Ventura VS. Piers Morgan on 2nd Amendment & Gun Control

It looks as if Great Britain is becoming more like America by the minute as of 3 months ago.
Morgan here is served his dish back cold. Who is this douchely anyhow??

-his argument(s), all of them, completely without merit??.."Idiotic? " 99% of Europeans?? "FUCKING INSANE?"
Please?! Culture ain't adjusted overnight and certainly not with new and improved laws. Laws about what people MUST do rather than what they can't do man, c'mon??

Sell that shit to the Swiss and the Israelis!


When a person says something like "they can defend themselves against oppressive government" as a reason for gun ownership, you know they're a nutter.

...As if some stay-puff monster with "Mr. government" is going to roll down the streets and you're going to spontaneously gather a makeshift dad's army of rednecks to thwart it.

fwiw, I also find it pretty amusing of the argument that americans should be so proud of the strength of their democracy, holding it up as the benchmark by which all others are to be judged, while at the same time so scared that their government might turn tin-despot dictatorship at any moment.

Also, do people not find the notion terrifying that its got to the point that an argument is being seriously tabled that the only way to stay safe is to have at least one person carrying a gun whenever people gather, just in case someone rolls in deciding to waste everyone in the place ? Isn't that the very definition of addressing the symptoms, not the cause ?

Lastly, as an aside. Yes, cars are dangerous and when you allow anyone to drive a lot of them drive like crap and think it's ok to drive high or drunk. It's almost as if we should work on removing humans from the equation. Oh, we are.


The argument of "I keep my rifle so I can kill senators and congressmen should they do things I dont like" just sounds so fucking utterly wrong.

This is whats wrong with the gun laws in the US, it props up idiots and idiotic arguments like this.

Dont get me wrong, I like Jesse, all round good guy....but on this? Its bullshit, hes dead wrong.


Since when is a firearm not a viable option to use against oppression? Not all firearm owners are fat lazy shits, but even if they are, they can still fight, especially if their life life depends on it. Take a look at the world. People are killed, imprisoned, and tortured by oppression every day. What country do you live in that you think that everyone in it will be permanently safe from that?


The historical example I've been thinking about is the Black Panthers. In the long run, MLK clearly did more for the plight of their people. However, in the immediate circumstance, it could be argued that they were legitimately defending themselves against oppression from law enforcement. I don't like violence, but to pretend there is no legitimacy to defense against tyranny by an armed populace ignores history. I'm a lefty, and I probably agree with most sensible proposals to mitigate the damage caused by guns. That said, "gun control" is a poorly defined term, and I'm hesitant to draft legislation immediately in the wake emotionally charged situations like this. It begs for unintended consequences and legislation that's grounded in emotion rather than empirics. Radical independence is, like it or not, an ingrained aspect of our culture. You can't, e.g., "take the guns" (ATF kicking down doors) without begging for a civil war. As your fellow unarmed citizen, I'd beg you not to go on that suicide mission. More reasonable measures, e.g. closing gun show loopholes, stricter CC licensure and possibly even bans on sales of new ARs are possible. However, I think it's important to grapple with the reality that there are already more guns out there than could ever be practically corralled.


On a website with so many video examples of nut-job police officers abusing their power and showing an extreme lack of good judgement, I find it ironic that so many are willing to give them ABSOLUTE power by surrendering our rights. The constitution and the bill of rights are meant to protect us from abusive governments.

Almost anytime power shifts from the people to the government, it's scary.


btw, I believe 99% of europeans watching this think it is Jesse Ventura and the people cheering his idiotic arguments that are FUCKING INSANE


Buy all the guns you want, the government has the A-10 Warhog and the AH-64 Apache Helicopter. Your pea shooter ins't going to do shit.

The 2nd amendment is a lingering anachronism.


Americans: Your 2nd amendment is antique at best, moronic at worst, and you're just fucking wrong on this subject. It's a FACT. Change your laws, stop acting like paranoid idiots, and shut up. You're wrong. The numbers show it. PERIOD.

The stupidest of arguments on this issue? Ventura's argument at 3:20. If I was there I could have stopped him before he killed those many people. If you had gun control, that guy woulnd't have had access to weapons in the first place.


Fuck you Jessie Ventura. You used to be cool. Goddamnit, you were in fucking PREDATOR.

Now you're just a 911 truther nutjob and worst of all, you made me agree with Piers Morgan! I will never forgive you for that.


What law would stop gun violence? There are plenty of laws now but they don't protect you. Do you think another law will do the trick?

You are seriously going to rely on the gov't to protect you? lolololololol


There is a nice part of Yes, Prime Minister regarding nuclear deterrent that outlines my position quite nicely.

See, your government isn't going to sell you to slavery overnight. More likely they'll strip your rights away bit by bit. How do you protect yourself against that with a firearm. At what point do you organise a militia to overthrow the tyrants, and tbh...why hasnt it happened yet? I didn't see many gun owners defending themselves from say, the patriot act or demanding that money be out of politics while waving a 9mm around.I like the spirit of the 2nd ammendment, I think europeans are perhaps too complacent, I just don't think its really practical. Its a law from another era.

As for school shootings etc. Well, correlation doesn't equal causation. Other countries might have less firefarms and less shootings, but we also don't lock up 1/7 of black men. Some shootings you can definitely see that gun control would probably have prevented it, but you can see that if somebody really wants to kill, and spends time planning it then they're probably going to find a gun somehow.

I do think that guns raise the stakes on a lot of non-violent crimes that can turn fatal though. Neither the homeowner or the burgler want to kill the other, but both fear that the other might pull the trigger first. Its a sort of prisoners dilemna where really the only winning option is to shoot first and ask questions later. Maybe with less guns swimming around you'd get less twitchy fucks shooting black kids carryin nothing more than a bag of skittles. I don't think it does anything as a way of deterrent either, desperate people do tend to somewhat ignore all risk.


I'm sorry, but this guy was willing to kill his own mother to get a firearm. We HAVE gun control. He was REFUSED a purchase. If someone is willing to kill their own mother to get a gun, you aren't going to stop him without "taking the guns." That physically can not happen in this country. It is untenable. You would be looking at civil war and your (our) side would lose.


Americans: Your 2nd amendment is antique at best, moronic at worst, and you're just fucking wrong on this subject. It's a FACT. Change your laws, stop acting like paranoid idiots, and shut up. You're wrong. The numbers show it. PERIOD.

The stupidest of arguments on this issue? Ventura's argument at 3:20. If I was there I could have stopped him before he killed those many people. If you had gun control, that guy woulnd't have had access to weapons in the first place.


And who exactly is piloting those aircraft against their own citizenry? Is it the "guvment"? You realize that isn't like a thing right? You aren't really painting a picture of a realistic rise of tyrannical regime. More likely they'd start it off by collecting everyone's weapons. Then they'd park ARs on every street corner. Most of these guys that are armed, or "prepping" are former servicemen themselves. Methinks you overestimate our military's willingness to fire on their own people.

Further, the issue more has to do with corrupt local enforcement, or fear of economic collapse (in which case, who knows who's piloting the death from the sky). Do you think the black panthers were completely unjustified in their show of force? Should they have allowed racist policing of their neighborhoods?


Buy all the guns you want, the government has the A-10 Warhog and the AH-64 Apache Helicopter. Your pea shooter ins't going to do shit.

The 2nd amendment is a lingering anachronism.


let's fight muskets with muskets against a tyrannical government!
err, assault rifles with drone strikes or atomic weaponry... hmm..

Why do these defenders of the 2nd amendment fail to remember that the coordinated militia is as emphasized as the the right to bear arms?

criticalthudjokingly says...

I need my gun to protect myself from immigrants who want to steal my job, but also just in case I need to overthrow the federal government too. I know there are only a few black people in my town, but I feel sure that they are planning on looting my house once the opportunity presents itself. I'm pretty sure that if those toddlers were armed with AK-47's instead of crayons, that shooter would have thought twice before entering that school. Roll Tide! Let's get rid of the schools instead of guns 'cause they are teaching science over creationism and this is god's way of punishing I was homeschooled by my pastor who likes guns and kids too, and the 2nd amendment guarantees my guns, but not teacher unions, which are inherently evil and probably to blame.


My personal favourite bit was when he said that guns are needed to stop tyrannical government. And as an example, when Ferdinand Marcos took over the Philippines, he ordered the population to surrender their guns.

Hang on, am I the only one who sees the massive, glaring, written-in-10-meter-blinking-neon flaw in this argument?

If the Filipino populace were so armed that Marcos was afraid they would rise up against him, how did he get to be a dictator? Where was the massive populous uprising that prevented his dictatorship?

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