choggie says...

I voted yes, but campion is righteous in his observations, eh? Tell ya what, fellow strummer....may I? Make a website dedicated just that. I tried an accordion channel, it did not work out so well.

By the by, bang for the buck-wise, I have decided that the guitar to use as the primary care giver for myself, to be the Gibson SG...Out of the box, perfection but a bit of tweaking in the hands of a smitty, n she'll give ya hours of unadulterated pleasure-I like the effects package of the Digitech EX-7 expression factory pedal, though the functionality of an everything-in-one pedal is a frikkin live-music simply can't beat the individual spread of the palatalized gearbox.

My second choice for guitar would be a resonator , one that fits yer particular style of pickin' and pressure...try a Johnson or a Dean. Oh and, the warm glow of the tube amp, only. The Marshall has gotten better and better with the solid-state/tube combos...try a Vintage Modern 2266C, for all yer ear-bludgeoning needs.

Alas, I have lost my gear this last year to pawn....another reason to forego nitrous oxide and cocaine, until you become liberated from the bonds of the devil, money....or I mean, forever.

gwiz665 says...

@campionidelmondo saying that any video in guitar will be in music also is not a good argument. We've made plenty of music genre channels after music (blues, jazz, rocknroll, metal...). There's also plenty of sifts that would fit a guitar channel, but not rocknroll.

Personally I would prefer a guitar channel over damn near any of the other genres.

campionidelmondo says...

And what would be the purpose of that channel? Marking videos that have guitars in them? How does that even begin to describe what the video is about? If it's a music video then the title/tags would describe the genre and style. Guitar music is not a genre and can range from acoustic bonfire music to metal core. For that reason, I don't think alot of people would browse the guitar channel, either.

gwiz665 says...

^I would.

Anyway, @guitarwolf alternatively instead of a full-fledged channel you could make a group playlist and just mark the relevant videos into that. I'd be a part of it, if you'd have me there for sure.

Shepppard says...

Campions arguments seem solid to me.

Why do we need a guitar only channel?

Sure, some videos feature only guitar, but there's also some that are strictly Ukulele, drums, or any assortment of string instrument. Guitar is an intergral part of "Music" on the whole, So if a video has a guitar in it, it's automatically "Music", same goes for any instrument.

Defining a music by it's Genre is more sensible, RocknRoll, Jazz, Bravo (For classical), makes more sense. Even if we do create a "Guitar" channel, why would we stop there, Why wouldn't we make "Drums" "Ukulele" or "Violin" as channels? The answer, is because eventually it would just get silly.

I say just stick to defining musical videos by * Music, and *genre. Adding a type of instrument to anything with * Music is redundant.

randomize says...

>> ^peggedbea:
i can think of at least 30 things to do with a guitar that aren't musical.

Yeah, but can you find enough videos to warrant a channel? I just don't see this being a step forward so much a lateral progression towards channel mayhem.

xxovercastxx says...

I voted no, because I don't think we really need a guitar channel, but I wouldn't really be against it either. I'd suggest being more specific, though. If you take a "guitar" channel at face value, then you're going to have a lot of nonsense. For example, someone will decide that every Zero Punctuation should be in #guitar because of the intro. I'm against a channel that will be used like that.

I do wish there was more steering via channels. It often seems channels are created to fit the videos rather than to branch out. Of course, it also seems people sift the same shit no matter what and just try to squeeze it into as many channels as they can. We've got like 80 channels of the exact same shit... I feel like I'm watching TV.

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