gwiz665 says...

I don't think you're a racist, even if you may be against Obama. But there certainly are many others who I think are. Not that they're against him simply because of racism, but it's still a factor. I think you can tell in the retoric used.

longde says...

Define "race card". What is the benefit of a white man (olberman) to play the race card?

I sure don't see how it benefits Obama to 'play' it. His major problem has been white resentment. In fact, I don't know anyone outside of media figureheads that benefit from accusing people of racism when it's unwarranted.

ponceleon says...

I definitely agree that saying that anyone that opposes Obama is racist is a hyperbole. That said, there are quite a lot of people out there whose opposition IS based on a fundamental racism.

NetRunner says...

Wait, where in my video does Olbermann appear? Where does Jimmy Carter say everyone opposing Obama is racist?

For that matter, was what Olbermann said literally "everyone who opposes Obama is a racist", or was it more along the lines of "might the excessive vehemence of the opposition be partially fueled by racial animosity?"

Are we no longer allowed to ask the question "what role does race play in this"? Or is it now that people have to turn a blind eye to all racially charged subtexts out of fear of being accused of "playing the race card"?

Fuck that. For all the years I've heard people bitch about how "Political Correctness" is some sort of restraint on their speech, is it any different if the politics we're being correct about become "thou shalt not ever accuse anyone of racism"? There's a good reason to be "PC" -- it's about treating other people with respect. There's no good reason to launch into tirades at everyone who ever suggests that someone's actions may have been racially tinged.

Joe Wilson probably doesn't deserve the label "racist". Do I think there's a reason to suspect race played a role in why he's so worried about illegal immigrants benefiting from reform, and that Obama's race might have lowered his inhibitions a bit when it came to treating him with disrespect? Hell yes.

Do I think the sea of older, white, southern people who refuse to accept Obama as being born in the US are all racists? No. Do I think race plays a role for some of them either consciously or subconsciously? Yes.

Do I think Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift because he's a racist? No. Do I think he was bringing racial animosity to the event, and casting undeserved aspersions on the judges? Yes.

I get why this issue is a sensitive one, but people seriously have to stop acting as though the accuser is always the one who deserves scorn.

Shepppard says...

>> ^rottenseed:
I'm really torn on this subject as I am racist but I am for Obama, not against him.
Needless to say, I'm not the most popular guy at the Klan rallies.

Huh, I thought the clan hated gays, too.

Or are you in the one that wear the pink robes instead?

rottenseed says...

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^rottenseed:
I'm really torn on this subject as I am racist but I am for Obama, not against him.
Needless to say, I'm not the most popular guy at the Klan rallies.

Huh, I thought the clan hated gays, too.
Or are you in the one that wear the pink robes instead?

Are you kidding? Why do you think we wear robes? It's easy access.

quantumushroom says...

HA! "titanic" and "icebergs"!!! HA HA! Eat that you liberal c---------s!!!



Non-Liberal: I disagree with that point of view because---

Liberal: ---IT BE RACISM!


drattus says...

This whole debate is just stupid. I had to go over this on another forum recently as well because apparently neither the media nor many of us actually listened to what Carter said. For the media the reasons are obvious, inflammatory headlines sell newspapers and boost ratings, but for the life of me I can't see why we buy into it.

What Carter said in the video I saw was "I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African American".

Now he didn't say all opposition was racist, he said the intensely demonstrated animosity toward him was. The right hated Clinton too but they didn't claim he wasn't legitimate, they weren't so insistent that he was a communist, foreign born, or that he was doing anything more than following policies and moral practices that they didn't like. They hated him sure, but there was a thread of sanity under it. They could at least explain why most of the time.

Some of the opposition to Obama these days is the same. But much of the the intensely demonstrated animosity seems to be rooted in an irrational hatred that often does seem to have connections to racism. In the video I saw Brian Williams prefaced the clip with the fact that they were discussing specific signs and events at the protests and it seemed to me to be in response to that rather than a blanket accusation as so many seem convinced it was.

Other than the fact that the media needs ratings and we tend to be a bunch of suckers who don't actually check things, I'm not sure why we're even having this debate. It certainly isn't for our benefit.

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