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westysays...seems to be the only real lagitimate good use for an Ipad is for realy young kids and very old people.
siftbotsays...Moving this video to mrsid's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by lucky760.
yellowcsays...While I'm sure the iPad hate will spew forth if the video gets popular enough. I'm going to upvote and say, it's a beautiful thing when someone who may of rejected most forms of technology, finds something that can improve their livelihood.
Raaaghsays...God dammit America. Not everything needs a soundtrack.
RedSkysays...Seeing someone born before WWI, use something so technologically advanced in comparison just makes you wonder about the kind of technology we have in store for us in the years to come.
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Bravo, Commercial, Music) - requested by Fusionaut.
Sarzysays...How is this a commercial? If anything it belongs in the viral channel, though I really doubt Apple has anything to do with the production of this video.
siftbotsays...This video has been removed from all channels (Femme, Commercial, Bravo, Humanitarian, Music, Geek) due to invalid channel assignment - nochannel invoked by Sarzy. Please review the FAQ to learn about appropriate channel assignments.
Adding video to channels (Bravo, Femme, Geek, Humanitarian, Music) - requested by Sarzy.
Deanosays...Watch how she trolls YouTube now.
Deanosays...Watch how she trolls YouTube now.
therealblankmansays...An old woman hundred years ago born,
using her iPad felt completely reborn.
She had some good times,
and composed with it rhymes.
Now watches she very much porn.
Psychologicsays...I think I understand the iPad now... it's the Wii of personal computing.
ponceleonsays...Okay, I think the iPad is not really going to catch on en-masse, but that was both *cute and *happy and made me smile. I like happy old people. Upvote
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Cute, Happy) - requested by ponceleon.
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'apple, ipad, old lady, first computer, limmerick' to 'apple, ipad, old lady, first computer, limerick' - edited by calvados
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