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"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

bobknight33 says...

And you would blame Bush? That ship has sailed. Leaders need to lead and Obama and the Dems haven't.

Damn right Democrats are at fault. Then have been in control the first 4 years and did little. This last year with the Republican it been a stalemate.
The unemployment rate is down around 5 but the U6 is up at near 11%. These are the ones who been unemployed so long that they gave up on looking.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

I like how the thumbnail changes from a stern, glum look.. a welcoming, happy, outstretched-arms pose when I log in.

Changes the whole vibe/mindset goin' in.

p.s. @kevingrr facts don't work on bobknight. He knows the REAL truth that all us "libtards" are too blind to see..

That truth is: It's Obama's [or Clinton's, any other democrats'] fault. Period.

lurgee (Member Profile)

Homeless Man Playing Piano for Tips

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

ChaosEngine says...

And the point goes sailing over your head....

Yes, there is racism. Yes, there is white privilege, yes, there can be cultural misappropriation.

This video, much like your comment, adds nothing to the discussion.

No one (apart from Bob or lantern) is suggesting we ignore history. If you watched my video you would see that.

You can enjoy stuff from other cultures without appropriating it, and you don't have an indefinite claim to anything simply because it originated in your culture.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

See, another example of some "i-can't-possibly-racial-insensitive-whatsoever-because-THIS-guy-agrees-with-completely-sheltered-rose-tinted-worldview" - *deep breath* - Bullshit!

[phew, these polite euphemisms for "racist" are getting out of hand now]

Unfortunately, the term "culture appropriation" is a misnomer.

The term coined should be Cultural MISappropriation and refers to shit like Blackface.

Something this was trendy, open mockery. Also, fairly lucrative.

This White Party video is a highly significant point of discussion and is important satire for all white folks to think about & discuss because..

[I would know, cause this is exactly how i feel]

So yeah..

Tactless, suggestively snarky comments, with a Token to parrot and espouse believes that confirm your bias.. -_-

Is simply "mild" racism in action.
It's Denialism. It's Victim-blaming.

"Stop complaining. We're all equal see. Can't we all just learn spanish & twerk our butts, as one."

And let Americans sweep all that other extremely racist shit under the rug for another 150 years?!

Fuck no.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

rougy says...

I am so happy you thought of me and said hello. I was thinking of you, too.

I lost my little doggie, Tess, about two weeks ago, and it really sucked the wind out of my sails. She started breathing funny on Wednesday, and she was dead Thursday night. I had to shoot her, because I couldn't stand to watch her suffer. I'll always second guess myself on that, but she was breathing so hard her tongue was turning if I could have hugged her back to life.

When I pulled the trigger...I realized in the coldest measure of reality...that a chapter of my life had come to an end.

Twelve years, that little shit followed me through thick and thin and I never thought much about it. I loved her, of course, that she's gone...a part of me has died as well.

I'm a bad Buddhist, I guess...this is all chapter and verse....

On the global field, I feel like we have met, or are approaching, the end of an epoch. Out with the olde, in with the new. Kind of hoping it's not WW-III and all...but I can sense a significant change in the works.

I hope you are well, too, and happy, genuinely happy.

This shot of tequila is for you. May you laugh and smile for no reason at all, soon, and for days on end.

chicchorea said:

...been thinking about you for a while.

I hope where ever you are you are seeing far and clearly and like all you see.

Be well and happy my friend.

You scurvy sailor dog, you're an actual dog...

blackfox42 says...

Okay, super dodgy rough translation from my phone app goes something like this ...

"Real managed to take shots in the Moscow Yacht Club Pirogovo video is for you a fan of the sport, I can see an unusual member of one of the teams dinghy, his name our group was able to find the owner of the dog, and as you might guess it turned out to be the captain of the yacht.

If you believe the captain of his dog helps him in all phases of voyage can take the mooring lines or sail. Can hold a course and knows maritime terminology better than experienced sailor. Helps open boat turns but it's not all, dog can perform complex sports stunt trapeze from the line. Great respect for the other members of the club. This dog is in fact proven that can be floating."

It ain't over until it's over...

Watch this catamaran sailboat surf into port

Payback says...

I'll bow to superior knowledge. Just didn't seem to be overly purposeful. Just happenstance and competent sailing.

ChaosEngine said:

He would have had enough power to maneuver, but not enough to outrun the waves. If there was a big enough break in the sets, yeah, he could have just motored in.

The skill here was in timing the power to get in front of a wave and then steering it to keep on the wave. It's not actually that difficult to do, but the consequences of getting it wrong are pretty nasty.

Airplane Misrigging Lessons Learned From a Close Call

GenjiKilpatrick says...

That music.. and all the "uh.. like.. eh, yeah.. we were like.. uhm.."

The most boring account of a dangerous situation. Evar.

"And then like.. my dad like.. said I wouldn't be like.. trimming the uh.. sails like uhm.. on his yacht.. uhm.. this summer."

People are awesome -- Fighter pilots [2015 edition]

ChaosEngine says...

And it's one of the reasons I'm not upvoting this.

Daybreak and then fucking Sail?

FFS, in a video like this, where you're compositing other people's footage, you have two spaces to add your own take: the editing and the music. The editing is workmanlike, certainly nothing special and for the music they pick the two most overplayed pieces of music on the internet?

Down vote.

SFOGuy said:

This is a side light, but one of the reasons why I like the score to the first 5" of the video (Daybreak by Overwerk), even though I've heard it too many times (GoPro anyone?), is that it has dynamics to its structure; quiet (pianissimo) to loud (forte), constrained within its rhythms. Honestly, what makes me go crazy is music that never varies.

Oh, and jets. Lots of jets. That's good.


Starboard tack does NOT have right of way over a ferry...

robbersdog49 says...

I was wondering about the spinnaker pole too, seemed a bit of a brave move in those conditions! As did completely un-reefed sails. Looks like they'd read the book as far as 'let the sails out to slow down or stop' but not got any further.

One thing they could have done to avoid the collision is just pull the main in, hard. Would have screwed the boat round into the wind and either stopped it there or more likely forced a tack, leaving the boat sailing happily away from the ferry. The guys sailing it just panicked and did nothing. Fortunately it looked like there wasn't too much damage done but this sort of thing bothers me. Ignorance like this kills.

ChaosEngine said:

Looks like a Sydney ferry, so *downunder.

That boat was not under control at all. The jib is starting to rip and god only knows why they had the spinnaker pole attached.

Starboard tack does NOT have right of way over a ferry...

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

Lotawana On Ice

Stormsinger says...

Man, I wouldn't have thought it's been cold enough here this winter (especially the last month) to freeze that lake hard enough to be safe. But the ice sailing in particular looks like a LOT of fun!

Sarah Palin after the teleprompter freezes

newtboy says...

I have yet to hear a logical reason people crap on Carter...they invariably just say 'Carter, if you don't understand why he sucked, I just can't talk to you', never ' Carter, this is why he sucked'.
EDIT: If it's all about leadership, stability, and helping, you must be conflicted that Tricky Dick is republican, huh? The Bushes can't help either. It's a wonder you can stick with your party, I quit the republicans when they quit being republican, before I could vote, during Regan.
Carter provided leadership in a responsible direction, but idiots desired placation rather than leadership and didn't follow. Regan placated his base, and we nearly had a depression. Carter started us on a non-interventionist foreign policy, because he personally understood the short and long term repercussions of intervening, now we've shit in their pot so hard and long that we CAN'T just go hands off anymore, we've already created our enemy. That said, it's like a junkie going cold turkey, it hurts them, may kill them, but if they survive they have a chance of life, if they don't stop, they die soon anyway. If we could find a good foreign policy methadone, we should use it at every turn and start worrying about us, IMO. If we had not installed our leaders and otherwise interfered in the first place, everyone would be better off, but that ship has sailed (in many cases because we didn't follow Carter's suggestion to stay out, I might add).
OK, got me with Boston. Ft Hood is a lone gunman, and those stopped prove my point. I think you know I meant foreign spawned terrorist attacks, but I grant I did not say that. But then you have to admit there were other successful attacks under Bush AFTER 9/11, like the guy who flew his plane into the IRS building in Texas.
Agreed, the spread of religion is always terrible, no matter which religion, some are worse than others at times, none are good. I could support outlawing organized religion, but grant that most would not.
Obama did not create radical Islam. If anyone did, it's Regan, by arming them to the teeth against the red menace, then just walking away.
I also disagree that Obama's the 'my way or the highway' guy/side. Please recall, "You're either with us or against us" is a republican slogan. The republicans stated before Obama was inaugurated that he was already the worst president ever, and their plan for the next 4-8 years was 'just say no' to everything, even to plans they designed, but they have never come up with any alternatives, just "not Obama's way" over and over, that's real 'not leading' as opposed to the type they accuse Obama of.
4.5 years of shitty economy, but trending up, not down even then.
Where I live, jobs have been an issue since Regan/Bush 1, so I don't think you want to point that finger here.
Not true, stagnant over the last 14+ years. They certainly went up in the 90's.
Once again, Bush economics caused the recession, salaries went down during the recession/depression. Salaries are on the way up now...not fast enough, granted, but up.
Obama has NEVER been able to do whatever he thinks/wants. That is delusional. Even when the democrats had the votes to do so, they didn't, because they suck donkey dicks. Happy? ;-)
Times were better for a special few under Regan, not most. Times got better for most everyone under Clinton.
We agree on your final point, the Bushes sucked, lets build on that and not make that mistake again.

bobknight33 said:

When you say .." I have consistently said Carter was my favorite recent president.." That all I need to know how lost you are with reality.

The president provides leadership for USA and for the world. The world looks to us for stability and he provider of help when others are in need.

I didn't know what to think of Ron Paul idea about being a non interventionist. Obama has lifted the hand of interventionism off Arab nations and now we have a shit storm of assassins and killers who desire to kill everyone. Everyone knows this But OBAMA who for what ever reason fails to see this world danger. Now it will take the world decades to fight is battle. Sure these might have had a shitty American backed leader but their peoples were not mass murdered on wholesale levels like ISIS is doing.

We had domestic terrorist attacks. Fort Hood shooting (13 killed) , Boston bombing, and the car bomb that was defused in NYC. Many more stopped. There will be more blood shed on our soil in the name of ALLAH. This is a world wide problem.

Obama is the worst because of this and on domestic side he is a failure because he is steadfast with my way or the highway approach. 6 years and still a shitty economy, real employment is hovering just below 10%, IF you lost you job today do you think you would be able to get another straight away at the same pay? I don't

Salaries have continued to stagnate over last 20 years but under this leadership salaries have lost 4K.

Democrats got a historic spanking this recent midterm and Obama still thinks he can do what ever he thinks. He is delusional.

Times did get better with Regan and Clinton, The Bushes sucked.

History will be the judge, we are just spectators.

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