Choggie Wields the Diamond!!!
Our most colorful wordsmith has earned the diamond! No one is safe now.....
Thanks Choggie for your irreverent approach to sifting and showing us the "other side" of the human mind.
Great job and thanks!
Thanks Choggie for your irreverent approach to sifting and showing us the "other side" of the human mind.
Great job and thanks!
Uh oh! Now we are all in trouble!
Great work Choggie! Gratz
Way to go choggie, I can't wait to see what you sift up now with your new found powers.
and one of my favs
Siggy soggy siggy soggy oy oy OY! Huzzah!, *congrats! etc., etc., etc. Some of my recent favorites from the chogmeister:
Excerpts from the Gong Show
Bernie Dexter Pinup Queen (rowr!)
Maggie Flanders: Baptism
And take a trip back to yester-year with choggie’s first (?):
Kylie Minogue’s Bullride
Enjoy your sparkle!
Congrats Choggie
Always great vintage posts from the past.
Some of my favorites:
Plympton - Your Face!
Ken Nordine - Yellow
Goldfrapp - Train
Harry The Hipster
There goes the neighborhood.
well done mate, lovin the music posts especially.
*Congrats Choggs!
The Sift would be a hell of a lot duller and less colourful without you!!!
grats choggie
Alright! Choggie can post from anywhere he wants now! This could mean trouble...
congrats choggie!
from the ridiculous...
to the sublime...
and back again!
choggie can kiss my grits.
What is with the love-in? He used to be a polarizing figure.
best source of vintage music on this sift if you don't count swampgirl . . .
And those comments . . .all those glorious comments.
Congrats choggie, well earned!
Tradin a star for some fine jewelry with all those sparklies . . . well earned for true . . . ole siftybot fetched you one, ‘bout time – kept ya pacin’ for sure . . .long ways to next to the next dimension . . . when ya spawnin’ ya new viddy sect . . . the joinas awaitin’ the splashy hoopla . . .
Still tryring to wrap my brain around the other side of my mind swampthing, thanks for the send-up.....Now, true confessions.....I am selling human pheromones and have plenty of androstadienone for everyone here....if'n ya'll want a sample , you have but to ask...this is the best time of year to harvest it, like freekin' Malaysia already here.....Least can do for the most of ye, my brethern and specially, the, I have decided there are tooo many choolrin' here, what need more scholin' in the fine art of socialization, and self-critical awareness....what to do about that, huh?? ya'll kids play nice, don't cuss, eat your greens, and take the red pill, and plug yo' asses back into the Matrius!
Hot Dogs made with humus and human flesh for everyone!!! Kosher-
Choggie in 2008!
grats Choggie!
Hey Chog, you got any plans for a new collective?
Got plans for your head on my wall.......
Pffft.... You kidding? My head would totally fuck up your house's feng shui.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
WTG Choggie. You are a pillar of Sift.
I practice "Thing-Schwingg, already have a spot for it.....
"pillar of Sift"-translation, "An example of what not to do...look back."
Thing Schwingg... is that like Fungal Shooey?
"other side" Choggie ? I mean "Choggish" has such a right brain feel to it.
(stares daggers at DAG

Hey, I didn't get a presidential visit at *my* party
Dag's a busy guy. He's probably too mesmerized by the toilet water flushing the opposite way where he lives to even log on for more than an hour.
choggie for the win!
Congrats, crazy bastard!
A belated congrats choggs... keep it up man!!
Keep it up Chogs! I'm featuring you in Bravo now so more posts please
Congrats on hitting the jewel case
freakin nut bar
big love from landan tan
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