glenn beck talks about pot legalization and looks foolish

I like this video because Glenn does a good job of looking like a complete moron by regurgitating mis-information about marijuana use and crimilization.

It would be so simple for me to become rich and famous in this country. All I'd need to do is throw all of my values out of the window in favor of outright lies and ridiculous assertions, followed by ad hominem attacks, then put on a suit and fill out a job application at Fox News headquarters.


It's almost as though his douchebaggery is satirical; ie, a parody on how the rest of Fox News generally acts - because he actually allows the person being interviewed to speak, and even helps him prove a few points. By "regurgitating mis-information about marijuana use and crimilization," he helps point out how ridiculous such notions are, and to the target audience of Fox News, I think that is a good thing because it may help start to change the minds those who hold more conservative views on the issue.


Why not start taxing theft? I mean, I don't like theft, I think it should be regulated. Right now, theft isn't regulated! Theft has been illegal for 4,000 years, it's clearly not working. People still steal every day. Its time for a new approach. I think we should legalize it, and tax it. It's a HUGE business!

I'm not saying that marijuana use is the same as theft, but some of the arguments presented in this video make no sense at all.

Heck, I happen to know its actually legal and lawful to grow marijuana on your own land, notwithstanding what the "US GOVERNMENT" says. They are just a foreign owned, private corporation. The problem is that no one has the balls and the brains to study fundamental law in relation to who THEY are, and who the "GOVERNMENT" is; and the apply that law in their lives.


Glenn keeps saying "let's not have a discussion about how we need money so lets legalize pot and tax it". Glenn you claim to be a libertarian...will guess what...a lot of people are not libertarian and they aren't going to support something unless there is something in it for them.

Legalize pot because this is a free country and you should be free to use pot just as you are free to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes? FUCK YOU HIPPIE!

Legalize pot because we can tax it and use that money for things I support? GREAT IDEA!


>>Glenn Beck is a libertarian - my ass.

Not all Libertarians believe in drug legalization. Just the crazy ones.

Yes, I voted for Bob Barr in 2008, and I think drug legalization is a bloody stupid idea.


>> ^ShakaUVM:
I think drug legalization is a bloody stupid idea.

Drugs are already legal, alcohol is a drug, nicotine is a drug, caffeine is a drug. There's a whole pharmacy of drugs that are legal if you get a doctors consent. There are no real scientific reasons why pot should be illegal compared to the other legal drugs we have.


>> ^tbone8ty:
taxing marijuana just because were in economic turmoil is stupid. it wont solve anything.

OK i will give you one example. It will generate tax revenue and free up police time. this would help solve the problem of defecits in the budget. am i talking. slow. enough. for. you?


Marijuana should not be illegal. The tax thing isn't an attempt to fix the economy, it's an attempt to garner more support for legalizing weed.

Weed would be taxed anyway, because pretty much anything sold commercially is taxed. People wouldn't pay tax if they bought it from their neighbor, but that's fairly normal with any small items (lawnmowers, etc).

I don't really care about the tax issue. If I still smoked and it was legalized then I'd probably grow my own anyway. I'd pay taxes on the seeds and equip, but I doubt my use would generate much revenue for the state. It would, however, save untold amounts of money from weed prohibition and prosecution.


they should regulate and tax the snot out of prostitution as well. save the raids for crack downs on the sex slave industry. clean up the profession and make it safer. i dont think america is ready for this discussion though.


Shaka -

From the Libertarian Party Platform...

"Criminal laws should be limited to violation of the rights of others through force or fraud, or deliberate actions that place others involuntarily at significant risk of harm. Individuals retain the right to voluntarily assume risk of harm to themselves."

"Individuals should be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. No individual, group, or government may initiate force against any other individual, group, or government. Our support of an individual's right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices."

Now what part of the above implies that marijuana should be illegal?

Furthermore - I'm curious as to what your reasons are for opposing legalization of pot? As a Libertarian of course.


Furthermore - I'm curious as to what your reasons are for opposing legalization of pot? As a Libertarian of course.

From what I can tell, about half of Libertarians are like me, which is to say that we want a smaller government, lower taxes, and less intervention in the free market. The other half are potheads that want to legalize drugs. It's a strange mixture, for sure.

I don't believe in anarchy. When I lived in San Francisco, and was nearly killed in a head-on collision by a person driving the wrong way down the street, I came to appreciate the fact that we have laws which tell people that they should drive on the right hand side of the street. For instance.

I've known and lived with too many drug addicts to buy into drug legalization, sorry. I've seen friends (well, acquaintances) drop ketamine and drive (and nearly died). My volleyball team in high school probably would have won the regional championships except half the team were potheads, and when they'd smoke they'd be completely useless on the field. Or any number of stories of people in the DJ club in college who dropped ecstasy (listening to a friend of mine grind his teeth in his sleep was not a pleasant experience). Or a friend of mine whose brother overdosed and died. Etc., etc., etc.

Asking the government to enable this kind of behavior is irresponsible insanity.


>> ^ShakaUVM:

From what I can tell, about half of Libertarians are like me, which is to say that we want a smaller government, lower taxes, and less intervention in the free market. The other half are potheads that want to legalize drugs. It's a strange mixture, for sure.
I don't believe in anarchy. When I lived in San Francisco, and was nearly killed in a head-on collision by a person driving the wrong way down the street, I came to appreciate the fact that we have laws which tell people that they should drive on the right hand side of the street. For instance.
I've known and lived with too many drug addicts to buy into drug legalization, sorry. I've seen friends (well, acquaintances) drop ketamine and drive (and nearly died). My volleyball team in high school probably would have won the regional championships except half the team were potheads, and when they'd smoke they'd be completely useless on the field. Or any number of stories of people in the DJ club in college who dropped ecstasy (listening to a friend of mine grind his teeth in his sleep was not a pleasant experience). Or a friend of mine whose brother overdosed and died. Etc., etc., etc.
Asking the government to enable this kind of behavior is irresponsible insanity.

Wow...such sweeping generalizations...half your volleyball team was potheads, half of libertarians are potheads, libertarians that want to legalize pot are potheads.

So lets assume that half your volleyball team were all potheads. This is while pot is illegal right? Also if pot was made legal it would still be illegal for high school kids right? So your thinking that the other half of the team including yourself would have been potheads too only if pot was legal for adults but still illegal for teens?

Legalization has nothing to do with "Asking the government to enable this kind of behavior" it has to do with treating "drug addiction" as a health issue and not as a criminal one. Just the same as we do with people who are addicted to prescription drugs and alcohol. It has to do with using our limited police and prison resources for crimes that violate other people rights and not as punishment for people who are abusing themselves.

The libertarians that want to legalize are not all potheads. I think most (not just half) just "get it"...that you don't have to personally approve of something to agree that the govt shouldn't be that involved in our personal lives making such decisions for us.

You on the otherhand are like a lot of Republicans. You don't want the govt telling you what you can and can't do when it's something you personally agree with. But when it's something you don't agree then it's OK for the govt to get those other people to fall in line with your way of thinking.


Wow...such sweeping generalizations...half your volleyball team was potheads, half of libertarians are potheads, libertarians that want to legalize pot are potheads.

What, do you want names? I can scan in the back of my '94 team t-shirt and highlight the names of the pot heads, if you'd like. And yeah, it was a bit more than half. And it pissed me off, not so much because of the legal/illegal status (which you're fixating on), but the outcomes of them being high.

So your thinking that the other half of the team including yourself would have been potheads too only if pot was legal for adults but still illegal for teens?

This is the problem with smoking pot. You don't end up making the slightest amount of sense.


>> ^ShakaUVM:
Wow...such sweeping generalizations...half your volleyball team was potheads, half of libertarians are potheads, libertarians that want to legalize pot are potheads.
What, do you want names? I can scan in the back of my '94 team t-shirt and highlight the names of the pot heads, if you'd like. And yeah, it was a bit more than half. And it pissed me off, not so much because of the legal/illegal status (which you're fixating on), but the outcomes of them being high.
So your thinking that the other half of the team including yourself would have been potheads too only if pot was legal for adults but still illegal for teens?
This is the problem with smoking pot. You don't end up making the slightest amount of sense.

If you had said that half your team were potheads that would have been somewhat believable...but along with the "half of libertarians are pot heads" and the "libertarians who support legalization are potheads" that makes you look like your pulling this stuff out of your ass.

Lets see if you can wrap your mind around this since your were so confused before (good thing your NOT a pothead).

Lets say half or even more then half the team were instead alcoholics and that too had a big impact on your team losing all those games. Do you feel that would be a good example of why alcohol should be illegal for EVERYONE? Do you think it's a good example of why people who get caught with alcohol should do prison time?

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