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Vegan Diet or Mediterranean Diet: Which Is Healthier?

transmorpher says...

He did mention fish/white meat, however he was making the point that meats aren't what is making them healthy - the Mediterraneans are healthy despite these animal foods. They are healthy because of the large intake of whole plant foods, as is the case in Japan.

And we know this, because within Japan itself there's a clear relationship between health, and amount of animal products consumed. The traditional Okinawan diet (the place which has the most centenarians int he world) is just 6% calories from animal products, the rest being from sweet potato and rice and veg. Where as mainland Japan where they eat more animal products they don't do as well as their Okinawan neighbors.

This relationship of animal food intake & rates of chronic diseases works on a local level or a global level. Less is always better, all the way to none (Loma Linda 7th day Adventists many of which are vegan by religion tend do the best out of all of the blue zones, when it comes to chronic disease).


Omega 3 is present in so many plant foods - such as flaxseed/linseed, hemp, chia, and even sea algae (which is where the fish get their omega 3 from)

The benefit of getting omega 3 from plant sources means almost no saturated fat, no cholesterol, no mercury, no IGF-1 raising protein structures (and no antibiotics if you are eating farmed fish). Also they say the ocean will be fishless by 2048..... (which also coincides with the Post Atomic Horror era for the Trekkies out there lol)

Fish also don't have any fiber, (the one macro nutrient everyone pretends doesn't exist, and most people are deficient in). Stay regular and prevent diverticulitis/diverticulitis, and avoid hemorrhoids, and even varicose veins.

Flax also contains lignans which prevents/treats prostate cancer

You just get so much more nutrition out of plants over all. Animal products tend to have a higher amount of a single compound or nutrient, but they have a lot of baggage with it. It's like buying a car, you don't necessarily want the one with the biggest engine, the total package is what's important.


Whether or not Barnard is a vegan shill, doesn't change the nutritional profiles of foods as shown above.

It also doesn't change the fact he looks, acts and speaks amazing for someone that's 65 years old - clearly putting his theory into practice with wonderful results. And while that is anecdotal, that's certainly something nobody would say about Atkins, or Loran Cordain (Paleo advocate) or Jimmy Moore (Keto advocate), who all look like they could drop dead any minute (and Atkins literally did drop dead).

Mordhaus said:

Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week is conspicuously left off the Mediterranean Diet list here.

Fatty fish — such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon — are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish is eaten on a regular basis in the Mediterranean diet.

Seems from everything I see, seafood seems to be pretty predominant in Japanese diet intake, the other diet he mentioned in comparison.

So, I figured, let me look up some info on the Dr. presenting here. Neal Barnard is a well known Vegan and founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Intriguing, no? Then I looked up the PCRM he is the founding president of ( OMG, they just happen to be a non-profit research and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C., which promotes a vegan diet, preventive medicine, and alternatives to animal research, and encourages what it describes as "higher standards of ethics and effectiveness in research." Its tax filing shows its activities as "prevention of cruelty to animals."

So it is a combination of a Vegan diet promotional group AND PETA. It also seems that they don't mind omitting parts of 'competing' diets to promote their own. Basically this is the equivalent of a organization like Atkins having a doctor like Iris Shai, RD, PhD, show that a low-carbohydrate diet like Atkins had a more favorable effect on blood lipid levels than both the Mediterranean diet or a low–fat diet.

Obviously she must be right, she is a doctor and other doctors support her. So this must mean all the other doctors and diets are wrong, including this one, right?

I'm calling this *propaganda, sorry.

Is Our Food Becoming Less Nutritious?

transmorpher says...

This guy needs to read Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis instead of getting his science from the CSIRO which has lost most of it's government funding and is now industry funded and coincidentally publishing protein fears and promoting animal product consumption quite heavily.....

Who would have thought bad things would happen to science when the Prime Minister of Australia is a Hillsong Christian nutbag.

gramar explaned | exurb1a

Sagemind says...

"You know the rule: "i" before "e," except after "c." A rule that is immediately followed by a metric butt-ton of exceptions: "either," "neither," "weigh," "neighbor," "caffeine," "weird," "protein," "feisty," "conscience" ... and then approximately 10,000 more words. So it's less a rule than a thing that ... just happens, sometimes. Like a tornado."

HCT: Salt Recommendations Don't Line Up with Recent Evidence

Khufu says...

why is it always about people with high blood pressure? I have low blood pressure, which at times makes me light-headed, but if I eat a little extra salt, my blood volume increases and everything is cool. So salt isn't "healthy" or "unhealthy". All depends on what your body's needs are. Same with sugar... if your body NEEDS sugar (I.E. after a workout to give a little insulin spike to help absorb protein) then it's healthy, if your body DOESN'T NEED sugar, (I.E. you've been sitting in bed all day playing WOW and want to get a mountain dew) then it will be unhealthy.

Why Did Steve Jobs Die?

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahaha! Pretty sure that term came from your video! Some proteins are more easily used by the body than others...these would be deemed 'quality proteins' when talking nutrition. Kuru, a prion, for one, is a non-quality protein.

This, from the guy that conflates enjoying cheese with heroin level addiction and anecdotal advertisements with peer reviewed studies?!? Lol!

transmorpher said:

"quality proteins" do you even science bro? You're trying to call out health professionals on their lack of scientific ability, but you go an use a phrase that means absolutely nothing beyond the meat commercial it came from.

I'm not going to waste 30 minutes of my time getting a list of studies together, because all you ever do is reply with aggressive hyperbole.

Why Did Steve Jobs Die?

transmorpher says...

"quality proteins" do you even science bro? You're trying to call out health professionals on their lack of scientific ability, but you go an use a phrase that means absolutely nothing beyond the meat commercial it came from.

I'm not going to waste 30 minutes of my time getting a list of studies together, because all you ever do is reply with aggressive hyperbole.

newtboy said: claim to have peer reviewed, published studies that actually say plant based vegan diets CURE this type of cancer and provide enough useable, quality proteins for people with his condition? I seriously doubt that, but feel free to produce away, but if I read them and find that they don't say any such thing (like the last time I spent my time debunking this guy), or aren't really scientific studies, be ready to be called a liar any time you post more claims without them being reviewed as a reward for wasting my time and efforts....again. see I won't accept non published, non peer reviewed studies because they aren't scientific, so instead you offer a webpage about random people's compiled anecdotes about weight LOSS from vegan diets, the exact opposite of the claim being discussed? There was only one cancer story on the whole page of anecdotes, totally unscientific, in which the woman had surgery and treatments then later went vegan and claimed it "cured" her, but she seems to have stopped checking so doesn't really even know if she still has it and certainly couldn't say what 'cured' it...and every story there is really just an add for his books. WTF man?

I never said some people can't benefit from plant based, or even vegan diets (although that's incredibly difficult and expensive long term, as proven by Jobs who couldn't benefit from the most expensive, highest quality plant proteins available.). I said it usually can't provide the protein normal people need to be healthy, much less the excessive protein needed with his condition, which was absolutely PROVEN because it completely failed to do so and eventually even he gave up...just far too late.
Plant based diets VS processed food based diets usually will help with weight loss (what almost all the anecdotes were about) and most people can benefit from the weight loss alone, no matter how it comes. That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the topic of curing cancer or Jobs condition.

Why Did Steve Jobs Die?

newtboy says... claim to have peer reviewed, published studies that actually say plant based vegan diets CURE this type of cancer and provide enough useable, quality proteins for people with his condition? I seriously doubt that, but feel free to produce away, but if I read them and find that they don't say any such thing (like the last time I spent my time debunking this guy), or aren't really scientific studies, be ready to be called a liar any time you post more claims without them being reviewed as a reward for wasting my time and efforts....again. see I won't accept non published, non peer reviewed studies because they aren't scientific, so instead you offer a webpage about random people's compiled anecdotes about weight LOSS from vegan diets, the exact opposite of the claim being discussed? There was only one cancer story on the whole page of anecdotes, totally unscientific, in which the woman had surgery and treatments then later went vegan and claimed it "cured" her, but she seems to have stopped checking so doesn't really even know if she still has it and certainly couldn't say what 'cured' it...and every story there is really just an add for his books. WTF man?

I never said some people can't benefit from plant based, or even vegan diets (although that's incredibly difficult and expensive long term, as proven by Jobs who couldn't benefit from the most expensive, highest quality plant proteins available.). I said it usually can't provide the protein normal people need to be healthy, much less the excessive protein needed with his condition, which was absolutely PROVEN because it completely failed to do so and eventually even he gave up...just far too late.
Plant based diets VS processed food based diets usually will help with weight loss (what almost all the anecdotes were about) and most people can benefit from the weight loss alone, no matter how it comes. That has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the topic of curing cancer or Jobs condition.

transmorpher said:

You're already assuming the studies I'm going to quote ones that aren't peer reviewed - which all published studies are. This is why I'm not going to bother, because we've been down this road before.

So perhaps you'd do better with anecdotes like this:
Are all of these people lying about getting off their meds?

Why Did Steve Jobs Die?

newtboy says...

Yeah, I'll stick with the oncologists take on it over some internet only studies, since they studied peer reviewed science for years and practiced longer on exactly this subject, and they all said trying to cure cancer with veganism instead of surgery is insanity, as was wasting away while refusing to eat enough recommend quality proteins. That part is a no brainer, but it only contributed to his death from cancer and likely helped it spread faster, it didn't directly kill him.

Edit:besides, I'm not going to take my time up to fully discredit this guy again. Once was enough. Even you admitted he was full of it when he claimed studies showed eating meat is as dangerous as chain smoking, he's not worth another debunking....he's a fraud.

transmorpher said:

Well I would quote you the studies, but they would be from the internet, so you'd say they aren't real.

Why Did Steve Jobs Die?

newtboy says...

What idiocy, once again this "doctor" gets it all backwards.
Claiming Jobs' cancer couldn't be cured, contrary to the opinion of all medical professionals involved, based on third hand gossip reporting, just ridiculous. When biopsied and scanned, it was said to be curable (not 100% of the time, but normally), but not later after he tried to cure it with veganism rather than get real medical attention, like an idiot, by which time it had spread and was no longer treatable. That was just stupid. Being intelligent does not preclude one from being me.
His wife and doctors absolutely had the right answers if he wanted to try to survive.
He deluded himself with magical vegan thinking, believing he could get enough high quality proteins from vegetables, and clearly even with all the money in the world to buy the best plant proteins, he could not, and so he also suffered from wasting syndrome. He also believed plant based herbal remedies would cure him, they don't.
Jobs said clearly he regretted his actions, and also said charlatans like this would make stuff up about it, and he was right.

Vegan PSA: Don't Insult (Animals Are Innocent)

newtboy says...

Not all. Some of us DO see humans as potential protein sources, but that protein is highly contaminated in most cases. I have no problem contemplating smoking and eating (or better, using as livestock feed) some wild caught, free range, pure organic long pig...or soylent green once the purification process is perfected. ;-)

Khufu said:

I think all meat-eaters agree with you to SOME extent.. or we'd see each other as potential sources of protein.

Vegan PSA: Don't Insult (Animals Are Innocent)

Khufu says...

I think all meat-eaters agree with you to SOME extent.. or we'd see each other as potential sources of protein.

bcglorf said:

Well, some times you have to draw a line.

I'm a speciesist.

Specifically, I am a human supremacist. I even feel strongly about it. I actually believe it is morally wrong to not hold up human life as inherently more valuable than that of any and all other species.

I don't find it hard to believe that people disagree with that. I'm not even surprised there are people that would want to liken that to being a racist. I am surprised that I begin to see society on the path to where my view becomes a minority view and I could potentially be looked down upon for being so backwards and closed minded.

CRISPR-Cas9 ("Mr. Sandman" Parody) | A Capella Science

eric3579 says...

Bring me a gene
Encoding for a specific protein
Make a few snips at this coded locus
You work so well inside a streptococcus
I'm so alone
Without your scissors in my chromosome
Cut me up and do it clean
CRISPR-Cas9 bring me a gene

Keep me a gene
A viral sequence you've already seen
Chopped into bits and stored as genomic
With clustered repeats
That are palindromic
Bind with this code
Use it to target infections of old
Immunized like a vaccine
CRISPR-Cas9 keep me a gene

Cut me a gene
With a precision that I've never seen
Unzip a strand and interrogate it
Seek out your sequence until you locate it
Lock into place
And do your job as endonuclease
Chop just like a guillotine
CRISPR-Cas9 cut me a gene

Snip snap!

Bring me a gene
By commandeering my repair routine
A strand to match your severed location
For some homologous recombination
Cheap and precise
Rewriting genomes from microbes to mice
And soon the humble human being
CRISPR-Cas9 bring me a gene

Give us a gene
Give us a miracle like that one Nazarene
‘Cause giving the lame their legs and the blind their sight is
In view for dystrophy and retinitis
What if you fall
Outside our power and inside us all
That really could incite a scene

When this terrible wonderful power unsettling
Opens the door to unethically meddle
Is ev’ry congenital malady bettered
Sufficient to warrant genetics unfettered
To modify man in the manner of Gattaca
Raise up a mammoth or make a rattata
Dramatical medical means to eradicate aging
Or cancer or make a fanatic
A mass epidemic a weapon nefarious
Single mosquito to wipe out malaria
Send in a viral infection to ferry a
Cure to the cells of an HIV carrier
Freed of disease as we're free to uncover
What nature and accident failed to discover
And free to be other than
All that we ever have been


Bring us a gene
You wondrous ribonucleoprotein
You have the power to vanquish or save us
Who would have thought that the microbe that gave us
S. pyogenes
The source of strep and flesh-eating disease
Housed this marvellous machine
Full of uses great and obscene
CRISPR-Cas9 bring us
Please don't sting us
Cas9 bring us a gene

With adenine
And thiamine
Incite a scene
Cas9 bring us a gene!

Big Think: Penn Jillette lost over 100 lbs & Eats His Wants

RedSky says...

Agree with lots of it. Taste is definitely to a large part habitual, you definitely dull your sense of taste if you eat lots of sugary / salty foods.

However choosing potatoes is a terrible idea for a diet. Like sugar, starches rapidly turn to glucose, release insulin and promote addiction. They admittedly have high satiety and may be less calorie dense than what he was eating before (which is what caused the weight loss) but I would not suggest swapping one addiction for another.

Also I love refuting the instinctual assumption that you can lose weight eating badly by simply offsetting it with exercise. He's correct to stress diet over exercise. Exercise does make you lose weight (and has other health benefits) but the effect of high calorie food utterly dwarfs exercise:

Also, it's more of a subjective thing, but lean meat proteins (eggs, chicken, fish) are very filling and can make it easier to avoid the high GI carbs that absorb into your body too fast to be used effectively and end up as excess body fat. I'd argue you're making your diet considerably more difficult if you try to give up meat at the same time as losing weight.

The Oldest Fast Food Restaurant in the East End

Mordhaus says...

From what I understand, eels were easily available as a cheap source of protein for many years. Even after the Thames became so dirty that the eels couldn't survive, they retained their status as a comfort food for people around the London area.

They do have poisonous blood to mammals, so the guy was telling the truth about the stinging in the eye bit.

Thanks for the promote!

eric3579 said:

Love this guy. Are eels a standard English food. I had no idea *promote

The Deal with Protein

gorillaman says...

It's weird that this is presented as if it were debunking the idea that you need to eat protein to build muscle, while actually completely confirming that's exactly what you need to do.

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