Best Homemade Lightsaber Duel Ever 1 & 2
I was just looking at the top videos of all time when I noticed, to my surprise, that the best video on the sift is the ukelele player, with a massive 454 votes.
(don't get me wrong, it's an amazing video but it overshadows the second one by 100 votes. It sparked my curiosity.
Now the second one in line, which is also great, is the "Best homemade lightsaber duel ever" video
Here -
Out of curiosity I looked at the users (stephw8) profile and ta-da. His only two videos are THE lightsaber videos, with a timespan of about 300 and something days between the two posts.
The second video -
I don't like rating people out but the disproportionate amount of votes is really an eye-catcher.
SO I leave it in the hands of the more mature sifters to deliberate and decide what (if anything) is next
(I somehow feel dirty now. Oh and it would be a shame to discard the videos since they really are great.)
(don't get me wrong, it's an amazing video but it overshadows the second one by 100 votes. It sparked my curiosity.
Now the second one in line, which is also great, is the "Best homemade lightsaber duel ever" video
Here -
Out of curiosity I looked at the users (stephw8) profile and ta-da. His only two videos are THE lightsaber videos, with a timespan of about 300 and something days between the two posts.
The second video -
I don't like rating people out but the disproportionate amount of votes is really an eye-catcher.
SO I leave it in the hands of the more mature sifters to deliberate and decide what (if anything) is next
(I somehow feel dirty now. Oh and it would be a shame to discard the videos since they really are great.)
ahem, ahem
I really don't know why my links weren't converted
(URLs in Sift Talk posts are not currently auto-converted. I manually linkified them for you.)
As far as the content of your post, I think you are absolutely correct. It seems very evident they are likely self-links. If so, they should be discarded. A "real" Sifter can in turn re-submit and garner the plethora of subsequent votes.
A quick googling proves it as far as I'm concerned:
He just did a hit-and-run here (twice) then went trying to pimp votes for just those two vids. I think they should be discarded and stephw8 banned, then the videos resubmitted. Who wants to do the honors?
Wow. Bluecliff should get the reposts.
Jeez, for sure. Good detective work there, Bluecliff. *Quality for sure.
Gold Star member rembar has awarded bluecliff one published post for this quality Sift Talk contribution.
*pouts* That fugging sift is what first brought me here!!! (the frist vid, that is)
It's one of the first sifts that stand out in my mind as well back in my lurking days... It's like we're screwing around w/ Sift canon this video.
i agree, this video is the reason why i became a sifter.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Maybe we should give it to SiftBot - he's never had a real post - poor little feller.
As I said. I just saw the discrepancy and posted. It after all IS the second best video of the sift, even if it seems a bit pumped up.
If it is to be given to anyone (but it doesnt have to be) it should be siftbot.
(didn't mean to stir up emotions guys/gals.)
come on siftbot, post it post it!
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
From stephw8:
This message was received from Stephen xxxxxx at
On the banning of my account (stephw8). I really do not know what to say. I couldn't find any reason in the FAQ. I did find a reference to me being a self-linker. I have nothing to do with the two guys who made the films. I was forwarded the first one by a co-worker shortly after getting an account here, I posted the link thinking other people might like to see it. To my surprise it did very well. I really never saw anything else to post, most everything I see is rather old or not worth the effort of posting. The last one I posted after getting an email from a different co-worker telling me a new one was up. I watched it, remembered how much everyone liked the first one, and posted it. I guess it looks suspicious, but I could really not care less. I am not asking that you reinstate my account, just the opposite. I demand that you don't reinstate it. If a few pouty whiners can't handle that a video can get popular based on it just being good, without gaming the system then I leave you to your crappy collection of 80's commercials, last night's reruns and overplayed and out-dated youtube/ifilm crapfest.
That's pretty surprising; no votes, no comments, just those two videos; it seemed a very clear-cut case of self-promotion.
rotfl his answer.
if he himself understands this can look suspicious, why did he react that way?
sometimes i really do not understand people.
Whats that joke about assuming.
I feel kinda bad now...
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