Editing someone's tags that can't exceed 40 characters...

I was editing a video submission and noticed there was no limit in typing in the form. I know there's a checker when hitting save, but shouldn't the form be only up to 40 characters as well so people don't have to hit Save button to see if it is acceptable?

Basically, the form should be like new video submissions with their tags form.
joedirt says...

technically, vids should be set to 40 when you enter them. And when you edit them, it shouldn't enforce to 40 char limit. That way you can add and not have to cheat every char.

Why is this such a huge thing? limit? Ok, how about edit limit is 55 chars?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I did this. I found it disconcerting that comments everywhere else go oldest to newest and just in profiles they are reveresed. It seems unituitive. I think we need a select box to allow people to order comments in whatever direction they want.

winkler1 says...

I agree that newest comments first is better, otherwise it's likely that people won't realize there's a new comment.

A private message feature seems more appropriate (dang users and feature creep )

Krupo says...

Yeah, I liked the old method, although I did get used to the new flip.

As for the 40-limit, I think I already bitched about that - can't we have a "counter" displayed telling us how many characters we have left? Shouldn't be too hard... unless you're balancing keeping the Sift up with family and a day job....

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