New TSA screening procedures

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A total of 36 votes have been cast on this poll.

(Edit: I meant to vote for "fuck off", not "get scanned.")

I'm sick of this shit. They've gone too damn far. I've been in two wars that were supposed to be about our freedom, yet they pull shit like this. At what point will it be too much? What happens when someone smuggle a pack of explosives in their ass and blows up a plane? Will they mandate cavity searches next?

Fuck you, TSA. Fuck you especially, Napolitano and Pistole.

"Look, we know the threats are real," said Pistole, who spent more than 27 years at the FBI before joining Napolitano's department as head of TSA. "Whether it's 19 individuals with box cutters, an individual with a shoe bomb, whether it's individuals with explosives in liquids, whether it's an individual with explosives in his underwear, or cargo threats, we know that the threats are real. So what steps can we prudently take to make sure that the traveling public is safe?"

Oh, and which one of those have you stopped with your procedures?

And what the fuck happened to prudent?
Issykitty says...

Our two "wars" have had jack shit to do with freedom. I hear you on that tsa bs though. It is also infuriating to see the color-coded terror alert chart STILL up at the airports. Totally worthless bs.

campionidelmondo says...

The two wars had alot to do with freedom, just not with WMDs or catching Osama.

Also, in what way do they molest you at airport security? You're not talking about getting padded down, are you? I mean that's pretty normal and not that big a deal. I don't like the scans, but not because they can see my body or anything, I could care less about that.

Croccydile says...

I still remember when discussing (well before the new body scanners, years ago) with someone about the TSA and the checks they do. He seemed to be OK with whatever they did and was of the standard "well if you are doing nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about" crowd. I had asked him "Well what if they started doing (insert unlikely scenario here) would you be ok with that then?" and he did not seem to really think that would happen. He just eventually would call me paranoid, although I think he probably imagined as secretly being a terroist. Or something. With the past week of news about the TSA now I do not feel so bad looking back.

The biggest trouble is that the TSA is always knee-jerk reaction to whatever threat that occurs rather than looking forward. They will always forever be playing catchup rather than implementing procedures that work. Shoe bomber? Have everyone x-ray their shoes... afterward. Underwear guy? Full body scans... afterward. What's next?

Granted there is no perfect solution. Regressing on the security back to the 60s would yield an incident (hijacking, bombing, etc) where everyone will just panic and demand more intrusive scans than before. Israeli level interrigations and questioning (they do high security through profiling/body language/etc rather than relying on machinery) while being skilled is impractical in the US. Throwing out the fact you would need to show up to the airport hours early it would simply cost too much for a country our size.

What gets under my skin from sheer stupidity though, is why are the pilots being subject to this? They just have to push the stick forward to be a terrorist. Going through those scanners day in and day out (when even TSA agents themselves have worried about its radiation from the outside) cannot be a good thing for them. Damn right they should be protesting this crap.

Personally? I'm really torn. If someone does The Dark Knight or uses a buttplug bomb I can only forsee flying in the US becoming The Fifth Element where everyone is simply knocked out for the duration of the flight. As much as this country puts up with I would have a really hard time believing that the average citizen would put up with downright cavity searches before getting on a plane.

Then again... I am probably sounding naive. This security theatre bullshit has got to stop either way. I'm genuinely more afraid of the TSA goons than the remote chance of someone blowing the plane to smitherines. Fuck, mechanical failure or some other fault is likely much more of a threat than terrorism.

</rant> The reason I sound pissed off is that if I want to fly I have to go through the redneck rivera TSA that is part of MCO here in Florida. I knew they were lying about the stored images from the start but what is batshit stupid is they installed the scanners there just the past week and already the images are being leaked out. Pardon the expression but Jesus Holy Titty Fucking Christ.

(Reference: This is what I read earlier today, and what just makes my blood boil. Then again when the local news website posted the story about the guy who is in hot water over refusing the scan and patdown facing fines... most of the commenters were of the "Flying is a privilege not a right" or "YOU HAVE TO DO THIS TO FLY BECUASE OF 9/11 GOD BLESS THEIR SOULS" bullshit. I guess in Florida its ok to shred the 4th amendment as long as it you are a believer.)

Fuck this. I'm cancelling my damn trip next year. I'll fucking drive.

kronosposeidon says...

I'd like to say that I'd walk, but if I'm going to visit my brother in Boston, 2000 miles (3200 km for you non-American commies) is a long way to hoof it. Shit, that's a long goddamn way to even drive. Thankfully my brother is an asshole.

MarineGunrock says...

Oh, yeah. I meant to say something about butt plug bombs. If I go through the scanner with a condom full of explosives in my ass, the scanner won't pick it up. TSA goons aren't trained to read body language, so I'll EASILY be able to get it through. Then what? Mandatory cavity searches? No, motherfuckers. Flying is NOT a privilege. Would you say the same fucking thing about taking the damn Greyhound? That riding a bus is a privilege? What happens when three malls all get blown up at the same time, and they decide to install scanners there? Are you going to say that going to the mall is now a privilege?

FFS, people.

marinara says...

Hey i'm all about standing up for right and wrong, but these TSA scans aren't so black and white. I seriously doubt they've caught even one terrorist in 9 years, but the logic is sound.

Also the system is set up to screw you. Take the WTO summit in Vancouver (i think it was this year) They charged hundreds of people with felonies. Pretty scary no?

Anyhow if you do stand up, comb your fucking hair so they can't call you schiz.

Tymbrwulf says...


I'm a frequent flyer and as much as I might agree with you being against the scans, I am not against getting patted down/searched before I enter an airplane.

Would you say the same fucking thing about taking the damn Greyhound?

A bus's manufacturing cost doesn't range from $32-$205 million.

What happens when three malls all get blown up at the same time, and they decide to install scanners there?

Certain high-risk schools have mandatory metal detectors, would you be against those as well? If a mall/area has a history of attacks or crime, I would not be surprised if they implemented certain security methods to deter them from happening over and over again.

BUT, from what I can remember, the TSA has only been a hinderence on my travel experience, and as I can only quote anecdotal evidence, I cannot think of anything the TSA has done that has been a positive influence to either travel OR safety, unless we're just talking about the illusion of safety. I would love for someone to pull up statistics on the TSA and show hard numbers on whether or not these methods are effective or not instead of conjecture and "OMG, BUT, TERRORISTS."

I'd also like to add your actual poll choices suck

radx says...

That's what I told myself when I had to go through the procedure at Hamburg airport last month. They are using these scanners experimentally, so you actually get to pick if you pass through the scanner or accept a classic pat down. As if to punish folks who don't like to be guinea pigs, they appear to be searching people quite thoroughly nowadays.

Back to the point though, the fantasy of having a young female security employee give your crotch a quick once-over makes it less unappealing. Like Jimmy Carr says, "don't neglect the balls". But that bubble bursts when reality catches up with you and some dude is manhandling your balls.

If that's the way they treat an average Caucasian guy over here, Dave Chappelle's description of police encounters might become the standard welcoming procedure after the arrival in the US: "spread your cheeks and lift your sack!".

Anyway, next time I'm visiting a friend in England, I'll take the 8 1/2 hour train ride, thank you very much.

MarineGunrock says...


"Anyway, next time I'm visiting a friend in England, I'll take the 8 1/2 hour train ride, thank you very much."

Hell, taking a 2 hour flight becomes that long, what with baggage check, security, waiting for boarding, flight, taxiing, disembarking and baggage claim. Might as well take the train.

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