What it means to be TRULY lazy (World's Shortest Escalator)

The best/worst part is there are stairs after that.

When I imagined it, I didn't imagine 2x the height in stairs needed to complete the transition.

Either this was purposely done to get in the GBWR, or it's design fail of epic proportions.


When I imagine it, I imagine guys working on the building for weeks, it's almost done, they're finishing up with the escalator and half way through they're out of parts. The contractor has gone out of town figuring his work is done and it's not the worker's fault that someone screwed up the escalator order, so they finish it off with stairs and go home. Whatchagonnado?
...and @Peroxide LOL


It's not just lazy "fat fucks" that use escalators... the elderly, the disabled, and those carrying luggage find them very useful. Although that doesn't explain why, in this case, there are still stairs to negotiate!


I don't know if this actually makes them lazy, looks like it would be more dangerous to walk down. Now, people who stand on regular escalators they really are lazy - especially people who don't move to the right so people like me who are in a fucking rush can get by.

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