Your Kid's Not Susceptible to Child Abduction... Right?

From Yahoo: "After getting permission from three parents who were watching their kids play in New York City parks, Saladino approached each child with his cute puppy, and then asked if they’d like to come with him to see more. Three out of three said yes, to each mom’s apparent shock."

I may be out of line, but this guy seems like a total douchebag even if based on this quote alone: "As I was thinking of extreme prank ideas, I had an idea where I would abduct a child, but I can’t abduct random people’s kids, so I scrapped the idea."

Still, this is an eye-opener.


A few things struck me as odd about that video, and then that stat at the end: 700 abductions a day seems way over the top. How many of them are by family members, false/mistaken reports, runaways? I had the impression it was more like 100 per year (I looked this kind of stuff up when my kid was born almost a year ago).

I'd be interested in seeing how many kids did and didn't go with him rather than the sample that showed his point (I know the yahoo article say 3 for 3, but I'm wary given the numbers above). Having their mothers right there talking to the guy probably made a difference too.

Generally untrustworthy video in my opinion, but it does show that kids - like everyone - easily forget what they've been trained to do in extraordinary circumstances. The trick is to make the decision come naturally using their own judgment rather than training (and no, I don't know how to do that).

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