Zero Punctuation Review: Clive Barker's Jericho

Yahtzee takes a long, bloody look at Clive Barker's Jericho (by Clive Barker).

Hilarious as usual.. Yahtzee is at his best when he's tearing a game apart, and he really hated Jericho, so this is probably one of the funniest yet.


I tried the Jericho demo and he's right, the game is a pile of garbage. Crysis is awesome but it crashes my computer... pretty sure it's a video card driver problem.


I didn't even make it through the demo because the damn game wouldn't let me bind the right mouse button, so it was probably the shortest time I'd spent on a demo ever.


The day that a Zero Punctuation review doesn't get sifted will be the day that I reveal what "Fjnbk" means and the day that the apocalypse begins.

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