Bernie Sanders Explains His Reluctance To Endorse Hillary


I so admire Mr Sanders.

That might be shaken after the Dem Convention, if he doesn't strongly endorse Clinton.

Because it isn't just politics at this point -- it is a two way horse race with passions running high.

I have to self-soothe by endlessly repeating -- it is a loooong time until November. It is a very looooooog time until November. There is enough time for Sanders to do what he says at the very beginning of this interview -- EVERYTHING HE CAN TO DEFEAT TRUMP.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Bernie, Hillary, Politics, Election' to 'Bernie, Hillary, Politics, Election, HE WILL VOTE FOR CLINTON' - edited by bareboards2


Doing everything he can do to defeat Trump would mean continuing to fight to be the nominee, because a Clinton VS Trump election is a toss up, not a way to defeat him. Only a Sanders nomination blocks a Trump presidency, a Clinton nomination gives us a 50/50 chance of a Trump presidency at best.....and people are OK with that?!? WTF people? What's wrong with you?

If you don't want Trump, you should continue to support a Sanders nomination at the convention.
If you support Clinton, you are gambling with the nation for your personal preference, and clearly "beating Trump" is NOT your major concern, if it's a concern at all.

As he said, it's about convincing voters that Clinton is WITH THEM, not convincing voters to be with her. She has failed completely at that task, and seems to not have even tried. In fact, her campaign made more efforts to court anti-Trump republicans than is has to court independent Sanders supporters. That, as much as anything, is an indication that she plans on moving far to the right if she's elected, not that she plans to work towards the few goals she's temporarily adopted from the Sanders camp.
If Sanders supporters don't think Clinton is going to work towards their goals, and she's given little to no indication that she will, they won't vote for her. It's up to HER to convince them she's on their side. Get to it, woman, or bow out.


Honestly, there's never been any sign that Hillary plans to move right -or- left after the election. I think it's quite obvious that she'll stay absolutely center-of-the-Hillary-road, just like she's always been.

The US is well down the path to becoming a banana republic, and voting Hillary is the -best- way to continue that direction. I'll watch the country burn first, at least that's a clean death.


Doing everything he can do to defeat Trump would mean continuing to fight to be the nominee, because a Clinton VS Trump election is a toss up, not a way to defeat him. Only a Sanders nomination blocks a Trump presidency, a Clinton nomination gives us a 50/50 chance of a Trump presidency at best.....and people are OK with that?!? WTF people? What's wrong with you?

If you don't want Trump, you should continue to support a Sanders nomination at the convention.
If you support Clinton, you are gambling with the nation for your personal preference, and clearly "beating Trump" is NOT your major concern, if it's a concern at all.

As he said, it's about convincing voters that Clinton is WITH THEM, not convincing voters to be with her. She has failed completely at that task, and seems to not have even tried. In fact, her campaign made more efforts to court anti-Trump republicans than is has to court independent Sanders supporters. That, as much as anything, is an indication that she plans on moving far to the right if she's elected, not that she plans to work towards the few goals she's temporarily adopted from the Sanders camp.
If Sanders supporters don't think Clinton is going to work towards their goals, and she's given little to no indication that she will, they won't vote for her. It's up to HER to convince them she's on their side. Get to it, woman, or bow out.


I don't know any more, I think those hypothetical match up poles that have Bernie beating Trump by a higher margin than Clinton don't take into account the fallout from the only way he could be nominated now, if nearly all of the super delegates decide to overturn the result of the primary. And that would seriously piss off the majority of Democratic primary voters.

If it actually went down that way, I don't think Bernie would be up in the poles given how many Clinton supporters would feel cheated and betrayed by the party. I know that's ironic since Sanders supporters already feel that way, but overturning the primary is an epic level of shenanigans that would eclipse anything done to Sanders.

The only hope for a Sanders nomination is if Clinton implodes in the next 3 weeks, like by being indicted. Otherwise I think the best he can do is what he's been saying, try to affect the party platform.


Doing everything he can do to defeat Trump would mean continuing to fight to be the nominee, because a Clinton VS Trump election is a toss up, not a way to defeat him. Only a Sanders nomination blocks a Trump presidency, a Clinton nomination gives us a 50/50 chance of a Trump presidency at best.....and people are OK with that?!? WTF people? What's wrong with you?

If you don't want Trump, you should continue to support a Sanders nomination at the convention.
If you support Clinton, you are gambling with the nation for your personal preference, and clearly "beating Trump" is NOT your major concern, if it's a concern at all.

As he said, it's about convincing voters that Clinton is WITH THEM, not convincing voters to be with her. She has failed completely at that task, and seems to not have even tried. In fact, her campaign made more efforts to court anti-Trump republicans than is has to court independent Sanders supporters. That, as much as anything, is an indication that she plans on moving far to the right if she's elected, not that she plans to work towards the few goals she's temporarily adopted from the Sanders camp.
If Sanders supporters don't think Clinton is going to work towards their goals, and she's given little to no indication that she will, they won't vote for her. It's up to HER to convince them she's on their side. Get to it, woman, or bow out.


At this point, you have a point. The only way I see it working for Sanders now is if she's indicted, becomes seriously ill, or is killed. Otherwise, yes, her supporters would (and should) balk at nominating Sanders under those circumstances just as many Sanders supporters balk at nominating her today. It's an impasse on both sides that may lead to President Trump (hold on, I just threw up a little), and one with no clear solution.
Sadly, insanely, that seems to be where we're headed, to a coin flip for the most important position on the planet with no good outcome possible, just bad or terrible.
Time to build my floating island and move on.


I don't know any more, I think those hypothetical match up poles that have Bernie beating Trump by a higher margin than Clinton don't take into account the fallout from the only way he could be nominated now, if nearly all of the super delegates decide to overturn the result of the primary. And that would seriously piss off the majority of Democratic primary voters.

If it actually went down that way, I don't think Bernie would be up in the poles given how many Clinton supporters would feel cheated and betrayed by the party. I know that's ironic since Sanders supporters already feel that way, but overturning the primary is an epic level of shenanigans that would eclipse anything done to Sanders.

The only hope for a Sanders nomination is if Clinton implodes in the next 3 weeks, like by being indicted. Otherwise I think the best he can do is what he's been saying, try to affect the party platform.


I can only hope that she is indicted, either for her mail server or for the clear and systematic cheating that took place during the primary. If via a miracle Sanders were to be the nominee, then I would vote for him. Barring that, I'll be voting Libertarian this year as I cannot, in good conscience, place a vote for Clinton.


What's going to be really shit if Trump wins is that it will be blamed on Sanders.

He's campaigning for all the right reasons and he's trying to move politics along, away from the stale and shitty status quo. Good things will only happen if people really work for them.

But so much of the media and the democratic party seem to want to keep their cushy status quo that they'll spin this out as his fault for trying to be disruptive. The public will lap it all up and progressives wil become a thing to hate, to be scared of.

It'll be shit.


No, you make one fatal error. You are comparing Clinton supporters with Bernie supporters. That is incredibly incorrect and it makes me shudder. You should compare Clinton to Trump supporters---ie., the entire republican party has sided with him, minus a few who will vote third party. Clinton supporters are exactly like that. Bandwagon, that's me! Not to degrade them but put a D in their mouths and they are happy.

On the other hand, Bernie supporters have more integrity and are tired of the funnel-effect of the lesser of two evils bullshit whereby more evil comes to our voting booths.

So yeah, maybe 1% of Clinton supporters will be mad and vote elsewhere (Like Jill) but what, 25% of Sanders will? Yeah...not quite the same.


I don't know any more, I think those hypothetical match up poles that have Bernie beating Trump by a higher margin than Clinton don't take into account the fallout from the only way he could be nominated now, if nearly all of the super delegates decide to overturn the result of the primary. And that would seriously piss off the majority of Democratic primary voters.

If it actually went down that way, I don't think Bernie would be up in the poles given how many Clinton supporters would feel cheated and betrayed by the party. I know that's ironic since Sanders supporters already feel that way, but overturning the primary is an epic level of shenanigans that would eclipse anything done to Sanders.

The only hope for a Sanders nomination is if Clinton implodes in the next 3 weeks, like by being indicted. Otherwise I think the best he can do is what he's been saying, try to affect the party platform.


So...basically what you admire about him he must then throw off in order for you to be happy with him? I am not sure you understand what morals and values are. As Jon Stewart once said of the Republicans, morals and values are not morals and values if you change them when the situation changes! Those are whims and fancies!


I so admire Mr Sanders.

That might be shaken after the Dem Convention, if he doesn't strongly endorse Clinton.

Because it isn't just politics at this point -- it is a two way horse race with passions running high.

I have to self-soothe by endlessly repeating -- it is a loooong time until November. It is a very looooooog time until November. There is enough time for Sanders to do what he says at the very beginning of this interview -- EVERYTHING HE CAN TO DEFEAT TRUMP.

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