AVAILABLE NOW! Jason Mattera's New Book: "Obama Zombies"

Jason Mattera's new book "Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation". Available at all major online book outlets!

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 2:33pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter blankfist.


So this Mattera guy thinks that this video helps support his cause? It just shows him asking some dumb inaccurate questions and then not letting Franken have a chance to answer properly. Personally I think Franken comes off better than the Mattera jerk.


Believe it or not, I saw a clip of this same douche on O'Reilly and even O'Reilly of all people called him out on the Senator Smalley comment, telling him he was being disrespectful and shouldn't expect any kind of answers if he treats him that way.


Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.


But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.

You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


What the f is wrong w providing a reasonable amount of time for pumping? He shows that passage like it's an absurd legislative demand. Wouldn't it be more absurd if employers didn't allow women to provide for their newborns?


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.

You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)

>> ^NordlichReiter:

Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Actual jungle gyms are pretty much a thing of the past in the US. They're too 'dangerous.' Good luck finding monkey bars anywhere anymore. The things they have now are just huge blocks of plastic with tubes that are probably worthless for getting your little beasts exercise. Raaaaage!


Probably the most misleading title I have ever seen for a video here. Franken dosent DESTROY anybody, and don't get me wrong I'm about as lefty Canadian as they come, but christ, give this an accurate title. Like "Franken Smacks Down Douchbags Question". I Expected to see Franken give an eloquent response to a nut-jobs question, and instead got the typical politian sidestep of the question by questioning its phrasing (albiet called-for in this case).


Mr. Franken *DID* smack down this guy. The man asked a question that was incorrect to begin with. It was based on incorrect reading of the passage. Then, he tried to interupt Mr. Franken on several times just as the man is thinking of how to explain and explain it. Maybe, this man should get a wife and have a kid, before asking what the benefits are of breast-feeding and jungle gyms. He shows how clueless he really is of his own question.



The provision Mattera himself reads refers to giving grants to "provide physical activity opportunities" in order to reduce chronic disease. After falsely claiming that the bill contains a provision "giving $7 billion to fund jungle gyms," Mattera reads the provision he's referring to, which contains no mentions of "jungle gyms." In the "Creating Healthier Communities" portion of the Senate version of the bill, under the section "Community Transformation Grants," entities receiving grants may use them toward activities such as "creating healthier school environments, including increasing healthy food options, physical activity opportunities, promotion of healthy lifestyle, emotional wellness, and prevention curricula, and activities to prevent chronic diseases."


The interviewers intent was to get an answer on a illogically conceived question stemming from the way he interpreted the language in the bill, then fails to allow Franken the opportunity to answer.

And this guy is a reporter? FAIL.


Haha, he wasn't looking for answers - he was looking for a sensationalist confrontation: however, HE was the one bringing the confrontation.

What a terrible, TERRIBLE tool.


Wait guys, how does fighting a nationwide obesity epidemic that is one of the leading contributors to cost of the health care system help our health care system? I don't get it!


I can't believe that guy thinks he's onto anything at all; he obviously doesn't stop talking long enough to think about his own question. That's a cause=effect equation embedded right in it. What a moron.


wait, so are you against people having their jobs protected while they take a short sabbatical to care for a family member?
are you against having a place for women to pump breast milk on their breaks?
we need to talk.

>> ^NordlichReiter:

Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


This man's website doesn't allow for comments, wonder why? Maybe because he is a either a loon or a con man.

PS. I would rather pay $1 in taxes than $2 for healthcare. To say your taxes pay for jungle gyms without mentioning the benefits to the cost of health care is a con or ignorant at best. Also one must remember that treating your workers like shit to save money also means that those workers will have less money to spend as consumers thereby hastening your company's demise.


>> ^burdturgler:

Worthless. This was so stupid and badly done that even O'Reilly told Mattera he was disrespectful.

Now that Fox has another crazy in town (Beck), O'Reilly has actually seemed more reasonable. Maybe he was reasonable all along but he was playing the crazy part because that's where the money is. Maybe he's just losing his touch...


The title is misleading. Franken is just, somewhat unsuccessfully, brushing off an annoying teabagger. I guess the point of the video is supposed to be that it is ridiculous to spend federal tax money on infrastructure that encourages children to be healthy and ridiculous to require employers to give breastfeeding mothers time to nurse or express milk for their babies.
I strongly disagree that either of these things are bad. I guess I could see some argument that infrastructure should be paid for at the local level, but I'm not sure it's a bad idea for that to be at a higher level. I live in a wealthy area that has lots of parks and playgrounds (and high local taxes) and this is also a very healthy and fit place to live. I would like to see kids in poorer areas have access to the same kinds of healthy living. (Though there might be more important problems to solve first, but that's a separate argument). As for breastfeeding, the US is behind other western countries in breastfeeding rates, even though this is clearly the best and most healthy way to feed babies (not in all circumstances, but usually). I think making employers give women this minimum level of support really is the very LEAST we need to be doing to encourage more women to breastfeed longer.
I think tax dollars spent to make our children healthier is good for us as a country and I'm not sure what Jason Materra's argument is, that this is a bad idea or a bad use of tax dollars.


Obviously people don't care for the "DESTROYS" part of the title, so let's vote on a new title. Please PM me with your favorite choice below:

1. Al Franken angry he can't explain bill
2. Al Franken Attacked, Frustrated. VideoSift Angered.
3. Jason Mattera's new book: Obama Zombies
4. Al Franken gets DESTROYED by Tea Bagger on Heath Care Bill
5. Republicans kicking ass!

Just kidding! Believe in Jesus! CaptainPlanet420 OUT!


Not every commercial is viral but anything that is *viral is in fact a *commercial. At least according to the Sift's definition of viral. This stunt was done at Franken's expense for the sole purpose of creating a sensationalized clip in the hopes that it would spread (as a viral video) and increase his book sales.


Right wing journalism 101:

1) Ask a political opponent an obscure question in a stairwell.
2) Interrupt them when they try to respond.
3) Insult them.
4) Then claim that they can't answer your question when they eventually blow you off.


Thanks to everyone who PMed their picks for the new title. I have tallied the votes and there's a clear winner. I'll be changing the title soon. Power to the people!


I remember when captainplanet420 pulled a bait and switch and we banned him.

That said, I think it's fun how many people likely vote without watching the video.


>> ^dag:

We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.
You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)
>> ^NordlichReiter:
Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Obesity is a choice, that will probably take a Tax to solve. I would wager that everyone is obese if they use BMI. Body Mass Index does not take into account your fitness level, nor does it take into account a persons fat to muscle ratio. BMI as I understand it is a measurement ordained by the government, because it's science! It is like going to the doctor and having them weigh you while wearing shoes, pants, and a belt. The only way to get a valid measurement is by taking all of your clothes off, or subtracting the weight of the clothes, you still end up naked. That is why fighters weigh in naked. Bah, enough on what I think about that.

Of course the US has problems with Obesity, but why should Federal Income tax money be used for that? When they could tax fatty foods, non diet soda drinks, and sodium enriched foods? Like the Suntan tax.

At the end of the year, my pocket book is destroyed by the bullshit.



No in-fact I am in favor of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_and_Medical_Leave_Act_of_1993

It is my understanding that Federal Law protects Parental Leave.

Perhaps you did not read my whole comment, only part of it?

"Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too."

I only have objection to the Jungle Gyms, only because I fucking hated those things in school! I perferred the jump ropes, hockey, and field days.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

why should tax dollars be used to prevent obesity?

Because it's smart. $1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.

>> ^NordlichReiter:

>> ^dag:
We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.
You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)
>> ^NordlichReiter:
Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Obesity is a choice, that will probably take a Tax to solve. I would wager that everyone is obese if they use BMI. Body Mass Index does not take into account your fitness level, nor does it take into account a persons fat to muscle ratio. BMI as I understand it is a measurement ordained by the government, because it's science! It is like going to the doctor and having them weigh you while wearing shows, pants, and a belt. The only way to get a valid measurement is by taking all of your clothes off, or subtracting the weight of the clothes, you still end up naked. That is why fighters weigh in naked. Bah, enough on what I think about that.
Of course the US has problems with Obesity, but why should Federal Income tax money be used for that? When they could tax fatty foods, non diet soda drinks, and sodium enriched foods? Like the Suntan tax.
At the end of the year, my pocket book is destroyed by the bullshit.


I agree. But I still like cake.

>> ^dag:

why should tax dollars be used to prevent obesity?
Because it's smart. $1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.
>> ^NordlichReiter:
>> ^dag:
We have very similar laws here in Australia- paid paternity leave as well. I support it with my tax dollars and gladly.
You frame your comment like it's outragous for tax dollars to go towards jungle gyms and paternity leave. That makes me sad. <-see?
In my experience with the US, - more jungle gyms would not go astray - for the purposes of preventative health care. (What country has the highest rate of childhood obesity - any takers?)
>> ^NordlichReiter:
Dag, perhaps if it were your taxes paying for the Jungle Gyms you might see it differently. At my workplace there is a room, on every floor that allows for breast feeding. It is also federal law to allow for maternity, and paternity leave. That's right. paternity, too.
But that said, I would rather pay taxes for this bullshit, then for those foreign entanglements.
You know the hardest thing about taxes for me? The goddamn paperwork, and all the exemptions; how the fuck am I gonna keep up with all of that shit. For me it's like getting stuck in traffic. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Obesity is a choice, that will probably take a Tax to solve. I would wager that everyone is obese if they use BMI. Body Mass Index does not take into account your fitness level, nor does it take into account a persons fat to muscle ratio. BMI as I understand it is a measurement ordained by the government, because it's science! It is like going to the doctor and having them weigh you while wearing shows, pants, and a belt. The only way to get a valid measurement is by taking all of your clothes off, or subtracting the weight of the clothes, you still end up naked. That is why fighters weigh in naked. Bah, enough on what I think about that.
Of course the US has problems with Obesity, but why should Federal Income tax money be used for that? When they could tax fatty foods, non diet soda drinks, and sodium enriched foods? Like the Suntan tax.
At the end of the year, my pocket book is destroyed by the bullshit.


>> ^dag:
$1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.

You're gonna have to back up that statistic. There are over 300 million people in the US. How many of them have been hoisted into a hospital?


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

At least 47%. I'm pretty sure on that figure.>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dag:
$1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.

You're gonna have to back up that statistic. There are over 300 million people in the US. How many of them have been hoisted into a hospital?


LoL @ Blankfist for f#@king with my head.

I want a tax for "diggers" (please pronounce that carefully) at playgrounds; remember those things with two levers you would endlessly dig in the same pile of excessively small rocks with as a kid? I want that. If this guy is gonna decide that money to fight obesity is for jungle gyms than I say SCREW HIM! I want "DIGGERS"! (again, pronounce that carefully please)


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 5:39pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter blankfist.


>> ^blankfist:

>> ^dag:
$1 spent on prevention now stops $100 in tax money spent for hoist crane to deliver fatty to ER.

You're gonna have to back up that statistic. There are over 300 million people in the US. How many of them have been hoisted into a hospital?


"effectively unmanageable, the early 21th century economy collapsed under the the strain of it's own antinomies. neither corporatist nor statist solutions worked - as state bureaucracies became driven by the need for market-like expansion, and companies took on a more socially responsible (i.e powerful) position, the two realities merged. financial totalitarianism became a reality, but combusted almost instantly due to strain on primary sources of wealth; water and food."

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