Vietnamese Tactical Third Floor Infiltration (Like A Boss)

Hostage Rescue Exercise. Ben Tre, Vietnam

It's not often that *quality and *skillful police work is also entertaining rather than infuriating.
Also, reminder to self....when taking hostages in Vietnam, be sure to be on at least the 5th floor.


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They'll just show up with a longer pole.


It's not often that *quality and *skillful police work is also entertaining rather than infuriating.
Also, reminder to self....when taking hostages in Vietnam, be sure to be on at least the 5th floor.


Yeah, I was thinking of the music from Life Aquatic. YouTube search: "life aquatic rescue scene".


I like to think that they actually play this music in the background while doing this, blasting through loudspeakers.


I hear the American Army's set to pay three billion for ten of these.

Seriously, though, it's pointless on the first floor, a ladder would work better on the second, and from the fourth on up it won't work at all. You're really badly exposed (especially after all that careful wall work getting into position) and the guy climbing has very little recourse if he's noticed before he clears the balcony (needs both hands to climb, can't duck back out of sight, he's a sitting target).

Skillful, yes, but it's more of a circus act than a practical method of entry.


Still cool.


I hear the American Army's set to pay three billion for ten of these.

Seriously, though, it's pointless on the first floor, a ladder would work better on the second, and from the fourth on up it won't work at all. You're really badly exposed (especially after all that careful wall work getting into position) and the guy climbing has very little recourse if he's noticed before he clears the balcony (needs both hands to climb, can't duck back out of sight, he's a sitting target).

Skillful, yes, but it's more of a circus act than a practical method of entry.

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