When Gas Prices Are Too High Even For Motorcycles

Oh those wonderful toys!

I must be insanely optimistic, but I was hoping that by not explaining he might actually think about it and come to that realization.
I give @bobknight33 too much credit it seems.


This rising gas prices must be happening ONLY IN THE U S of A because of Biden! My country (Canada), Europe and other places must have gas cheaper than tap water!



Friend, don't set yourself up for disappointment.

Bobs... most of them can't work themselves up enough to think independently even if their lives depend on it. They'd rather turn on their OAN/Fox, fed a spoonful of racism, fear and unreality, then go the "Interweb" to parrot the same OAN/Fox "alternative facts" ad nauseaum, without even processing what their heard.

They can't comprehend the fact that news outside their "U S of F**king A" exist, let alone read them, nor the fact that countries exist & operate outside of US politics.


I must be insanely optimistic, but I was hoping that by not explaining he might actually think about it and come to that realization.
I give @bobknight33 too much credit it seems.


The typical Republicans behavior is signalling "Gas Prices are too damn high!" while telling their spouse "go mortgage the house and put everything into ExxonMobile and put a down payment on another V12!"

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