WTF was Dell thinking??? Wait for it..

Dell commercial trying to be like apple

Wow, this is quite an involved fake Dell ad.

"Fake? Fake you say? Mufflefffufflefuffle... this can't be Fake SIR!"

Oh, but it has to be.

The site that the Vimeo account links to has no legal text on the site or the source. Dell would never make a site without a ream of legal guff on it. The Tumblr account for Clayton only has pictures going back to last month.

I'm sure his name is an anagram.

The Vimeo video page has nowhere near enough information.

The video shows him having issue using touch gestures, they'd never let that through.

It's pretty nicely done, and will fool a lot of people. But not me sir, no, not me, I'm so very smart


Wow at first I thought it was corporate bullshit beyond satire, then dell being very funny but incredibly cynical about the creative/computing angle.. but I guess it's some angry guy doing an amazing fuck you to both!


Pretty sure the fat naked old man farting powder might also be a small hint, I dunno though, I'm not an expert.
>> ^spoco2:

Wow, this is quite an involved fake Dell ad.
"Fake? Fake you say? Mufflefffufflefuffle... this can't be Fake SIR!"
Oh, but it has to be.
The site that the Vimeo account links to has no legal text on the site or the source. Dell would never make a site without a ream of legal guff on it. The Tumblr account for Clayton only has pictures going back to last month.
I'm sure his name is an anagram.
The Vimeo video page has nowhere near enough information.
The video shows him having issue using touch gestures, they'd never let that through.
It's pretty nicely done, and will fool a lot of people. But not me sir, no, not me, I'm so very smart


I hope this PARODY highlights how tenuous a link there is between what brand of computing hardware/OS you choose and what you employ it for.


The mans butt is an analogy for Apple. The powder is the FoxConn workers being blasted into the air and then scattering to the ground. The gross obesity is symbolic of Apples enormous excess. The perception of self sophistication is a portrayal of the Apple user community.

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