Another Idiotic Crime Committed in America


>> ^Darkhand:
I wonder where this was shot?

From YouTube: Approximately 9 days ago in Baltimore, Maryland an adult male standing on a sidewalk was surrounded by a group of young adult males and females. One of the females who looked like she was just wearing panties and a tee shirt started grinding her fat ass into the guys crotch like she wanted to get penetrated. One guy in a grey beenie starts creeping up to the victim on his right then two guys with white shirts are right next to him on the left. The taller one, Aaron Jacob Parsons reaches into the victim's front right pocket and grabs something before the guy could stop him.


You know what? I bet these punks get more time than Zimmerman will.

Another thing; this is not a hate crime. They even address the guy as a "nigga", basically bringing him to their level.

Anyone who looks soft will be a victim in the rough hoods of Baltimore. It's only news here because this particular victim is white. Black people get robbed, beaten and shot in Baltimore regularly.


I questioned whether I should have titled it a hate crime myself. When I think about it violating someone like this shows lack of empathy and I think that gets replaced with hate. I do not understand what else you could call it. I did not include racism in the title or tags because your right could of been anybody. I just think hate tends to fit a bit better. Anyway it is a very depressing video and I debated with myself for posting it and I do not know whether this type of video inspires more or less empathy in people.


The thing is, your subtlety notwithstanding, "hate crime" implies something to most viewers that is not present in the video. On top of that, when you call it "another" hate crime, you are implying some relationship to some other high profile case.

On another note, lack of empathy does not equal hate. Does a lion or shark "hate" its prey?

An all around misleading title.


Considering the guy was targetted for no othwer reason than his Race,and that they were enjoying themselves humiliating and hurting him,I would most certainly call this a Hate Crime. Possibly not the technical definition of Hate,but it wasn't Love that motivated these people to screw with someone just standing around minding his own business. And if it means the guilty go away to jail for a longer time,even better. They not only filmed the crime but uploaded it to YouTube so they can share it with their friends!

Isn't life tough enough without things like this happening? Out for a good time? Wonderful. Just don't deny that to others. No mercy shown,no mercy given.



His race has nothing to do with his victimization. There are some hard white dudes in Baltimore that would not have been touched by this crowd of cowards. As I said, a soft target in Baltimore will be victimized, and most of 'em (the victims of crime in Baltimore) are black.
>> ^TheDreamingDragon:

Considering the guy was targetted for no othwer reason than his Race,and that they were enjoying themselves humiliating and hurting him,I would most certainly call this a Hate Crime.


>> ^longde:
Anyone who looks soft will be a victim in the rough hoods of Baltimore. It's only news here because this particular victim is white. Black people get robbed, beaten and shot in Baltimore regularly.

it's not news because he's white, it's news because it was filmed. personally i would have the same reaction regardless of what the victim or assailants looked like. we know things are worse all over the world and crazier shit happens but this is a weird, somewhat unique, and horrible victimization.


So I watched the video and I read the comments, and I wouldn't call this a hate crime. However I would label this gang violence. Now even if these people that did this aren't affiliated with any given popular gang it is still an organized attempt to commit a crime. You can not claim ignorance in the fact that this was all planned and placed together all at once for the purpose of stealing this mans wallet. The man went after his wallet to get it back, and then received a punch to the face. This was a violent response for wanting his property back. So please by all means anyone who says that this was crap please go some where you feel threatened, alone, get robbed and punched out, and see if you aren't ready to fight about it too. So in summary..........Shut up if what you have to say is ignorant or just plain stupid! Thanks and have a great day.


Happens often enough; where are all those national stories?

And for you to level such a broad accusation, you have to show some proof/evidence/facts. Where are these videos you speak of where we without reason mislabel a hate crime?

>> ^chilaxe:

If the ethnicities were reversed, everybody above saying it's not a hate crime would be saying it's without a doubt a hate crime. It'd also be national news.


>> ^longde:

Happens often enough; where are all those national stories?
And for you to level such a broad accusation, you have to show some proof/evidence/facts. Where are these videos you speak of where we without reason mislabel a hate crime?
>> ^chilaxe:
If the ethnicities were reversed, everybody above saying it's not a hate crime would be saying it's without a doubt a hate crime. It'd also be national news.

On the other video, you said: "This crime has nothing to do with race."

"Nothing to do with race" seems to be going a bit far, but the general argument could be reasonable.

If we believed in those standards, we'd apply them to the Trayvon Martin case.

We'd say the critical factors in Martin's case weren't about race, because Zimmerman's black neighbor said he'd have done the same thing, and any teenager who presents himself to the world as being part of gang culture would have a problem in a gated community that's having a problem with crime.


In this case, I stand by "it has nothing to do with race". In the equivalent situation (Baltimore, black thugs/gang, drunk victim) put a black person in the victim's place and nothing changes. Actually, they may have killed/maimed the black victim. The white dude got off light, for Baltimore.

Anyway, they don't scream racial epithets. There is no evidence he was targeted due to being white.


I say the Zimmerman case is about race because of Zimmerman's history of profiling black males as criminals. Even the black neighbor who praised Zimmerman said he was uncomfortable walking in his own neighborhood because of the profiling. That's pretty damning in itself.

I say it's about race because Zimmerman's only rationale for pursuing Martin with a loaded gun was his appearance.

I say it's about race, because Zimmerman on the 911 call called Martin a "coon".

I say it's about race due to the (in)actions of the police:
-A homicide goes down and the admitted killer is let go after a couple of hours due to his word in the absence of video or consistent eyewitness accounts? No thorough investigation while they held him? When have you ever heard of that happening? I have black friends who have been wrongly held for days on much less serious allegations.

-The victim, a young teenager, is not identified for days. On that night, the police didn't even canvas the community he was walking in to find out who he was. Can you imagine that happening to any of your teenage friends/relatives? I would think anyone would assume a normal teenager would have concerned parents worried about his absence. And at least look in the most likely place for the parents: the immediate neighborhood.

-They've corrupted the chain of evidence so much, the case had to be taken out of their hands

-This department has a history of mistreating blacks

Plenty of evidence and observations that can't reasonably be explained any other way.>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^longde:
Happens often enough; where are all those national stories?
And for you to level such a broad accusation, you have to show some proof/evidence/facts. Where are these videos you speak of where we without reason mislabel a hate crime?
>> ^chilaxe:
If the ethnicities were reversed, everybody above saying it's not a hate crime would be saying it's without a doubt a hate crime. It'd also be national news.

On the other video, you said: "This crime has nothing to do with race."
"Nothing to do with race" seems to be going a bit far, but the general argument could be reasonable.
If we believed in those standards, we'd apply them to the Trayvon Martin case.
We'd say the critical factors in Martin's case weren't about race, because Zimmerman's black neighbor said he'd have done the same thing, and any teenager who presents himself to the world as being part of gang culture would have a problem in a gated community that's having a problem with crime.


The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.

Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.

Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.

But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.


No, you get the same result. It could be young Obama, and you get the same result. That's the thing about racism: it is based solely on appearance. Any interpretation of behavior is influenced by pre-conceived bias.

Also, stop blaming the victim! You can pull up facebook photos and youtube videos of young people of every race imitating rap stars. It doesn't make them gang affiliated.

>> ^chilaxe:

The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.
Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.
Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.
But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos, and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.


It was 65 degrees that night. I've lived in florida, that is not "fucking cold" weather.

Edit: I looked at the other link, and this other expert claims Zimmerman says "fucking punks". So two enhanced sound tracks with two experts with two different conclusions. Doesn't sound like an exact science to me.>> ^chilaxe:

The audio has since been clarified, but even in the beginning the "coon" claim was speculative.
Zimmerman campaigned in the past on the side of African-Americans in his community against the local police department. For some reason that gets left out of these narratives.
Science is best left to data, which is always more interesting than evocative narratives that pick and choose.
But the point is that nobody can change that you can put any gang member or someone who thinks of themselves in that way in a gated community and you get the same results. And on the other hand, if you put Herman Cain's son (2nd from right) there, who probably doesn't have a gold grill and gang-like tattoos and doesn't like to fight, you get entirely different results.



Right, the exact science is that people can't claim they know he said something in order to support a pick and choose narrative.

"It doesn't make them gang affiliated."

Right, but people will use their brains and assign a probability that if you look like you like gangs, you might be involved in illegal activity, as Trayvon was.

"That's the thing about racism: it is based solely on appearance."

Definitely... appearance including attire, body mannerisms, linguistic mannerisms, and signals of what culture they belong to.

When Chris Rock says he looks over his shoulder at the ATM at night, he's not looking out for guys who look like Obama or Herman Cain's son.

(Advice for smart people: Be proactive and design your appearance and personal culture based on what works, not on what will make life harder for you.)

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