know, I'm sure that would fly somehow, somewhere....
Oh wait, I could code it in VB6, eh? EH? *snerk*
Dag you crack me up.... *totters off with her walker* you young'uns and yer fancy flashy-code...
Yes, dag, you're right with it being possible to embed Flash players within a Flash shell, though it may still be impossible for some players. I had built a player for Disney, and another company tried to embed it into a Flash shell. The only problem was that the Flash player was using _root, so once you embed it a level deeper into a Flash shell, the _root changes thus breaking the player. I think it may still be broken in the Flash shell, though I did give them a fixed version (I don't think they updated it, though). You can see it here: http://disney.go.com/disneypictures/pirates/atworldsend/pirateplayer.html
I posted that url on another sift talk post somewhere, but I can't remember what for... I'm really not trying to pimp my portfolio. Haha.
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