Dupeof takes away too many votes

I don't think I am imagining things.. One of my recent submissions was a dupe. It had 18 (or 17 .. looks 18 when I count the votes from the new video) votes when I did *dupeof . However, my total votes went from 21 918 to 21 891 .. which is a loss of 27 votes.

My dupe is http://www.videosift.com/video/Just-lock-this-guy-up-and-keep-him-away-from-gas-stations?noredirect

Votes went to

I am happy to do dupeof to my dupes, unless I end up losing extra ~ 10 votes every time

Is this a bug, or am I just crazy?
mintbbb says...

Even if some people voted for both, I shouldn't have lost more votes than the video had. It had 17 when I read the comment about it being a dupe. I think it got one extra by the time I had typed the dupeof link (mine being the first vote moved to the original, followed by 17 other names).

I wrote down my total votes before and after the dupeof, and like I said, it went down 27 votes instead of 18. It isn't a big deal in this case, but there are some videos that get way more votes before being declared dupes, and they might lose a lot more, if this is a bug.

I still love the dupeof command, just being a bit paranoid now!

lucky760 says...

You're right; it was another bug.

There was a different bug related to this that I fixed a while back, but there was another little bit where stupid siftbot had a typo and was doubling up on the vote subtractions. All affected user stats have been fixed.

Sorry and thanks for reporting. Btw, have I said lately how much I can't believe that you're in the top 15 TEN Sifters of all time when it seems like just last week that you were unstarred and hit the top 15 Sifters of the week? Man you've been busy!

mintbbb says...


And oh, I tend to get a bit obsessed and overexcited when I pick a new hobby! Besides, this is so much fun.

And MUHAHAHAHA! I have more star points than NetRunner!

Erm, I mean, happy to be in the Top 10!

>> ^lucky760:
You're right; it was another bug.
There was a different bug related to this that I fixed a while back, but there was another little bit where stupid siftbot had a typo and was doubling up on the vote subtractions. All affected user stats have been fixed.

Sorry and thanks for reporting. Btw, have I said lately how much I can't believe that you're in the top 15 TEN Sifters of all time when it seems like just last week that you were unstarred and hit the top 15 Sifters of the week? Man you've been busy!

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