15 year old girl shreds Through the Fire and the Flames


Sooo... did she learn that from the sheet music? Or how does one go about even learning the notes to a song like this?

It seems like a lot of the tricky stuff where both hands are on the neck would be difficult to document as sheet music.





It's possible to learn it from sheet music, or more likely guitar tablature where there are special notations for string specific techniques (hammer ons, pull offs, slides, tapping, etc).

That said, if you're technically accomplished enough to play that song, you would hopefully have developed a good enough ear to learn most of it by listening to the track.


Sooo... did she learn that from the sheet music? Or how does one go about even learning the notes to a song like this?

It seems like a lot of the tricky stuff where both hands are on the neck would be difficult to document as sheet music.


This is amazing and awesome and she is very skilled but she doesn't exude that she cares about any of the notes she is playing! I know she is only 15 but I'd like to see some guitar solo scrunchy faces in there!

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