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Chelsea Handler on Roe v. Wade Being Overturned

newtboy says...

You are 100% insane and intentionally ignorant.
The court has been majority conservative since the 70’s, it’s now 6-3 conservative and you claim to believe it’s still liberal, just one conservative decision came out. So delusional bob.

Yeah, no one had any issues with the 100% liberal decisions from the liberal Supreme Court…like Citizens United.
Just. So. Ignorant. And. Dumb. Bob.

The right has regressed hard fought freedoms and rights by 50 years. The free world is aghast at what the symbol of freedom and liberty became over such a short 5 year stretch thanks to our core being decimated by magats.

Your ignorance knows no bounds, comrade. No American is so clueless that they think the court JUST became conservative.

Children aren’t in wombs, you brainless slug.

And wow, you are so bat shit crazy you actually go after comedians doing a comedy show for telling jokes. I know they don’t do that in con comedy, but REAL comedy has jokes, not just vitriolic hateful verbal assaults against common enemies. You might try it some time.

So, no college makes a person uneducated and dumb….no high school must make them moronic, like your dear old dad, grandpa, and from your grammar, math, science, and history skills, you too despite your claim, and let’s not forget Boebert. No intelligent thought between the four of you. Didn’t think we wouldn’t remember how proud you are of your ignorant uneducated ancestors, the long family history of people that didn’t finish high school? Considering your abilities, and how easy you are duped into believing nonsensical lies with no facts or logic to them, I wouldn’t be surprised to find you didn’t graduate 8th grade. Wait…is your real name “Hershel”?

No intelligent thought. Hasn’t been an intelligent thought from you since you signed up here, Bob. Just regurgitation of blatantly false propaganda and infantile preschooler insults and whining. Lots of your lies being debunked which you answer by simply telling more lies hoping people didn’t notice you were just thoroughly debunked with corroborated facts and called out as the moronic liar you are for the 972nd time.

PS- way to try posting your discarded idiotic fact free propaganda in comments. Lucky you comments don’t get discarded for negative votes or you would have only about a dozen left from your unpopular and largely unwanted time here….silly little troll.

I suppose you agree that mean man shot Rudy in the back with his invisible gun, right? Almost tackled him, but Rudy is so strong he maintained his balance. Never a true word from Republicans, every syllable you utter is false. If you guys got your wish, a culture like 70’s Saudi Arabia where only white men have power and everyone else is subservient, it wouldn’t make you happy because you would all be begging on the streets with no hands or tongue, because they cut off your hands for stealing and your tongues for lying in that culture.

bobknight33 said:

Fifty years of liberal decisions and the left had no issue with the supreme court. Now the pendulum swings back and all hell breaks loose. The left are the radical side. This decision is just put the issue back to the states, where it belongs. About 1/3 of the states allow this murdering already

Still the most dangerous place for a child will still be the womb.

Like how Handler is unable to have an intelligent conversion about this topic just slanted jokes. That is all you can expect from an uneducated person with no college. No intelligent thought.

Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | Veritasium

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

BSR says...

Understand you are swimming against the current.

People like that have always been and will always be, just as there are people like you that have always been and will always be. It's the never ending story.

Accept who they are and let them go. They need to find what they are looking for.

Expect nothing. Accept everything.

In the end "there will always be one more child born to carry on."

Let the current take you wherever it goes. That will probably be where you wanted to be all along. Happy.

Just make sure your swim trunks are on tight. Or just take them off. Whatever makes you happy.

eoe said:

Can one of these pigfuckers please, for the love of fucking god, just say, "I was wrong.

Not a single one has admitted to their inaccuracy. Not even good ol' @bobknight33.

Whitehouse Admits Tax Plan Saves Trump,Tens Of Millions Year

newtboy says...

Bullshit....they were asked and they answered honestly that they'll save millions per year, said repeatedly and clearly it helps the rich, and they're rich.
Trump and Republicans just flatly lied about the bill.
He just lied, blatantly, daily, about tax law that affects us all....lied about who it benefits (him) and who it hurts (anyone making under $150k, and every American citizen because it bankrupts the nation) and you ignore it? Be assured I'll bring this up the next 3 dozen times you complain about liberals being less than perfectly truthful.

Damn straight members would have voted against it....because it's a horrific swindle that will bankrupt us quickly....I know that makes you happy, Dimitri, but Americans are pretty pissed.

He wouldn't be damned if he had signed the law he claimed it was, he's damned because he's a consummate, pathological liar. You are damned because you support that no matter what the lie is.

My holiday was tarnished by a big orange baby and his cadre of anti American idiots destroying my country's finances and likely starting a class war. It will only be great again when we eat the rich (or force feed them to their families)....I don't think that will take 3 years at this point if things continue on this road to bankruptcy. $1.5 TRILLION to the DEFICIT...that's $15 TRILLION in 10 years for one person's gain (anyone else that gains is coincidental, this was written specifically to benefit Trump and his family.). You can't ever complain that liberals or democrats are financially irresponsible again....never. You support lying to the country so your guy can bankrupt the country for personal gain. No patriotic American would do that. If you aren't Russian trying to harm America, you're almost certainly a traitorous moron. I see no other possibility.

bobknight33 said:

They ( other politicians) haven't been asked.

If Trump would have said Yep I will benefit bigley. The media wound piled on even more and might even sway some members to vote against it.

Gather damn if you do damn if you don't.

Hope you had a great holiday.

John Oliver - DACA

Why Do Americans Smile So Much?

messenger says...

I lived in Turkey for four years, and after a while I noticed that Turks didn't respond well to my smiling. They didn't understand it as a friendly signal, and it actually caused friction. I never asked about it, but I somehow caught on that they thought I was stupid. I thought about it, and it made perfect sense to me that it was stupid to smile at things that shouldn't make you happy.

So I stopped smiling in stores and restaurants, with coworkers, and even with Turkish friends. My interactions with people improved noticeably.

After four years, I moved back to Canada, where I continued not smiling for no reason. I've never been able to get back into the habit. I just feel stupid and unnatural smiling for no reason. People smile at me just because they see me, and they smile politely. I can't smile back. I just raise my eyebrows.

People now tell me constantly that I'm too sad, that I should smile more that I'm not happy. Now, there's some truth to that -- I do suffer from depression -- but that predates living in Turkey and it's only since then that anyone's accused me of being sad, or even noticed that I don't smile as much as I should. I've had to train my friends out of referring to me as grumpy.

My job is teaching English as a Second Language to students from all over the world. My Western students -- particularly the Latinos -- tell me daily (literally) that I don't smile enough. My East Asian and Eastern European students have never said a word in that direction. I just realized the divide now after watching this video.

Black mob violence. The First Lady explains it all

bobknight33 says...

No race baiting here just a bunch of thugs beating a guy for no reason.

Yes they were black. Yes they were a mob.

So to make you happy..
I need to post a black burning a white?
A black dragging a white?
I need to see a black hang a white?
Is what you need for PROOF for injustice?
I'm sure all those things have been done.

Feel the sting as you hide behind your social blinders.
Black people can't be racist. Liberals tell me that.

Hey, don't make the black kids angry.
I SAY in the name of equality:

newtboy said:

What the hell kind of ridiculous, race baiting, near slanderous, BS commercial for a racist's book was that?!?
Really, 'black mob violence' doesn't get much worse than that? I didn't see any chains attaching him to a pickup truck and dragging him to death. I didn't see him doused with gas and lit on fire. I didn't see him strung up from the nearest tree. If that's the limit of 'black mob violence', they have one hell of a long way to go to reach 'white mob violence' level. They aren't in the same league. I note they didn't explain events at all, and I note that BK conflates them with Black Lives Matter...but why?
Conflating a gang of thugs with the First Lady's speech about racism is about as infantile and disingenuous as it gets.
Happy to downvote this racist propaganda.

Adam Ruins Everything: Polygraph Tests

Lawdeedaw says...

Influence is different than belief. People believe in God. People were influenced by many evil men. In this case it is the same. Lie detectors are "mystical" and "fun." Much in the same way Ouija boards are fun as when you are a kid. Yeah, a few take it to the next level, but again it is not "massive amounts of people."

And look at this. "You are not the father," followed by massive antics. "The lie detector determined that was a lie," followed by massive antics. Again, no one gives two shits about the test, they want to see the bullshit. Let me pose this (and answer it please,) do you think people would watch pop culture if it was bland just because it had a lie detector test? Of course not, because no one gives...two shits

In this regard I am actually insulting American intellect far more than if they believed in a pseudo science, lol. Those people are pathetic, just like Springer people.

And I can see the value--if it makes you happy by all means. I am just justifying why I downvoted it (for blowing up the numbers and shifting blame.)

Also, Adam even disagrees with you! Lol; he says at the end about police departments using it to obtain confessions and it not being real, and the police say "yeah we know that!" Ie., police use it as a tool of influence to scared people. What people do fear is the jury not caring that a detector is inadmissible, they fear it won't matter because perception is 9/10ths of the law.

brycewi19 said:

I think you overestimate the knowledge base of the general public. I don't believe the average person (especially in America) knows that this device is completely without credibility.
So much so that it continues to have a giant influence in our legal system and popular culture (e.g. TV crime drama).
Even if this is something that has been debunked a couple decades ago doesn't mean the information has been properly distributed to the general public.
I still find value to a video like this because of it's nature to inform those who didn't know.
I'm only arguing against your initial point that this "should never have been made". The truth has to continually fight the lies.

4 Minute Intimacy Test With Couples

robbersdog49 says...

I suppose this works in the same way as seeing other people smiling can make you happy. Your brain responds to different cues all the time. Making yourself smile or laugh can make you feel better, feel happy. We don't look into another person's eyes like this until we reach a certain level of intimacy, so if that is happening then our brains respond as if you have that level of intimacy.

I'm going to find my wife and gaze into her eyes for four minutes. If she's lucky I'll tell her what's going on

One day I want to be the old couple.

Pixar short - blue umbrella - Pixar is back!

bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

newtboy says...

Oh! I'm sorry, I thought we were discussing the video. LOL!
Predictable 'officers are always right, even when they're wrong, and you should simply allow then to screw you hard and dry and hope for the best in court' mentality and suggestions, though.
Cops are trained on how to act. They ignore that training, or abuse it, to act improperly.

EDIT: I would disagree. I believe that the majority of people have official police contact at least one point in their life, either as suspects or victims.
It depends on your definition of 'civilly'. Most police contact is legally proper, that doesn't mean the cop acts civilly. From experience, when they think you've been criminal or non-compliant, police civility goes right out the window and the inappropriate violent threats, name calling, and angry cursing starts instantly, before the 'suspect' has a chance to react at all. That's why I was pulled out of my car at gunpoint and thrown violently to the ground by a screaming cursing officer when he misread my license plate and thought my car was stolen.

Yes, the vast majority of police contact is done properly....just as the vast majority of contact with murderers, rapists, thieves, and child molesters is done with proper conduct. That does not excuse it when they act improperly, just as the previous good conduct doesn't excuse a murder/rape/theft/molestation later. Duh.
Yes, most people know that if you don't cow tow to cops, kiss their ass, and allow them to violate you in whatever way they like, they'll further abuse their power to fuck you hard and you'll pay the price. (I learned that lesson, 'respect authority even when it's wrong or you pay the price', at 4 years old when my dad closed fist punched me across the room for saying 'NO', but being a learning experience didn't make his actions acceptable by any means). Funny how you turn violent abuse of power and violation of civil rights into 'won't make you happy' and assign the blame to the victims of abuse for not being subservient enough. It's a bit more than 'won't make you happy', dude.
It's not a 'small number' of contacts that end up with abuse and/or murder, it may be a 'small' percentage, but once is once too many, thousands of times per year is unacceptable by any reckoning. How can you ignore that? It's unconscionable. It's also near 100% of the time that the 'blue wall' closes in around the offending cops and protects them, so that makes you ALL accessories after the fact. You also know this well.
This guy could easily have ended up dead, he did not instigate or even participate in the violence. He was incredibly lucky his buildings security system caught the incident or he would be in prison for years to come, based on cops lies and abuse.
'We people' expect cops to act according to the laws they swore to uphold. We expect them to follow procedure and work to de-escalate violence, not to go rogue and act violently as a first resort, especially true when there's been no crime committed.
This guys behavior, sitting unarmed, without contraband, calmly and quietly, led to his fate, beaten and arrested over nothing at all, (for asking why he was searched in the first place, or contempt of cop, neither being a crime) and charged with serious felonies based on cop's lies. You once again put the blame on the victim, because it can't possibly be the cops acting improperly in your myopic viewpoint, even when it's on video. Fortunately it's a tiny minority viewpoint not held by many.

lantern53 said:

The vast majority of people never have contact with police officers.

The vast majority of people who HAVE contact with police officers are treated civilly and go on with their lives.

The vast majority of people know that you don't give a bunch of shit to police officers. If you do, you take a chance on an outcome that won't make you happy.

The vast majority of people who are arrested on a weekly basis know that they will pay a small fine, or do a couple of days in jail, and take it as a cost of doing business.

A small number of police contacts end up with someone being treated for a bruise or cut, or a loose tooth, or pepper spray in the eyes.

A small number of police contacts end up dead and the vast majority of them instigated the violence.

You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.

bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

lantern53 says...

The vast majority of people never have contact with police officers.

The vast majority of people who HAVE contact with police officers are treated civilly and go on with their lives.

The vast majority of people know that you don't give a bunch of shit to police officers. If you do, you take a chance on an outcome that won't make you happy.

The vast majority of people who are arrested on a weekly basis know that they will pay a small fine, or do a couple of days in jail, and take it as a cost of doing business.

A small number of police contacts end up with someone being treated for a bruise or cut, or a loose tooth, or pepper spray in the eyes.

A small number of police contacts end up dead and the vast majority of them instigated the violence.

You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.

May well be the stupidest thing ever said in a church

EMPIRE says...

ghark... are you serious? this is completely idiotic.

"Do good for your own self. Do good because God wants you to be happy".

See the retarded contradiction?

If she had simply said: "Do good for your own self". Period. That was fine (as fine as something a fucking mega-church pastor could say).

Or... "Do good for your own self. Because it makes you happy. God isn't needed in this picture. Do good for yourself". That would also be acceptable

Crazy Guy Runs Into Outback Tornado To Take Selfie

shveddy says...

Not sure about how I feel about this newfangled form of advertising.

They're trying to hijack the fact that authentic joy and excitement caught on tape can become popular on Youtube and make millions a little happier for watching it. Instead of just making you happy, however, their goal is to just sell you Jack Links beef jerky.

Don't fall for this and let the greedy corporate bastards corrupt another beautiful form of human expression; punish them by buying a different brand of beef jerky next time you go to the grocery store and watch these videos instead:

Double Rainbow:
Cheese Doodle:

"Look Up" a poem about Social Media

yellowc says...

"Yes that's true and that's the point of this, to suggest that this isn't the way we should be interacting to one another." -Yogi

A suggestion in this pretentious form is intended as an imposition.

You don't know how people should be interacting, you want them to interact in the way that makes you happy. Fuck if that makes everyone else unhappy? Because you're right and this is the right way to live!


People live how they want.

Yogi said:

How is it imposing?

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