Zero Punctuation: Shadow of the Colossus


Their control is absolutely fine. It's a good thing your horse doesn't turn on a dime... its a horse!

if there was any gripe I had with this game it would be consistency. Its abit difficult at times to grab a spot due to its angle as the beast moves, the flying serpent being a good example. The multiple angles of the fins can suddenly cause your guy to not grab onto anything on a jump and off you tumble.

If only this game worked well in the emulators.


Some kind of javascript error is preventing this video from playing.

"303: Failed to load a resource: Unable to load resources: Error #2035"

And in the firebug console, it looks like the flowplayer script they use is getting incorrect variables.

edit - Oh, fuck you ZP. It's because of adblock. >:[ Assholes. And I already upvoted this before watching... Lesson learned.


Another game apparently I've missed out on... along with Katamari for the PS2. Then again I never had a PS2

Maybe I should hunt these down now. I tried PCSX2 for the first time last week and I was surprised that it can actually... play games quite well!


Unusually aggressive snooze button. Fantastic. Love the image.

>> ^ForgedReality:

Some kind of javascript error is preventing this video from playing.
"303: Failed to load a resource: Unable to load resources: Error #2035"
And in the firebug console, it looks like the flowplayer script they use is getting incorrect variables.
edit - Oh, fuck you ZP. It's because of adblock. >:[ Assholes. And I already upvoted this before watching... Lesson learned.

With the right version of adblock that isn't an issue.


>> ^Retroboy:

I know of a couple people that said they stopped playing this because the emotional tragedy of killing such a living unique creature as the colossi that ICO envisioned was too much for them. Gotta be one hell of a game if it involves you in its world that much.
Really wish they'd release their new one for the PC though: The Last Guardian. The intro video is stunning:

Yeah, I definitely got teary-eyed for a few of the collosi- especially the huge flying one, because he doesn't attack you at ALL! He's just flying around, completely harmless and ethereal and beautiful. You can't even get to him until you shoot him with your arrows.

There was another one that was a lot like a dog that made me really sad to kill as well.


Funny stuff. The game itself seemed like a cool concept in need of a more fleshed-out story to me though, though I know Team Ico is all about the minimalist schtick. Going from one colossus to the other made the encounters feel like less of a reward than they might have been, to me anyway. Maybe I didn't play through far enough. I think I got to maybe the 5th colossus before I put the controller down. I might give it another go.

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