Avatar Stories and Favorites
I must say that I was slightly disappointed to find out that karaidl's avatar wasn't avtually a picture of him, but instead was of a rather unsuccessful Ultimate Fighter back in the day. Got me thinking though, what are the stories behind other's avatars. Or even yet, what are everyone's favorite avatars here on the sift (try not to just say your own). My favorite is mlx's, the opera glasses are too cool. This is meant to just be a friendly little thread if anyone else wants to weigh in.
(friendly little thread? fuck that, i want more violence)
my absolute favourite avatar would be plastique's. beauty of a picture, in fact any of her pics would probably be my fave avatar if used.
second would be farhad's helmet. arf arf.
I have a confession to make, I’m not really an insect. My name is just taken from a type of encryption key I use at work. But who wants to look at a picture of a boring ol’ key? So I chose Louie, the star of this post!)
My favorite avatars? So many... But I’ll start with redthing, eden, vidmimeister (a bit creepy!) and choggie, who seems to change daily and gives us all a variety to look at.
My avatar is a picture I took and posted to flickr. I'm too lazy to change.
My favorite avatar would have to be westy. The headphones and expression of being hit very hard in the crotch but being to stoned to do anything about it really draws me in.
I think it's a close call between Redthing's little devil and Maudlin's cat in a fez - both are fantastic!
mmm... maudlin's fez cat is indeed choice avatar material, although I gotta admit, yours is one of my tops gwaan, having always loved spider jerusalem!
My own avatar is out of a Peterson field guide, hence the L 21".
In no particular order: Choggie, Silvercord, Plastiquemonkey, Gwann, Red Thing, Mauudlin, Oohahh, Postmortem, Dbot 2006, Nazdorovia.
Thanks for the shout-out wildmanbill!
She is, as far as I'm concerned, the first true film star: Greta Garbo, in Camille. Eden's naughty Aeon Flux is my favorite!
My favorite would have to be Siftbot's avatar. It's so iconic of VS, and very appropriate to the duties he does.
What? Siftbot isn't a real person??? LIES!!!
Runners up would be Westy (because his avatar seems to fit his style of posting soooooo perfectly) and Farhad (since it's just so instantly recognizable to me.) But really, I like all the avatars here. For many social websites out there, people often have very similar avatars that are mostly unoriginal. (I can't tell you how many Master Chief avatars I've seen on forums.) On VS, most of the avatars are unique and have a very personal flavor to them, which is quite refreshing.
I vote for MLX and Maudlin, those are pretty awesome. Now that I think about it time for an avatar change again.
Haha! Nice!
*quality for the wildman
Gold Star member firefly has awarded wildmanBill one published post for this quality Sift Talk contribution.
Being a fan of Warren Ellis gwaan's avatar is also a favorite. Spider Jerusalem was actually my second choice when I was looking for avatars. I guess the deal breaker for Thor was that around the time I joined the sift I was playing 'Marvel: Alliance' a little too much, but things at work were slow so I got away with it. I'm surprised no one has mentioned michie's, also a favorite of mine...his old avatar was cool too.
I liked the first avatar Fletch used. It looked like a real-life Bill the Cat.
Firefly and Lucky because they are not taking themselves too seriously.
Ladybug's girl in the red dress.
Choggie's ever-changing ADD-led avatars.
Koshmar I can't figure out. It looks like an anime uterus.
Now, I believe the other question was "what was behind our avatars?" I like tornadoes and lightning. My first avatar was both . . . now just the lightning because it looks so cool.
Michie's avatar is great - and believe me when I say that he is the spitting image of his avatar!
Yeah, Choggie should get some praise for his constantly changing collage of crazy avatars - I particularly like the one of him with a gun!
Ta Firefly and Mlx
(that sounded better in my head than on screen)
I like it when people use pics of themselves, Dag, James, Deputydog, IntangibleMeg, Choggie? (perhaps? at times?), are a few that spring to mind - not everyone is willing to step out from behind the veil of internet anonymity - sorry if I've made some wildly inaccurate assumptions about who your avatars actually are...
Plus, it should help get the ball rolling on the VideoSift offshoot internet dating site: PartnerSift
Oh! also, Dotdude's is very mist-erious - rain on glass? am I close?
Dotdude has the best avatars, it's his own artwork. It's been changing periodically every so often. I really dig them.

Maudlin is a close second, the Fez Kitten
Third is Rickegee for me.
Dotdude used to feature some of his artwork via his avatar... kinda miss that... bring back the Dots Dude!
unfortunatly not... that's V from V for Vendetta, another comic book icon!
And yeah, gotta give choggie props for the selection, at first I was rather annoyed by them, couldn't keep track of who was commenting... but they have come to grow on me... like a fungus.
@mlx So that's Garbo, always wondered, but yeah, it is the perfect avatar, excellent choice.
@silvercord... anime uterus!
Not much to my current one, really, it's Razputin - main character of the ever-aswesome game Psychonauts. His look in the picture just exhumes fascination and happiness, reflecting the feelings I get on a daily basis here on the sift.
Plus he has the goggles, a necessary precaution on the interwebbertubenets.

I just knew I recognized gwaan's from somewhere, finally that's been cleared up, heh. Wildmanbill's I like, Thor FTW! Ah hell I like almost everyone's, it's interesting to see what people pick as a sole graphical representation of themselves
Is Michie's the cat with holy f*** look on his face? That one's my fav. And MLX's too. Choggie's are wonderfully eccentric and eclectic, much like him
I wondered for the longest time what Farhad's cop was doing, lol
Oh, and everyone knows who mine is...it's always been the same. This is my basset hound, Samwise -------->
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
What a great idea for a thread.
My avatar choice is sort of personal. It's a picture taken 15 seconds after this one: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/16/19603535_d7664bfa6a_b.jpg
I was one week into a 6 month holiday, sitting outside a ramshackle motel in Bisbee, Arizona - drinking a corona and plucking around on my guitar. It's my happy place.
Defiantly plastique's for me. Benjee's is cool, very precise.
I don't have a foot thing or anything like that.....but mine is my foot, when I was on a bench in New York with Benjee. Good times.
Mine is me on a recent field trip with my school orchestra to Disneyland. I am standing in the line for Space Mountain... It took literally 2 hours to get on, but the wait was fun because of my friends. I am holding deodorant; all those fat people at DIsneyland rubbed off some of their sweat on me.
Farhad's is my fave.
i don't think i have favourite avatars here.

anyway, this photo of mine was taken last summer in a very nice cemetery, and i've lost those sunglasses
My avatar when I joined was this.
Swampgirl, it's a riot cop taunting a group of demonstrators when their thrown rocks didn't hit him.
None of my Flickr dot artwork photos show up on VideoSift. I even tried again tonight. The only photos that do were taken on a rainy day last August. I took them from inside my car, which was sitting in my driveway. I’m still not sure which direction I aimed my camera to get the shot for my current avatar. Here are the seven shots from that day:
And here’s video recorded with the same camera:
For those asking about the “dot art”, here are the last 26. Half of them now belong to other people. I’m working on the next batch today. I sold one just last Sunday at an outdoor exhibit.
Cool links dotdude. Hey SG, the "the cat with holy f*** look on his face?" belongs to pho3nix, which is a good one I must admit, I'm partial to any avatars with cats such as maudlin and dbot too. I remember now that it was actually raven's idea I go with Thor. She helps me out with all my flickr-ing so I had to comply. Something that I think is really cool is how firefly would put little hats on his avatar of Louie to coincide with current holidays, like when he had a green derby on for St. Patty's Day...that was really funny.
Thanks Sc!
And 'bill, don't forget my rabbit ears for Easter!
and yeah, I forgot about Koshmar's-- another fav of mine. Oh, and Zifnab's cool dragon, and southblvd's "ORLY?" owl.
Sylvester's avatar looks like a ghost doggie with a knife.
Here's Fletch's first avatar that I liked:
I'm now wondering if that's a Martin Guitar Dag's holding . . . hmmmmm?
@snaremop, I knew that was deoderant! Disney is a great place, no?
@farhad, I like the riot cop.
Swampgirl . . . love your dog. It always make me feel bluesy in a musical sort of way when I see it with Swampgirl
I liked Ant's old avatar better than his current one, but the current one makes me think of electron microscopes which sends me to YouTube looking for good science stuff.
@gwaan - Is that spaghetti or snot?
Oh, yea, and JoeDirt and Deathcow (outside of actual pics of themselves) earn the most fitting avatar award.
I have to say, Firefly's avatar just makes me happy every time I see it.
ah, it's pho3nix's wtf cat! Thanks, WB.
Hey, click on his pic in my profile and be treated to a lovely line of drool coming off his lip.
Hey, speaking of Deathcow... A year ago in my lurking days...the first member I remember coming back to see was that red-baron looking pilot with the best one liners. DC will always be that pilot in my mind.
SC, yes...Samwise and I both love the blues
Swampgirl's photo was taken in the future! *suspicious
Mine was blantantly ripped off from a Fark photoshop contest.
it is almost always (almost always) a good idea to look at the full resolution images that choggie uses. A menu that offered "Monkey Gland Sauce"?!
I love maudlin's kitty in the fez. I'm surprised that nobody mentioned lisacat's avatar. I think it is a kitty in the shape of a mug, but i've never quite been able to figure it out.
My avatar is a photograph of me spinning at a psytrance party last summer.
Mines simple, Calvin blowing his mind.
viddy well my brothers viddy well
"Is that spaghetti or snot? "
It's smoke!
@dag: I once passed through Bisbee, AZ only I never thought I would ever hear of it again.
oh... so that's who fletch used to be! I get it now... funny how that works isn't it? Avatars become so associative of a person that when they change it suddenly you can't remember who they necessarily are.

And yeah SC, that's smoke coming outta old Spider's nose, as there is always smoke coming outta Spider's nose... from 'Carcinoma Angels', I believe those are his brand
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