CNN Confronts Biden Advisor on Ukraine


I don't understand the point that's being made here. She's objecting to him describing it as the "latest" invasion rather than the more generic "an invasion"?

Bob, can you explain what we're supposed to find upsetting about this? It seems like incredibly nitpicky fluff, but perhaps there's some subtlety I'm missing that would have a real impact in some way...?

Russia clearly has invaded Ukraine at this point. And that's bad, I hope you'd agree, as Ukraine is a sovereign democracy and has done nothing to warrant a hostile invasion of this sort. The Biden admin has correctly recognized it as a hostile and unwarranted invasion, and appears to be responding in a manner which is reasonable for the situation, given our relationship with Ukraine.

Where's the beef?


Politicians / public officials tend to answer questions at certain events, and not at others. One can easily find footage of basically any public person ignoring questions shouted at them by various parties. It isn't new or controversial. Do you feel Presidents (and Representatives, Senators, etc as well) are beholden to answer any shouted question they hear, whenever they have a spare moment? Or do you just feel this particular question warranted a response?

It's a pretty inane question, really. "Do you think you may have underestimated Putin?" I mean... the Biden administration detailed, in advance, what they thought Putin was going to do. And then he did... basically exactly what they expected. That doesn't seem to allow room for underestimation.


America had a leader. Now we have a JOKE!



Oh no @bobknight33….Joe’s leadership in NATO, which Trump wanted us out of and wanted destroyed as capitulation to Putin, is surprising the Russians and giving the Russians serious pause.

Lavrov conceded NATOs unity, advising Putin that at this past weekend’s Munich security conference “every western representative declared their absolute commitment to a unified approach,” which “confirmed that we need to negotiate with Washington.”

This unity was created by Joe, who’s spent days/weeks/months cajoling members into that unified front. When did Russia ever negotiate with Trump? A: never, he never made them negotiate, he simply gave in to every wish and ignored every crime.


thought it was gauche to self-promote videos. let alone posting a ménage à trois (or 3 f'n'ing ) videos as 'support'.

give it up comrade.

biden gots US infrastructure; hair hitler rewarded the rich w/tax cuts. if that's a joke, i don't get it.

just some other thoughts while here...

what if the 't' social site ̶r̶o̶l̶l̶ stumble out was dolt 45's doing? having all the red hats make it look like a real going - but they ended up crashing the servers themselves?

also s.o.p. regarding the logo. likely don jr. (or ilk) scrolled for 't' logos and ended up w/an active company's logo. someone gets paid to bilk the organization.*

'hit me w/a feather' forecast: the site goes down and money goes missing. wonder what vegas odds are on this?

just the idea that a notorious liar throws up a site labeled 'truth' makes one think of this famous phrase...

[roy cohen, fiction, and fear. history rhytms.]

*is the 'period' by the 't' suppose to throw us off?


Is she retarded? Its an invasion, stupid!

What is the supposed mixed messaging? What confrontation?

Its an invasion, your hero has started a war, Bob.

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