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Greek/Euro Crisis Explained

dannym3141 says...

I'm not a historian so i might be getting this wrong, but i'd been led to believe:

a) Germany itself was in debt after WW1, and the economic hardship forced on them in the form of reparations has been postulated as a reason why the Nazi party rose to power in the first place. When people are desperate, they look for someone to blame. Over in the UK, the government have ensured that we're blaming immigrants and anyone on welfare for these economic hardships that were caused by the rich elite and ruling classes, corrupt to the very core and no longer working in the interests of the country and its people.

b) European countries agreed to forget large portions of Germany's debts, because back then we seemed to know that is was pointless to wreck a country and cause untold misery, pain and death to the residents all in the name of profiting off them.

I am so disgusted and overwhelmed by how badly everything is being run, and how obviously it is being run for the benefit of a minority. I hope Greece sticks two fingers up to the lot of them and does an Iceland, followed by every other European country doing something similar. We can't hope to carry on like this, we can't let power hungry psychopaths control the world... we won't survive like this.

bcglorf said:

if Greece wanted to borrow German money for those benefits that Germany would like to see that money someday paid back. More over, if Greece is now too poor to pay that money back and is asking for even more loans to scrape by, Germany isn't exactly an ogre in demanding some spending/taxation changes from Greece first so there is some hope at least the new loans will be paid back.

Uncharted 4 Gameplay

Retroboy says...

I would get absolutely NOWHERE in this game.

I'd spend the first twelve hours of play seeing exactly how much of that marketplace I could break, wreck, ruin or otherwise damage in various ways.

OCD = Obsessive/compulsive destruction, that's me.

Drunk Racoon

Huge Great White Close Up

ChaosEngine says...

It depends on the environment, the shark, and the level of knowledge of the diver.

If you know the temperament of the shark, if you know there's a lot of food around (on a reef for instance), you're probably ok.

I was diving on a wreck in Australia years ago and came within 1m of a massive bull shark. No cages, just regular scuba. He swam right by me and I nearly crapped myself. Wasn't quite that big, but easily 3m. The divemaster with me knew this particular shark well (he told us we'd probably see him) and swam right up to him and blew a raspberry at him

The shark was just like "oh, these guys" and kept swimming. He could easily have torn us all (about 8 on the dive) to shreds, but he just wasn't interested. At which point, I remembered I had a camera and took a pretty crap photo as he swam off.

Over a decade later, it remains one of the highlights of my life, and the best dive I've ever done.

Asmo said:

I think this should qualify as *EIA because if you're right, messing with a pregnant female that also happens to be one of the most dangerous apex predators in it's home environment is asking to be weeded out of the gene pool... = \

The Last Guardian - E3 2015 Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

It will eventually (when we can run PS4 emulators )

So are Team ICO developing this or not? It's certainly got that desaturated look of Ico and-and Shadow of the Colossus, in fact, it really does look like a PS2 game in terms of the engine.

But I care not one solitary rats arse about the engine. The animation is beautiful and the architectural design is stunning.

Ico and SotC were amazing games. They had great puzzles and genuinely engaging stories, all without a line of understandable dialog.

If this actually comes out, I will rent a PS4 to play it, and it will wreck me

lv_hunter said:

this needs to come to PC!

Swat Team Completely Destroys Home Chasing Shoplifter

Mordhaus says...

"They methodically fired explosives into every room in this house in order to extract one person. Granted, he had a handgun, but against 100 officers? You know, the proper thing to do would be to evacuate these homes around here, ensure the safety of the homeowners around here, fire some tear gas through the windows. If that didn’t work, you have 50 SWAT officers with body armor break down the door."


You see, they methodically blew out walls with explosives to force him into one area. They used an APC with a breaching attachment to open multiple entries into the residence. One hundred cops against a guy with one handgun.

If this is our standard procedure, terrorists don't need to hit big targets, just split up and hide out in buildings. By the time our militar...oops, police force is done, the building will be wrecked to a shell. But we'll have that one terrorist, so as the Chief of Police said in this case, it's a WIN!

Massive GT4 European Series crash at Red Bull Ring

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

GenjiKilpatrick says...

See, Lantern. This is a sober comment from a reasonable perspective.

It's okay, buddy. We all worry about losing our job sometimes.

It's an interesting insight into your fears & frustrations, I guess..

Do you feel burned out, Lantern?
Do you feel like your mind, body ..spirit.. have been wrecked?

Do you LOVE being a Law Enforcement Officer.. but also you feel very.. resentful or disgruntled or bitter.. about?

Are you upset about..?

- How you're mistrusted/hated as a Police Officer by a seemingly huge group of people in this country?

- How you're portrayed to be "Bullies, Bad guys" or "Thugs" in the news media?

- How ignorant some.. most.. people are about how rough it is being a cop?

Does all that stuff make you want to yell & scream sometimes?

Because that's precisely what's it's like for ALL minorities:
Women, LBGTQQ, Indigenous Peoples, People of Color

Why is that lantern? I wonder why that is? Do you know?

You "get that", right?

Are we on the same page here? Because..

lantern53 said:

Probably belong to a big union. Democrats won't fight unions. Where I work, your ass would be grass.

also, newtboy still doesn't get it , re: his comment on police recruiting...cities don't hire bullies, it's the job that can turn you into a burned out wreck.

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

lantern53 says...

Probably belong to a big union. Democrats won't fight unions. Where I work, your ass would be grass.

also, newtboy still doesn't get it , re: his comment on police recruiting...cities don't hire bullies, it's the job that can turn you into a burned out wreck.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

zaust jokingly says...

This video is horrible. Why should America promote family values?? They are way better than the other 183 countries with their squirt it out, work it out attitude.

Other benefits of course include:

*The raft of emotionally wrecked children who don't even have essential bonding time with their parents, which brings more income to the therapy sector.

*People deciding they are financially unable to take the time off needed to birth children, which brings a smaller American population.

*And of course the comedic value of millions of babies being raised by trained childcare professionals rather than their mother who got knocked up in the back seat of a ford chevy.


The Backwards Brain Bicycle

radx says...

Back in the days, Y axis mapping was neither standardised nor adjustable, so many of us went through this back and forth countless times. As a result, it takes me just a few seconds to adjust to an inverted Y axis on an input device.

An inverted X axis on the other hand wrecks my brain in any fast-paced situation.

TheFreak said:

If you want to experience something similar at home, take a game controller and invert the Y axis in a first person game that you've played a lot. Play until you get the hang of it and then switch back. See how long it takes you to readjust.

Did Mila Kunis steal this woman's chicken in Ukraine?

Tommy Chong's "Lincoln Advertisement"

Pixels Trailer

ant says...

I still need to see Wreck it Ralph.

ChaosEngine said:

ughhhh. The premise has potential, but then they've given it to Adam Sandler.


I'll just watch Wreck it Ralph again instead.

And between this, X-men and Destiny, I'm starting to think Peter Dinklage just got really lucky with Tyrion, because he's displayed an alarming lack of taste since GoT.

Pixels Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

ughhhh. The premise has potential, but then they've given it to Adam Sandler.


I'll just watch Wreck it Ralph again instead.

And between this, X-men and Destiny, I'm starting to think Peter Dinklage just got really lucky with Tyrion, because he's displayed an alarming lack of taste since GoT.

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