Category Icons

We're getting close to enabling categories on VideoSift, but we need some clever icons to distinguish the categories.

We're looking for concept ideas and submisions. Here are the initial cateories:

The icons will need to be transparent gifs to go up in the header. Any ideas on the imagery to use would be welcome. James came up with a pink kitten pushing a ball of yarn for "cute".
joedirt says...

.com>google search
243/196 music video in body
69/12 politics in body
151/72 cute in body

active vids (intitle:searchterm inurl:story "this video is ranked")
discarded (intitle:searchterm inurl:story -"this video is ranked")
52/26 colbert in title
53/15 daily show in title
23/11 simpsons
27/19 family guy
16/16 guitar
36/39 music video

ren says...

i like those mlx, i'm not sure i first read it as navbar ico's aswell but joedirts images made me think it was meant for logo

dag says...

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Good stuff all. Yeah, not a navbar .ico, but something for the header area (the grey area at the top) to distinguish the category. I like Ren's idea with the Sifter with various things leaning against it or inside of it, that would work well for the logo.

We would also like a small icon similar in size to the nsfw to sit under the votebox for videos that fall into categories, so something like what mlx provided.

Lucky suggested too. I don't know though, is it the kind of thing people would like to single out? I'm open to it.

ren says...

I've uploaded the base psd(photoshop) file so people can create their own logo's using the sifter and submit them

wont be able to work on some more logo's until later this weekend as I have to reinstall 3dsmax after my latest computer explosion problem. Plus have some clients breathing down my neck.

good luck

dag says...

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My only suggestion, is that as these sifters would be scaled down quite a bit - the accents could be a bit bigger for some.

Can we make the kitten a bit bigger in relation to the sifter, also I didn't recognise the bluetooth headset at first glance, this might not scale as well. For the tech one, what if we put a DVD-Rom bezel and a power button on the front? so now the sifter is a wicked PC case mod.

Also, great work on adding the shadows for the accents.

ren says...

yer thats cool, I was thinking of adding a lcd screen to the tech one and dropping the bluetooth, but I'll try the PC case idea first
the kitten can be enlarged, i was just worried about the top of its head getting cropped off at the time but now that i've made the others large it shouldn't be a problemo

joedirt says...

ren, i like it. Here's my suggestions. If I was better at PS, I'd give it a whirl.

For tech --> layer blend with borg texture like from one of these: borg cube - locutus - borg stuff... If that doesn't work, I like dag's idea. Put a power button on the front and a power cord off the side.

For music --> I think the guitar is too small. Maybe a Violin/Viola might be large in the same space (smaller neck) so it can fit larger.

For politics --> it's ok, I like a donkey head and elephant sticking out either side. But blue/red works. Maybe you can stick a ribbon on it. I think that would be hilarious.

I think we'll also need a cartoon version. Animation or something like that. I'm not sure what to do about that but put mickey mouse gloves and feet on the sifter.

ren says...

alright cool, maybe a donkeys head and an elephants ass? or is that getting too political?
I'll try the ribbon out and maybe a violin etc.
Borg is possible, computer is easier.

dag says...

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Ribbon idea - very good.

I know there are other categories that we would like to do, but we might do this in 2 rounds - as it's a pretty significant change to our structure. We'll release these first ones let them settle a bit and then expand to more categories.

joedirt says...

Looks good. I scaled it down to proper size and everything looks pretty good, except the music notes are just too small. Maybe wrap a bar of sheet music as texture across front of sifter. And, tech texture is too detailed and dark. If you use same texture scaled by 2x or 2.5x and maybe slightly more contrast would look better when really small, but the rest look great.

joedirt says...

dag, come on, animated / cartoons is a huge category. Or at least tv shows. That's a lot of the submitted stuff. Could just wrap a NTSC color bar around the front of sifter and put on rabbit ear antennas.

dag says...

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Yeah, but I see animated stuff fitting across all the categories potentially. I'm serious about a second round. I just don't want us to get too fractured yet.

dag says...

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Hey Ren, can we have PSDs of your latest batch? I think they're good to go - love em.

One small suggestion, it's kind of a US-centric thing, but have you seen the magnetic "support our troops" ribbons? They are a huge thing in the US (and quite a polarizer) if possible could we try one of those in place of the blue ribbon? It might be a nice little tongue-in-cheek chuckle.
If not, then let's keep it, cause it looks good.

dotdude says...

I previously had brought up a category for pranks, stunts, accidents, injuries, explosions, mother nature, caught on video. I want to suggest a "caught on video" category to take care of the unexpected things that are recorded on video - referring to all the items above.

And I suggest a sifter with a ball of fire coming out of it. Sifters seem to love seeing stuff blown up.

choggie says...

....a big fan of quick reference and usable, practical information, chog says, a "How To" category, is in order...inspired by handy posts like cocaine and hashish production basics, this would make a dandy addition the stodgiest of lists....

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