Japan takes "manufactured pop music" to a whole new level!

"kill it before it finishes its death dance!" - YouTube comment

That chick is totally bringing back the "robot" from the 80's.

As far as the uncanny valley is concerned the hands and extendo arms are worse than the face for me.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Uncanny bottomless pit, with no escape. Still cool though. *promote.>> ^TheGenk:

That is so deep in uncanny-valley... and kinda terrible too, which i cant call
I give em props though for the pretty fluid motion


And for the next version they really should fix those hands. And give her some stockings. Nothing causes me to suspend disbelief more than metal legs on a woman.


Hey, hey now, don't be messing with my sex robot fantasies.>> ^dag:

Uncanny bottomless pit, with no escape. Still cool though. promote.>> ^TheGenk:
That is so deep in uncanny-valley... and kinda terrible too, which i cant call
I give em props though for the pretty fluid motion


Every time I see these Japanese robots, I'm immediately reminded of Gelflings. So let's see....1982....carry the one...so that means we're about 25 years away from them being completely realistic.

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