Comment of the Year

Is there actually an award for Comment of the Year, or does it need to be created? Because there are some really great ones out there so far.

I like the idea of giving the winner an extra star point, or a congratulatory pot brownie party.

Any thoughts?
thinker247 says...

Wow. I don't think any comment could beat that one. Can we just make MG emperor of VideoSift?

If by numbers, he obviously wins. And nomination would need different categories, I guess. That's too much for this procrastinator to handle.

>> ^schmawy:
Something we do by the numbers, or by nomination? '08's top comment is, um, let's see...

schmawy says...

I think it's a swell idea. How 'bout "most underrated comment". Might be my peculiar tastes, but I've seen a lot of hilarious 2-pointers that should have been starred.

Oh, and Blankfist, ^that one's surely going to the top!

alien_concept says...

I was gonna do this, had the idea after someone metioned a comment to me, but as usual I bailed. And I totally agree with Schmawy, there are some gems out there, that people don't seem to notice. Maybe we should have a competition to see who can find the randomest comments that have gone unnappreciated. I think most people will remember this one though, very funny.

Don't worry everybody, i speak jive.

He said "What ho old chally-chapperston, there appears to be a wing-ed insect of some description attempting to make a jolly of a landing in my old mouth-a-roonie. Be a good chap and let's make haste to leave this general vicinity of country description, my eyesight is giving me a pickle of a spot of bother to boot! Wotwotwot?"

schmawy says...

One of my personal favorites, at four votes; the story of Swampgirl and the Angel of Mercy, Barry Gibb...

>> ^swampgirl:
Barry Gibb almost hit me with his car once.
It was the summer of 79, I was about 11 I think. I was vacationing in Daytona Beach with relatives. We swam all day, everyday. It could get a little dangerous running between the cars on the way in and out the water. You may [not] be able to now, but back then you could drive on the beach.
My cousins had left the water and were almost back to the hotel. I on the other hand was trailing behind.
Running as fast as I could to catch up, I almost ran smack into an oncoming yellow Corvette. I tripped on my float too and fell flat on my face. I got up and looked at the driver. Barry Gibb.
He was there, feathered winged hair-do and everything! Ok, he had dark glasses, but that didn't matter damnit.
I gaped for about 5 seconds, then ran back and told everyone. They laughed. Why didn't I speak to him and get his autograph or something? Duh.
I don't know, I was just a stupid kid. It was him though.


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