When you miss the exit in Toronto


I feel the same. And the stupid thing is at this time of night with light traffic they could have made it to the next exit and back in 5 minutes while it took them almost 2 minutes to risk who knows how many lives.


That's infuriating. The only way i could enjoy this video is if they had gotten busted.


Five minutes to go 50 miles and back? Just how fast are you suggesting they drive?

edit - actually nevermind. I didn't pick up on her sarcasm the first time I watched.


I feel the same. And the stupid thing is at this time of night with light traffic they could have made it to the next exit and back in 5 minutes while it took them almost 2 minutes to risk who knows how many lives.


And here I came back to give you a scathing reply along the lines of what kind of major city has highway exits 50 miles apart. If you're not familiar with Toronto this the Gardiner Expressway and Rogers Centre where the Bluejays play and the CN Tower are immediately to the left in this view. The next exit is 3k. I didn't pick up that she said 50 miles, she must be American


Five minutes to go 50 miles and back? Just how fast are you suggesting they drive?

edit - actually nevermind. I didn't pick up on her sarcasm the first time I watched.


For the record drunk Canadians generally do not sound like these kids. Their voices make me want to gouge out my eyes.

antjokingly says...

He didn't checkbox VS' sarcasm box like my comment.


Five minutes to go 50 miles and back? Just how fast are you suggesting they drive?

edit - actually nevermind. I didn't pick up on her sarcasm the first time I watched.

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