Wheel of Misfortune: or Why VCR Games Failed.


>> ^Croccydile:
I remember Teddy Ruxpin being just as fiddly to get it to work right.
Wait, anyone even remember those?

I remember putting Michael Jackson tapes into my Teddy Ruxpin and watching his mouth move as I imagined Michael was raping my booty hole.

*truth been altered for dramatic effect


Nice. So the only purpose of the tape is to tell the hand-held game which puzzle to load. I remember several VCR based games...and how terrible they were.


>> ^sporocyst:
Nice. So the only purpose of the tape is to tell the hand-held game which puzzle to load. I remember several VCR based games...and how terrible they were.

Yeah... I'm kinda wondering why we needed the VCR at all. Just put the games in the handheld.


How unnecessarily complex that was. So, yeah, the VCR did, um, well, nothing other than tell the handheld unit what puzzle to display (how did it do that? A camera looking at the screen?). And nothing else.

Basically it would seem, from the age of the VCR in the clip, that this was just trying its darndest to cash in on the latest fandangled VCR craze.

The ones that I remember being advertised where... oh, can't remember the name, like DungeonMaster or CryptKeeper or something. You can get it as a DVD game now. But they actually used the video for something I think.


>> ^spoco2:

The ones that I remember being advertised where... oh, can't remember the name, like DungeonMaster or CryptKeeper or something. You can get it as a DVD game now. But they actually used the video for something I think.

Are you thinking of AtmosFear? Man those games were awesome, you "MAGGOT"!


>> ^spoco2:
How unnecessarily complex that was. So, yeah, the VCR did, um, well, nothing other than tell the handheld unit what puzzle to display (how did it do that? A camera looking at the screen?). And nothing else.
Basically it would seem, from the age of the VCR in the clip, that this was just trying its darndest to cash in on the latest fandangled VCR craze.
The ones that I remember being advertised where... oh, can't remember the name, like DungeonMaster or CryptKeeper or something. You can get it as a DVD game now. But they actually used the video for something I think.



>> ^Friesian:
>> ^spoco2:

The ones that I remember being advertised where... oh, can't remember the name, like DungeonMaster or CryptKeeper or something. You can get it as a DVD game now. But they actually used the video for something I think.

Are you thinking of AtmosFear? Man those games were awesome, you "MAGGOT"!

You got it, yeah, AtmosFear. Never did play it, but man was it heavily advertised when I used to watch cartoons of a morning

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