And, here it is ladies and gentlemen:


During October 2008, you attended or were excused from attending an Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) mobilization screening in Kansas City, MO. The purpose of this screening was to determine your eligibility for involuntary recall to active duty in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. As you may recall, there had been a significant reduction in the Gaining Force Commanders’ (GFC) manpower shortfalls and it was explained that some Marines would receive orders and others would not.

Our records indicate that you were found qualified for involuntary recall and WILL be receiving orders for activation. It is anticipated that your orders will be issued in the upcoming weeks. In the meantime, you are encouraged to begin or continue preparing for your upcoming mobilization.

Let me re-iterate, that you have been found qualified and WILL be receiving involuntary activation orders. If you have not received your copy of orders by 01 January 2009, you need to contact MOBCOM immediately."

Oh Joy!


I applied for a school seat to get a new MOS with the active reserve. If that happens, then I don't get recalled to anywhere. I join the reserve unit here in town, and the best thing of all is that I get a $15,000 bonus.

So here are my two choices:

Involuntary recall

  • 100% chance that I will be deployed and get shot at
  • Don't get paid at all until deployment
  • No bonus

Join Active reserve

  • (less than)100% chance of deployment
  • Monthly pay (~$300) for weekend drills
  • $15,000 bonus

The downside of the Reserves? I'm qualified to have literally any job in the entire military, but the unit in town here is bulk fuel. LAME.

I find out Monday if I'm approved for the school seat in three weeks. Preliminary word is "yes".
darkrowan says...

I have the utmost respect for anyone serving in the military, current or previously. Mostly because I would not be able to put up with this much bullshit and I've been told I have the patience of a saint.

NordlichReiter says...

did they even capitalize WILL?

Good luck with Iraq.

Ill say it again, if it smells like rain, it will probably pour.

Hope you get to stay out of the hot spots.

Beware of glory seeking mercs.

I recommend Miltech Gun Lube (a couple of places in my state give discounts to service members - bulk buying as well). Its good stuff and you don't need much. There is a type of gun cleaning solvent that I use, also clean bolts and tools, I cant remember what it was. You drop the parts that need cleaning right in the bottle let it sit for a moment, and then pull it out clean it, and then add lube. Its a green tint, specifically for carbon build up.

Found it, the solvent is called Slip 2000 Carbon killer - it will remove every thing... even the blue coating that they put on gun parts - this only happens when the stuff is used for a long period.

It removes rust as well.

lucky760 says...


I thought/hoped signing up for the reserve would keep you stateside.

Anyway, good luck, Marine. Kick some bad guy butt and bring a video camera. If Obama's 16 month plan is still on the table, with any luck you won't be there too long.

Semper fidelis.

blankfist says...


Good luck, brother. I'm sure everyone here will be thinking about you and wishing you well. As soon as you get a moment to resurface, be sure to send us a line to let us know you are well.

Oh, and don't drop the soap.

Constitutional_Patriot says...

You might get "lucky" and get stationed stateside for domestic terrorism duty now that martial law army and marine units are preparing to potentally "protect" the people in the event of a "national emergency". It'd suck being prepared to kill fellow countrymen even though it's a violation of the constitution and UCMJ but hey at least you'd be stateside.

CaptainPlanet420 says...

>> ^Constitutional_Patriot:
You might get "lucky" and get stationed stateside for domestic terrorism duty now that martial law army and marine units are preparing to potentally "protecting" the the people in the event of a "national emergency". It'd would suck being prepared to kill fellow countrymen even though it's a violation of the constitution and UCMJ but hey at least you'd be stateside.

future truth ftw

Dignant_Pink says...

these were printed on german matchbooks at the end of WW2

"Take the powder from a rifle cartridge and dissolve it in your daily cup of coffee. do this each day until you begin to feel and look ill. stop eating so that you will appear emaciated. report to morning sick-call and say you are too sick to fight. the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis and send you to the hospital. you will return to good health in a week to ten days after you stop drinking the concoction. this will make you sick, but it's better than being dead."

"Rub black pepper in your eyes until they swell. continue the action until your eyes are too swollen to see. report to morning sick-call and explain that you can't see. your sight will return; the pain and discomfort is better than the certain death that awaits you in combat."

the matchbooks were given to the germans by the british, who were trying to demoralize the germans into thinking not fighting was better than fighting. seem like some pretty solid ideas to me.

oh wait, you signed up for this? nvm, go give em hell. come home safe.

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