Demoted? I was MIA?

Ok, So I got back to the States and noticed that due to several dead links I'd been demoted from a shiny silver star to a not as shiny bronze star. Needless to say I was bummed (I was so close to gold!) So should we demote sifters based on current posts or should we keep publish posts even if they get discarded? (personally I'd like my published marks back but I'm curious how others feel about it.)
karaidl says...

If only we could make them...

Speaking of honesty, this wouldn't be such a problem for some users if people would take two damn seconds of their time to tell the user that their video is dead.

bluecliff says...

you want to engineer people?!
You bastard!
Behind that shallow exterior there obviously lies a small deranged person.

But seriously - yes, that would be polite and good.

choggie says...

You may have had a silver star upon your return, had it not been for the herniated efforts of one,eric3579, look to he, the closet opener, the stalwart with time to burn, for burning bright bronze yer silver, ain't it better that yer star is truly earned and not sleaziliy gained by posteing tripe that will soon die????...Like anything related to Michael Whore's new film, "CRAPPO"??

gorgonheap says...

Aw shucks Choogie, Your such a pal. Ok I've been thinking about this a lot. And by that I mean for a couple seconds now. Demoting is probably for the best. Course I was in the middle of India and only checked my e-mail every two weeks but for slackers who up a take off. It's probably the best way for keeping the sift clean and current.

Cronyx says...

What if they can't fix the link because there are no other links to it? That's hardly their fault. By removing their points for events outside of their control, it's tantamount to saying "you never contributed", even though they did. People were still able to watch and enjoy the video while it was active, which should be reflected in the points awarded for their participation.

In reply to your comment:
Yes, users should lose their published posts. Consider this - If they didn't, what's the motivation for repairing dead links?

gorgonheap says...

I Dunno, I think the recognition should still be noted. I had some posts that I could have reposted but had no way of doing due to my circumstances. I feel in a way that my contributions are forgotten. But then again there are a lot of people who are into the sift for a couple months then drop it. So I guess what the true question is, is this: What does a star (or Diamond) mean? Is it a way to rank people on their current preformance, or a way to mark their contributions throughout the years?

karaidl says...

"What if they can't fix the link because there are no other links to it?"

"I had some posts that I could have reposted but had no way of doing due to my circumstances."

There are just too many exceptions we could make to this rule, so we don't make any. Dead is dead, no matter the reason.

Currently star rankings measure longetivity over anything else, but this will change in VS3, when we'll be able to see our dead videos, so they won't go unnoticed. That way, it will measure both current and past contribution.

looris says...

Speaking of honesty, this wouldn't be such a problem for some users if people would take two damn seconds of their time to tell the user that their video is dead.

karaidl, i don't agree with you here.


well, this is a SOFTWARE bug. When somebody calls a *dead, sift sends (or SHOULD send) an email to the poster. if he doesn't, it's either a bug in the sift or in the email provider.

having the *dead-er be requested of also PM-ing the poster would be a waste of time, and it's a stupid thing in the third millenium, when this kind of thing can be (and thus MUST be) automated.

karaidl says...

I never get any emails. I think I've only gotten three, and the last one was that the Sports Sift had a new video, like I cared. I always check the boxes asking if I want to receive emails on dead videos, but I never get them. And no, they're not in my spam box.

James Roe says...

Karaidl, it's because you have an aol email.... ick, anyway we won't pay their guaranteed email delivery fee because its like 30 cents per email. There have been some other people reporting issues with it. My guess is that they have flagged us as spam mail.

karaidl says...

Hmmm... might be time to start using Firefox full time and open up a Gmail. I take it I'm not worth 30 cents per email? Oh, I am SO going to Videobomb.

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