Valentines Day Proposal Goes Wrong

Some poor guy plans an elaborate Valentine's Day proposal in front of a live national TV audience and stadium full of people. It doesn't go well. (From Break)

Thats the loneliest man on earth right there, at least he quickly turned to the drink, nothing cures loneliness like alcohol


if you're feel that you simple HAVE to propose to someone... make sure, make double sure, no. Make quadruple sure that she's going to say yes. otherwise you are totally screwed in public.


Ha-ha - they jinxed it! Well, go *femme girl power I guess. "I was just joking when I said that - you know that."

>> ^moodonia:
Thats the loneliest man on earth right there, at least he quickly turned to the drink, nothing cures loneliness like alcohol

That's true - I wonder if they had that beer on hand to console/celebrate already? I imagine so.

RPS argues that computer games, however, can be just as effective as alcohol - with less liver damage!


he obviously needs someone to draw him a map if he goes through all the trouble of proposing on center court and still gets rejected. Can you say pnwned?


I'm with coolhund, for some odd reason I just immediately thought there would be a gender discrepancy here. Not saying she was hideous (though there was something wrong with her teeth) but something about her said guy to me


Damn, that stings!

Well, actually, my hat's off to her for having the guts to say no despite the consequences. At least she's honest (worth a whole lot in my books). Also, like others have said, the guy really should have known better. You don't stage that kind of thing unless it's in the bag.

I also want to say *eia, because that would be funny, but Sifty won't let me.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'basketball, proposal, no, houston, rockets' to 'basketball, proposal, no, houston, rockets, fake, hoax, pr stunt' - edited by Krupo


Tags amended based on the definitive proof offered by coogcheese.

coog, I hope what you're saying is true, as I don't edit zifnab's, or anyone's tags lightly


This is fake. I live in Houston and it was all over the am sports talk some time ago. The Rockets staged it for goofs.
Ha... I knew it. Just the way she reacted, and ran off down the player's run was all too much like acting.

Still, for those who ACTUALLY do this... you kinda deserve to be rejected. It's like going 'Gee, I LOVE sports... I can incorporate my marriage proposal into my SPORTS... that'd be Awesome... for me... don't give a rat's arse for what she thinks, but I'll love it... DUDE!'


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