Critttter goes Golllld!

Breaking news from Critter corner, beloved "The Squink" Critttter goes GOLD! Known best for off-kilter music sifts of yore, and biting sense of humor Critttter joined only this past December and has managed to turn the Sift on it's ear more than once. Could be charged with instigating the great *cheese riot of '08 with the following submission (whadaya say, let's bring the shame and all vote and make it her no. 1 vid, shall we?)
Here are a few choice Critttterisms:
Oklahoma State Rep. Goes On Anti-Gay Tirade
>> ^critttter:
Eureka Springs is controlled by the gays!? Holy shit! I should have bought property!
How To Remove All Evidence of PR0N on Your Computer
>> ^critttter:
is there a mac version of this? I mean, I'm just here by accident, but as long as I'm here...
Brian Wilson - Inspired by Demonic forces?
>> ^critttter:
I lived in Brian Wilson briefly in '99 - I was between jobs. He ate too many Frito Lay products, so I moved on to David Crosby. I was drinking alot, but his liver took the hit.
Don't forget to visit the profile, there's a lot to like!
So let's give it up for the Critttter! And remember everyone, that's FOUR t's.
Congratulations critt(tt)er, its only a matter of months before you rack up enough points to RULE THE SIFT
Grats oh 4 legged scuttler
Good job, Mlle. Critttter. For one who is biologically incapable of humor you crack me up sometimes. Just think how much funnier you'd be if you were a man?
Huge congrats there! Hope to see you get that 100-point star soon, followed by the ever-so-elusive diamond. Nice work!
^careful KP, The Squink plays fast and loose with that downvote button, you know.
I had to post "Hamster Love" to counteract "Muskrat Love." It was necessary. Critttter, your queue is pivotal. Keep it that way.
Critttter's sportin' a gold crown I see . . . oh, wait that's from the "cheese" campaign.
I loves me my crittter. She's generous. She's clever. and she has a kick ass avatar.
hold on to that cheese, darling - when I was browsing your published list I found a corpse of Sharon Jones and stole that golden crown from you, temporarily. I'm searching the tubes for replacement as I type (multitasking). others are welcome to engage in this search&rescue mission as well...
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Congrats Crittter - it feels like only 3 weeks ago that you were turning sliver ...
what a queue! No wonders you made gold.
every damn site (and I searched like 100 in the last half an hour) used the same yt embed, finaly I found this. Congrats, crit4er
Congrats, Critttttttttter! Well played, sir. Well played!
ass gravy
Oh, and before I forget... *quality
Awarding schmawy with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by blankfist.
Congrats, critttter! Bang a gong!
Stickying this post at the top of Sift Talk - sticky requested by kronosposeidon.
To my most favorite CRITTTTER of them all! I always do look forward to your presence here, and I hope that you keep gracing us all with it.
LOL @ one-eyed Squink! Congratttts to you!!!!
What's going on in here! I'm not gold! Thanks alot, Sharon damn Jones! And Kulpims. Forget it. Blow out the candles and turn on the lights. Glam rock doesn't sift. Let that be a lesson to you all. Although it sure looks interesting.
One Star point away from fifty, Kulpims finds a dead video, finds a Flash replacement that I can't post until I reach 50 star points. If I were funny, and a man, I would be requesting that my balls be released.
Congrats! Uh...when you actually hit it, that is.
Yap yap yap, arf arf GRRRRRR! etc etc...
World peace! World Peace! You may all resume your regularly scheduled activities! Thank you Kronosposeidon! It took a Man! I'm gold! Do not search my queue for dead videos for at least a few hours please!
Maze n'an' thanks-hoo-ray for yorn and youin'-way to make all the gals shine on-!Wheee, do a jig-sleep and wake another 75,000 times prior to your next exit...and that on pain-killerz-
As pointed out by Schmawy, I should be saying "Well played, ma'am. Well played." Sorry, crittter, I'm not much for knowing people's sex by their avatars.
^ aw Blankfist you didn't have to fess up! Coulda just changed it. But that brings up a good question? Just what sex is The Squink? To be honest I don't know the gender of my avatar. This might be the reason for some of my er... confusion.
As an added bonus to the Gold star, Critttter's sex tape has been leaked to the internet!
YAY! good job cretin! i mean crittttttttter
I'm proud that you've sacrificed your very own love life to help contribute some quality videos!
Kudos Critttter!
Well done Critttter!
Congrats to one of the most lovable sifters on the sift. YAY Critttter and Squink!
Congatttts critttter!
And remember, don'tttt call her a 'he' lestttt Issykitttty bear them claws... I feel sorry for DTTTTF's back....
Congrats, great music choices.
I can't help but feel that I've been overtaken. Oh well, the gold always goes to the hip young dudes and dudettes. Congrats on the gold.
Congrats to our favorite rat on a leash!
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