Russian A.T.M. Fail.

A guy using a 24/7 A.T.M. machine for the first time doesn't realise that you have to press the little button (indicated) to open the door.

"Citizen: This is a civil violation-Please place your hands on the yellow markers and wait for a patrol-Failure to comply will result in further investigation-Thank you for your cooperation."


Nonchalantly kicking that safety glass open is clearly a win. Unfortunately, the bank being able to check the camera logs with the time and ATM use will ultimately turn it all into one big fail.


Seriously, how do people like this even function in society?

Normal person:
"Door won't open. Huh, is there some reason why not? A sign perhaps? Let me seee... oh, here we are 'press button to leave'" *Presses button, door opens*

This guy:
"Door won't open. WHAT THE FUCK? What?! How? What? Fuck you door, open, fucking open, Oppppen! Right, fuck you, Take that fucking door, take THAT!"

"Fuck, what was it about that door? It wouldn't open, fuck me. Glad I have mad kicking skills"

I hate to think how he reacts in any situation even remotely stressful.


I've read that some ATM booths like this will lock the door if they suspect tampering. Given his sudden sense of urgency, I wonder if he was fucking with the ATM and it locked him in. That'd explain why he left so quickly.


Until now I didn't know even know they had booths for ATMs in some places. Here it's called a 'hole in the wall' for a reason. >> ^frijoles:

I've read that some ATM booths like this will lock the door if they suspect tampering. Given his sudden sense of urgency, I wonder if he was fucking with the ATM and it locked him in. That'd explain why he left so quickly.


Some hospital floors have this... you'll see people at the opposite end of a long hall trying to leave, push and pulling on a big door as hard as they can before they notice the well-labeled button you needed to push to unlock doors.

I think they get nervous, 'Wait, am I the one with dementia? Let me out... LET ME OUT, LET ME OOOOuu, oh, here's a button.'

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