Why Do So Many Republicans Believe Lies About Obama?


Why do so many democrats believe lies about Obama, too?
Why do so many republicans believe lies about Bush?
Why do so many moderates believe lies about their vote making any difference?
Why do so many libertarians believe lies about their vote making any difference?
Why do so many people watch fucking television?
Why do dogs lick cat's ears?
Why is the Tower of London where it is and what went on there to influence politics?


So....educated or the so-called, can't glean from a diatribe, the jyst??...Wow. Imagine my chagrin that i gotta spell it out in large colordy letters with pictures included...I am a montage, sister-some folks are simply slow.


>> ^bobknight33:

Well if you look at the people he surround himself with then you could easily conclude that this President does indeed more left than any other President. That scares a lot of Americans.

Then you don't actually know anything about those people who surround him because they're all Left of Extreme Right.


A more apt question might be, "Why do so many Democrats discuss polls from Media Matters as if they had credibility?"

To be frank about this - why lie when the truth is better? Back in the 00s, Democrats created a whole bunch of talking points about Bush, Rove & their agenda items. Horror stories of the military industrial complex, deficits, debt, neocons, and such were easy to sell to the left because there was some truth to it. Bush did hike military spending, increase the deficit, run up debt, and philosophically tilted towards pro-Israel foreign policy. There was meat on the Democrat propoganda bones. Like all demagogues, there was ridiculousness mixed in - but the core wasn't all that off the mark.

"Lies about Obama..." So far they aren't so much lies as they are very slight exaggerations. The GOP says Obama is socialist, is running up unsupportable debt, is taking over key industries, wants single-payer health care, energy taxes, illegal amnesty, and so on. So far I'm not seeing anything that disproves those as 'lies' any more than Democrats were 'lying' about Bush.

As far as I can tell, what the GOP is saying about Obama's agenda is just about spot on. The icky health care bill is indeed designed to wipe out private insurance and redistribute wealth while not saving money at all. Obama is warming up to hit the entire US with pointless energy taxes next. He's already leaking talking points for illegal amnesty. He's already 'bailed out' big labor pension plans using the TARP money, and is looking like he's out to use more funds to bail out other labor goons including the Teacher's union & state pensions. The CBO just released a projection that by 2020, 90% of the entire nation's GDP will be needed to meet government obligations. Please explain how the GOP is wrong in their analysis of Barak Obama as a radical leftist, socialist, big government tax & $pender who is well on the way to ruining the economy.


What don't we understand? We are a society built on emotion - what we feel - rather than what we think. The general populace - worker drones of the corporate empire, are controlled simply with emotional stimuli. It's the pure game-plan of the republican party (and democratic, to some extent as they see the effectiveness of this strategy). TV is the mouthpiece of the corporate world - and it's all about emoting, NOT thinking. Talking points, sex, glam, hatred, violence - these are all emotional triggers. The populace is controlled by what it feels, not by what it thinks.

Emotion and thought are two very separate things. Emotion caters to the identity, the ego. If we can separate emotion and thought, and be very very aware of what constitutes one or the other, what we are left with is pure processing power.


Please explain how the GOP is wrong in their analysis of Barak Obama as a radical leftist, socialist, big government tax & $pender who is well on the way to ruining the economy.

If the discussions were just about his policies then it might actually be productive. Yes, lets talk about national debt and the costs of federal programs... or we can just put convenient labels on people that convey negative connotations in the absence of actual debate.

How can people rationally discuss the ideas of a Kenyan Nazi Socialist? We can't listen to him, he's trying to take over the country and drive it into the ground. How can anyone vote for Armageddon Bills? It isn't difference of opinion, it's a fight against "radical leftists".

I know too many people who think Obama was born in Kenya and wants to confiscate all firearms. You can't blame that kinda stuff on bad polls.


How can people rationally discuss the ideas of a Kenyan Nazi Socialist?

How can people rationally discuss the agenda of a stupid, bible-thumping, drunken, chicken-hawk, racist sexist homophobe neocon? From Reagan to Bush to Palin - those are the lables the left applies. Conservative politicians are not engaged on the merits of policy. They are attacked with ad hominems.

Barak Obama does not discuss conservative policy. He dismisses it blythely and pretends he didn't hear it. Like when the Republicans took him to the woodshed just before the health care vote. They cleaned his clock. They beat him like a rug with his own bill. But he ignored every conservative point and said crap like "that's just a prop..." and proceeded to parade sob stories as if they justify his position.

When it comes to policy the GOP has been more than willing to talk substance. The blogosphere and talk radio are not so egalitarian, but they bring up many facts that go otherwise unreported by the left leaning news media. They all certainly are given to fits of exaggeration and rhetoical hyperbole - but since when was that uncommon in politics? But now all of a sudden "oooo - it's mean spirited". Bullcrap. The left ate, drank, breathed and slept in mean spiritedness for 8 years and now they're all offended by it? The public isn't buying it because they aren't that stupid. The left's crocodile tears ring hollow because it's just rhetoric. The right whined about it during Bush, and this is nothing more than the cycle of life in the political world.


Oh Choggie and Winstonfield, always available to help answer the question this video has asked. Why do so many Republicans believe lies about Obama? It's because people like you are ready and willing to step up to the plate and shout as loud as you can in consonance with these lies. It's not just that Fox News and the people on the network (and those like Limbaugh) have the gall to say these things, it's that people like you are here and ready to defend it.

@Winstonfield: I'm still saddended by your continued baseless bait and switch. You seem like an intelligent person (your continued choices to attempt to create ignorance notwithstanding (not just here)), and yet you don't treat those you converse with in the same manner. Here you simply assume that the poll lacks credibility and then launch into some random Winstonfield cut-and-paste bait (which looks to have worked, judging by the response and ensuing off-topic thread). Lets see you back up the claim that the poll lacks any credibility. I can't see someone like you with a modicum of intelligence really think that the best thing for you and your country (and our world) is to simply dismiss the problem that many people actually believe what both of us must agree are crazy things. And I can't see someone like you condoning the things that are said by these commentators. I really want to see the best in people. Do you actually condone what these people in the video have said?

@choggie: I have very little to say to you. You're clearly here (on Videosift) just to troll for the emotive response you get when you feel like you've insulted someone. Or that you've bested them, that you feel like you're better than them. Of course, you know that it takes a strong person to be kind to those they disagree with, or think they are better than. Also, you rail continually about other's ignorance while you yourself seek to build it. It's clear that your initial post was totally unsupported hypotheses, but when asked to show any proof you have, asked to give someone else the insight that you claim to have, you shoot down the person who asked. What does that solve? What does that prove?

@Psychologic: I think that's exactly it. There's so much dehumanizing misinformation out there.


It's not just that Fox News and the people on the network (and those like Limbaugh) have the gall to say these things, it's that people like you are here and ready to defend it.

This is a simplistic position, and one I deem vacant of true substance. In it you are wilfully choosing to ignore the many truths hanging on the rhetorical hyperbole. The real reason people believe 'lies' (as you call them) about Obama is not because other people defend the lies. It is because they observe Obama's BEHAVIOR, and conclude the lies are not so much 'lies' as they are permutations or extrapolations of truth. This is common in politics and practiced by both sides with equal fervor. So when folks come along and choose to act all offended at what is happening to Obama, it is ignored (justifiably) as partisan blindness because the very same people were the cheerleaders of such behavior less than 15 months ago. You can't have it both ways.

Like the "socialist" tag. Calling Obama a socialist isn't a lie, because his actions, behaviors, philosophy, outlook, history, colleagues, friends, training, education and policies all mark him as a socialist. So while you may take personal umbrage and chafe at the bald-faced, accusatory nature of the charge coming from those you disagree with, the vast majority of American's are able to match up his behavior with the accusation, and note that there is meat on the bones.

As far as the poll is concerned... It is a Media Matters poll. I've seen it, and as a professional analyst, dismissed it as hopelessly biased. It was designed to get the exact results it did, and is therefore invalid as an instrument. Cherry picking quotes from talking heads that most actual voters don't listen is the epitome of correlation not equaling causation.


Professional analyst lol. You throw that around a lot like it means something.

There is no "vast majority" of Americans who think that Obama is truly a socialist, except perhaps in your imagination. The Tea Party, as a movement, is a fraction of a percent of the population of the country. Even if every person who voted against him believed him to be a socialist, you'd still be in the minority.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

It's not just that Fox News and the people on the network (and those like Limbaugh) have the gall to say these things, it's that people like you are here and ready to defend it.
This is a simplistic position, and one I deem vacant of true substance. In it you are wilfully choosing to ignore the many truths hanging on the rhetorical hyperbole. The real reason people believe 'lies' (as you call them) about Obama is not because other people defend the lies. It is because they observe Obama's BEHAVIOR, and conclude the lies are not so much 'lies' as they are permutations or extrapolations of truth. This is common in politics and practiced by both sides with equal fervor. So when folks come along and choose to act all offended at what is happening to Obama, it is ignored (justifiably) as partisan blindness because the very same people were the cheerleaders of such behavior less than 15 months ago. You can't have it both ways.
Like the "socialist" tag. Calling Obama a socialist isn't a lie, because his actions, behaviors, philosophy, outlook, history, colleagues, friends, training, education and policies all mark him as a socialist. So while you may take personal umbrage and chafe at the bald-faced, accusatory nature of the charge coming from those you disagree with, the vast majority of American's are able to match up his behavior with the accusation, and note that there is meat on the bones.
As far as the poll is concerned... It is a Media Matters poll. I've seen it, and as a professional analyst, dismissed it as hopelessly biased. It was designed to get the exact results it did, and is therefore invalid as an instrument. Cherry picking quotes from talking heads that most actual voters don't listen is the epitome of correlation not equaling causation.


The Tea Party, as a movement, is a fraction of a percent of the population of the country


Once again those stubborn old “facts” just keep disagreeing with you, Knives.  The Tea Party is a huge grassroots organization that is opposed to debt. They are not racist bigots, or thugs like the left-wing hate machine is trying to teach you to believe. They’re just people. They are the silent majority who has finally spilled into the streets because of Obama’s radical, tax & spend agenda. Don’t fear them. Praise them.

Because Republicans are typically and statistically very uneducated


Once again – facts dispel this neo-lib myth. Republicans tend to be BETTER educated than democrats. Winstonfield Q. Pennypacker... One man wrecking crew to liberal groupthink.


Quoting rasmussen? You might as well be quoting fake news.

>Here's their polling method. It's laughable. 1000 likely voters? Wow, what a sample group!>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

The Tea Party, as a movement, is a fraction of a percent of the population of the country
Once again those stubborn old “facts” just keep disagreeing with you, Knives.  The Tea Party is a huge grassroots organization that is opposed to debt. They are not racist bigots, or thugs like the left-wing hate machine is trying to teach you to believe. They’re just people. They are the silent majority who has finally spilled into the streets because of Obama’s radical, tax & spend agenda. Don’t fear them. Praise them.
Because Republicans are typically and statistically very uneducated

Once again – facts dispel this neo-lib myth. Republicans tend to be BETTER educated than democrats. Winstonfield Q. Pennypacker... One man wrecking crew to liberal groupthink.


I feel I must inform you that, "Oh yeah - well - uh - you suck HA" is not a valid argument. You ask. I supply. You may not like the facts, but you have as yet supplied no information to dispute them. Wait - let me guess... These results are invalid, but the Media Matters poll talking about "What Republicans Believe" is OK, right?

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