NordlichReiter says...

I sometimes use my windows to view the sift. Other days I use my Ubuntu machine. What does that make me? A hybrid?

4 Million Unique visitors? If so that's excellent; aside from them being PCs.

gwiz665 says...

I think it's interesting that the iPhone is #4. It will be interesting to see if the iPad will actually assert itself, seeing as it's a "magical browser experience".

NordlichReiter says...

I read an article about Browser spoofing via User-Agents. It's not that hard to do, with a Firefox add-on called tamper data and others. Basically you can make Firefox mimic IE, and those mobile browser and other things manipulating the User-Agent.

Did you know that you can even make yourself appear to be the Google Spider?

This thread reminded me of that, cool none the less. I'd like to see more Linux users.

Throbbin says...

That's me on the PS3. It sucks though, VS always tells me I'm using an old, broken version of Internet Explorer.

Any way to address that? I like going through comedy vids in the living room with friends.

Croccydile says...

You sure that image is not backwards with Patches O'Houlihan being the Mac user? At least thats the impression I get being a solely Windows user here

I wonder if trying to browse it on the near-useless PSP browser or old Windows Mobile would count as

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