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RedSkyExactly what I thought. No doubt he still provides some good insight but I can't help thinking he's turned into a conduit of the Democratic political machine based on the clips from him I see nowadays. Instead of gutting the voice imitations and maturing he erred decidedly in the wrong direction.
Also absolutely HILARIOUS.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
Good stuff. The windbag that is Olbermann needs serious puncturing. Even though I usually agree with most of what he has to say- his presentation is whacked.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...I'm... I'm frankly amazed. Dobermann has been doing this kind of stuff a long time. In fact, it is pretty much the ONLY thing he does. And only now has it risen to the level of being worthy of criticism? Well fine I guess - but JS only gets the golfclap for this. If he harped on Dobermann's, MadCow's, and the liberal media's numerous offenses as often as he harps on FOX, etc... then he'd be a bit more worthy of respect. It'd be nice if it didn't take something quite this eggregious to set him off. But he's got left wing blinders, and they have to jump off a pretty tall cliff before JS considers it worth a comment.
volumptuousWhile Olbermann has been doing this schtick for a long time, at first it was because the US was doing some incredibly fucked-up shit.. like, you know, all that torturing innocent people to death, illegally wiretapping our communications, invading sovereign nations who posed zero threat to anyone, pillaging our treasury, running a pseudo dictatorship and delving into the absolute worst of politics -- so people, even news hosts, had every fucking right to be incredibly pissed off.
Yes, Olberman's "special comment" segment has been an utter trainwreck for a long time and should have retired it long ago. Yes, what once was reserved for the absolute most inhuman acts of our government is now used for petty personality pissing contsts.
Yet I think what WP willfully ignores is that there's a neverending valley of difference between the above, and just some GOP homunculus jackass winning one lousy senate seat.
But you gotta admit, the Limbaugh dig was pretty hilarious.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...torturing innocent people to death, illegally wiretapping our communications, invading sovereign nations who posed zero threat to anyone, pillaging our treasury, running a pseudo dictatorship and delving into the absolute worst of politics -- so people, even news hosts, had every right to be incredibly @#$$ed off.
Everything you listed is an "Olbermann" level diatribic exaggeration driven by a leftist bias. I see very little difference is that kind of frothing, insanity driven dribble and Olbermann's Brown meltdown (or "Browndown"). Six of one.
But - to be perfectly honest - I don't really mind it when people gripe at politicians - no matter what side of the aisle they are on. My beef with Olbermann is not his ranting. My beef is the unequal, biased, closed-minded application of it. If he was 50% harping on liberals and 50% harping on conservatives then I'd be cool with it.
enochthere was a time when olbermann's special comment segment was relevant,
not anymore.
volumptuous>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Everything you listed is an "Olbermann" level diatribic exaggeration driven by a leftist bias
Let me get this straight.
Torturing innocent people to death is an exaggeration? As in, we didn't do it? Or, we kinda did it but it's not as bad as all of those Dirty Fucking Hippies think it was?
And to condemn this makes one a "leftist"?
Invading Iraq and murdering over 100,000 innocent people, over false pretenses in order to fulfill sycophantic bloody neocon ideas, is somehow an exaggeration?
And to speak out against it makes one a "leftist"?
Purposefully destroying our economy and plunging the country into the worst recession in 50 years is somehow an exaggeration?
For a "statistician" you sure know fuckall about current events, recent history, or reality.
GeeSussFreeKJust further evidence that there is no news on TV.
NetRunner@volumptuous, yes that makes you a leftist. Implying that morality dictates being humane to people is now a "partisan" political issue, and for some reason is considered some sort of slimy dirty trick.
That's why I propose we just waterboard conservatives until they confess to secretly being concerned about the well being of people who aren't themselves.
Seems the whole movement would collapse once they realized that not everyone in it is as macho as they like to pretend they are.
Drax>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
torturing innocent people to death, illegally wiretapping our communications, invading sovereign nations who posed zero threat to anyone, pillaging our treasury, running a pseudo dictatorship and delving into the absolute worst of politics -- so people, even news hosts, had every right to be incredibly @#$$ed off.
Everything you listed is an "Olbermann" level diatribic exaggeration driven by a leftist bias.
You really have no idea how biased you yourself are. I think you self reinforce your own bias by the feeling that your life is on the right track, and therefore your views and opinions are absolute and correct. You're smart enough to realize the republican party flubs up majorly, but you are obviously OBVIOUSLY biased towards the other side of the isle. There's no real in between for you. You ultimately side with the republican party's views, and you foolishly believe there's a responsible way of pulling them off.
The answer is to go with the best ideas from both parties and make that work. That I believe is how the system was meant to be set up. But now everything is polarized like a nation watching the last two football teams in existence battle it out, each of us rooting for the one team we side with.
There are no good ideas from the other party for you, you will ultimately side with pretty much every ideal the Republican's throw out, and expect every one else to live under those rules. Left, liberal, radical has become a way for you to easily dismiss ideas you're not willing to be open to... never mind the world is made up of individuals. There is good and bad in everything.
If you want to live your life pro-choice, pro-religion, pro-conservative, pro-flying spaghetti monster.. that's your right... but stop shouting in the way of the progress that needs to happen for us to move forward, taking the best of what either party has to offer and forging ahead. Republicans are disliked because it's obvious to many that they're more about winning then helping these days. I'm not saying that makes Democrats "good", but they at least seem to be looking ahead.
We need better health care. At least in the hands of the government it can be held somewhat accountable. In the hands of corporations we're at their whims. The free market will create a profit driven, competitive environment. And no, we will not have much sway in how that environment forms.. after all.. we HAVE to go to THEM.. it's not a luxury item. It's something we all need.
And btw, why are you here? Sift a video or two, geeze.
NordlichReiterYes, by all means continue to propagate the crazy, stupid ideas of left and right being right of left or left of right. Maybe just a bit off center, or a bit lopsided.
There is no right or left. There is only us and them.
Winstonfield_Pennypackersays...Torturing innocent people to death is an exaggeration? As in, we didn't do it?
If you really believe what you just said then I don't know what to say. You have the evidence of DECADES of solid, inarguable proof that the government being in charge of medical issues is never held accountable for tremendous waste, mismanagement, and outright misappropriation & graft. How anyone can look at programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and still think that putting government in charge of such matters is a good idea is beyond me. The proper solution is more freedom - not less. Medical care has been a government mis-managed fiasco in the US ever since Ted Kennedy's stupid HMO bill screwed up the relationship between buyers and providers.
I can find no credible source documenting the U.S. military 'torturing people to death'. Rhetoric such as 'murdering innocent people', 'going to war over false pretenses', 'sycophantic neocon ideas', 'purposefully plunging the economy'... These are the biased terms of left wing blogs. Speaking out against the Iraq War, or Bush, or whatever doesn't make you a kook. The WAY you speak out against them is what makes a kook like Olbermann.
That's why I propose we just waterboard conservatives until they confess to secretly being concerned about the well being of people who aren't themselves.
A fruitless endeavor, because conservatives are by natural proclivity concerned about others. They'd 'admit' it with a smile, and prove it with actions. The liberal approach to addressing the needs of others is to hand out a stringy, stinky government fish once a month. The conservative approach to helping the needy is to encourage them to create a fishing concern so they can make millions of dollars selling fish after they feed themselves like kings.
You are obviously OBVIOUSLY biased towards the other side of the isle
I am a strict fiscal conservative with strong constitutional constructionist leanings and a decidedly libertarian philosophy. Freedom is where I plant my flag. You can know in advance very clearly where I stand on any issue based on my guiding political philosophies of limited government power, and increased human freedom. I am not guided by 'party' politics. I'm guided by over-arching principles. Show me a liberal who fights for the consitution as it was written, fiscal responsibility, and personal freedom and I vote for them. But since the progressive liberal movement is decidedly anti-choice, anti-freedom, anti-fiscal responsibility, and anti-consitution they frequently get the stinkeye.
We need better health care. At least in the hands of the government it can be held somewhat accountable.
It is comments like this that cause me to - as you put it - 'shout'.
Psychologic> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Freedom is where I plant my flag. You can know in advance very clearly where I stand on any issue based on my guiding political philosophies of limited government power, and increased human freedom.
I noticed a comment by you on another video saying "I see no reason why MJ should be illegal when used medicinally." I'd personally think that someone wanting to limit government power and increase personal freedom would oppose the prohibition of any drug on any level, even for non-medical use, but it's possible I misinterpreted your other comment.
Show me a liberal who fights for the consitution as it was written...
You have mentioned that you believe healthcare reform to be unconstitutional, though I don't think I've seen you explain why. One could argue that the "general welfare" of the nation is worth fighting for, but perhaps that is the difference between "reading" the constitution and "interpreting" it.
Do you believe your interpretation of the constitution is the only correct one?
xxovercastxxI agree with your overall premise, but a couple of the things you list aren't complete nonsense.
Here's an article covering claims and evidence that the suicides at Gitmo were actually murders.
'Going to war over false pretenses' is easy to validate. They told us they knew Iraq had WMDs and that there was evidence linking the 9/11 hijackers with Saddam. Not only did they find no WMDs but they then denied ever linking 9/11 and Iraq. If those aren't false pretenses, I don't know what is.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I can find no credible source documenting the U.S. military 'torturing people to death'. Rhetoric such as 'murdering innocent people', 'going to war over false pretenses', 'sycophantic neocon ideas', 'purposefully plunging the economy'... These are the biased terms of left wing blogs. Speaking out against the Iraq War, or Bush, or whatever doesn't make you a kook. The WAY you speak out against them is what makes a kook like Olbermann.
Stupid comedy central..
chilaxeIn reply to this comment by NetRunner:
@volumptuous, yes that makes you a leftist. Implying that morality dictates being humane to people is now a "partisan" political issue, and for some reason is considered some sort of slimy dirty trick.
That's why I propose we just waterboard conservatives until they confess to secretly being concerned about the well being of people who aren't themselves.
Seems the whole movement would collapse once they realized that not everyone in it is as macho as they like to pretend they are.
Way to turn a video about blind political excesses into more blind political excesses.
srdOlbermann responds with a "Ok, point taken. You're right". And I can't sift it because Sifty thinks the pasted embed is broken. Sigh.
Edit: And I seem to be too stupid to embed videos into comments as well.
SlipperyPetefor the canucks:
Lodurrsays...>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
If he was 50% harping on liberals and 50% harping on conservatives then I'd be cool with it.
This is the biggest fallacy floating around today. Can neither party be more wrong than the other? Be scientific about your views, and forget about who stakes claim to what.
jwrayHe used to really mean it when he had actual material to work with, but now he's just a hack exaggerating the rage for ratings.
kir_mokum>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
My beef with Olbermann is not his ranting. My beef is the unequal, biased, closed-minded application of it. If he was 50% harping on liberals and 50% harping on conservatives then I'd be cool with it.
obviously you haven't watched much of olbermann's rants (understandable considering you seem to disagree with his political stripes). yes he's left of center (in american terms) but he certainly rips on democrats.
also, the republicans and democrats aren't 2 parties that are "equal but different" and i don't think they warrant being handled in the same way. the goals of the republican party is power and control (not small government and fiscal conservatism as they would like you to believe) and the goals of the democrats is to roll over and do nothing. the differences are exaggerated when you look at their mouth pieces. one group generally seeks the truth and the betterment of their fellow citizen through empathy (although this can commonly backfire) and the other consistently lies and manipulates information purely to politicize and polarize issues for personal and political power and gain. so of course no political commentator is going to have an even 50/50 critique of both parties as they both warrant being handled differently.
siftbotThe thumbnail image for this video has been updated - thumbnail added by vaporlock.

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