Smart Cat and Faucet


My cat discovered the wonders of fresh sink water and now will only drink from the sink. She gets in the sink when she's thirsty and I have to go turn it on for her. I went out of town for a week once and left her with my mom. When I got home, she was sick and I had to take her to the vet. She was dehydrated. I told my mom she would have to turn the sink, and she said she did "a couple of times."


The other day I was ranting that my fat cat (30 pounds) was bringing me crappy tributes lately. For example, just some fur and tail of mice laying at my front door. He thinks thats OK to eat the entire thing and bring me scraps???

Anyway yesterday he brought me an entire bunny. And his head. In a few piles. I have never seen my cat look so satisfied either.

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